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Realistic or Modern ~ Love Letters ~ | Romance and Relationships | Open

Discord OOC?

  • Yes

    Votes: 6 75.0%
  • No, here is fine

    Votes: 2 25.0%

  • Total voters


◢ Kitty ◤
Everyone's thought about it. About writing down your deepest feelings and giving them to the person in question, to afraid to see their reaction face to face.

The fabled love letter.

Now it's time for 6(+) Boys and Girls to take the chance and send their inkwelled hearts off into the wind.
The plot is free-form but here's the premise. Each character will have a crush on another character, it doesn't matter what their age(18+) or gender is. The first post will be the letter they send to their crush and the second post will be everyone's responses. What happens after is up to them, do they go directly to the sender and talk about it? Or maybe they had a crush on someone else, maybe they're gay or vice versa, maybe both do like each other and they talk, or perhaps the letter wasn't signed. There are so many routes to take [I'm also thinking about my character holding a party which would get everyone in the same area]

It will start with 6 characters but we can always expand, have as many characters as you want, as long as it's a full paragraph (5+) sentences per post (preferably 7-8+)
Characters can be artists or bakers, baristas, teachers, club owners, you name it. These jobs and roles will give us places to hang out and make the town feel more lived in, as I will expand it as we go along.

Wanna join?

Character Sheet (Click here)

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