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Realistic or Modern Love Game


Social(ly-inept) Butterfly
"I wanna kiss you...

"...But if I do then I might miss you babe...

"It's complicated and stupid~

"Got my ass squeezed by sexy Cupid...

Guess he wants to play,

A love game"

You and a number of others have given up on the idea of true love for varied reasons. That being the case, you've been volunteered by friends and family to take part in a flirty competition that they're confident you could win with your nonchalance and stony heart. ...Or, perhaps they're rooting for you to lose, hoping you'll find reconnect with your emotions and find love. Either way.

You'll stay for a summer (4 months) on the woodsy and scenic private property where this event is organized. Upon arriving, you will attend a brief orientation before quickly moving on to your new residence - a landscape cottage with two separate bedrooms, a bathroom, and living room - where you will meet your partner. The object of the game is to make the other 'fall in love' firs; meanwhile, being sure to keep your own feelings, or lack-there-of, in tact. The last person left without admitting to any feelings wins the game. All couples will be monitored for confessions and so on (no worries, though - a fair amount of your privacy has been taken into consideration).


"Do you want love? Or, you want fame?

Are you in the game?


Dans le love game?"


Dana Lawrence arrived on the private property after a long plane ride and a bus trip here. Who knew that the loading alone of her three suitcases, two duffel bags and carry on would be such a hassle. She couldn't wait till her car arrived here. Life would be so much easier. She wanted to drive it here but it was too far. She wouldn't have gotten here on time if she had. She had been uneasy ever since her and her car were separated.

That car was her greatest love. A 1967 black Chevy Impala. She worked on the car herself. It was her Baby.

She stretched, her body sore from sitting for so long. She took in her surroundings, admiring the view of the lake from where she stood. She was dressed in a little flowery sundress which seemed to match the theme of the outdoors. She wondered who her partner was. She chuckled. This was going to be a piece of cake. She didn't believe in true love. The simple reason being was that it didn't exist. That or she was immune to it. She had been hanging out at a bar with some friends when she had seen the offer for the game. They dared her to go for it, knowing quite well about what she thought of love. Naturally she accepted. She couldn't help it.

Her brown heeled ankle boots made tiny clicks on the cement ground as she walked or rather struggled into into the Orientation building, attempting to have all her things in the building in one trip. She hoped she looked more graceful than she felt. Her long hair got caught on the zipper of her duffel bag. She silently cursed to herself. She had to drop all her things and untangle her hair which took a good 15 minutes before she actually got inside the building. She hoped nobody saw her little mishap.
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Wattana couldn't help feeling a little uneasy as though he had arrived a bit early, pulling into the parking lot and noticing the lack of cars filling the spaces... Unless that many people actually traveled in via public transportation. He shrugged off the thought. After parking, he got out, pulling out a large suitcase and then a mid-sized duffle bag from the back seat. Once shoving his keys into his pocket, he pulled out the flyer that had been stuffed into the duffle bag and was now rather crumpled... but it was no matter, it still served its purpose.He looked from the piece of paper in his hand up to the scene before him. Maybe this place looked a little swankier than he had imagined. Shoving the paper back where he'd got it from, he proceeded toward the resource center.

His purpose for being here still went over his head. He knew his father had nothing to do with this, really - the man was much too hardworking and tired to care. His mother was the one who prompted him to participate, which was more than likely a way to get him out of the house so she could take a break. She was constantly scolding him, labeling him a 'bad boy', fussing about the various girls he had over - even the ones who were simply his friends, as well as the too frequent stumbling in late after school. ...At least she didn't really have that to worry about too much anymore, though. Well, maybe to a degree, but, moving forward, things would be a little different with college in comparison to high school, even if he'd probably still be at home at least for this first year.

Contrary to the idea most have of 'bad boys', he was actually quite studious...when he wanted to be, anyway. Admittedly, he was somewhat of a slacker, but he was no dummy. Though, he did prefer having a good time over books any day... but... that was most teens, right? So, was he really a bad boy? He wasn't one to think too much on titles, let alone fulfilling their stereotypes. Then again, people seemed to shape him into the stereotype with their minds just from looking at him. He was a bit coarse; rude, blunt, a bit pompous, judgmental, and could be all-around summed up as a jerk. Yet, he was crafty with words; he knew just what people wanted to hear, how to say it, and when to say it, even how to 'act' it, if necessary. He had a mind for figuring out how to reach goals orienting himself or things relative, and had no shame in that, even in the event that a couple of people were pawned in the process. He recalled, as his mother was shooing him out the house once again to make it here, that she had said something about "using his talents and interests elsewhere to do something at least somewhat productive." ...So, maybe that's what landed him here...

By the time he made it to the proper room within the resource center, it was empty and the hostess still seemed to be moving around and orienting things alongside the staff. He quietly slipped in through the doors and sat in a seat off toward the back, even if the group of chairs that had been set up were probably less than 4 rows deep anyway. He sat his duffle bag in the empty seat beside him and pulled up his suitcase to lean at his side as he sat. He brushed a hand through his dark hair with a content little sigh as he pulled out his phone and waited. Regardless of how the game had practically set up the couples to fall for each other, this still seemed fairly easy to him.

Sarah stepped down from her truck and straightened her plaid shirt. She'd paired it with black leggings and brown ankle boots, not caring if she looked like a "country bumpkin." Sighing, she looked toward where she'd be, hopefully, spending the next four months. Two large building sat close to the parking lot, and she could just barely make out a few cottages set further back.

Walking around her truck, she let down the tailgate and pulled her two bags towards her. Sarah had packed a medium-sized duffel bag and a large rolling suitcase. Hooking her duffel over her shoulder, she walked to the orientation building. Or at least she hoped it was. Entering the room, she saw a guy and another girl. Quickly averting her eyes so as to avoid small talk, she settled in the second row, seat closest to the door. After this orientation was over, she hoped to make a quick escape to her assigned cottage.

Chloe sat in her black escalade and started to fix her make up, she noticed at least three people walking the building so she figured it was time to go in. She got out and fixed her strapless white dress which only went just above her knees, she hated the facts that she was so short so she decided to wear her black 3" heels. She opened the back door and grabbed her two large suit cases and headed towards the building. She walked into the orientation building and walked in the room noticing the three people had already arrived. She just picked a random spot and sat down, she took her phone out and opened her camera to make sure her hair and make up was still on point. Chloe was a little nervous about this whole situation, she really was not sure exactly what to expect. Both of her parents actually don't want her to win, they want her to be happy and find someone that is going to make her happy. Just sitting in the room she figured it was not going to be as easy as her parents had thought.
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Adriana parks her little Ford Ranger, going around to the back to get her bags. There were two of them, rather large suitcases, along with a backpack full of hair things and makeup. She wasn't quite sure why she'd brought it all, she usually doesn't do anything to her hair besides curl it, and her make up look consists of three shades of eye shadow, eyeliner, filling in her brows, and mascara. Shoving her keys in her small purse, Adriana adjusts her over sized sweater so that it was no longer hanging off her shoulder, picked up her bags, and headed into the Orientation building.

The lacy hem of her dress brushed her thighs as she walked toward a seat in the back. Four others were already there, three girls and one boy. She ignored them all, wanting only to get to her cottage. It had been a long drive, and Adriana was quite tired. With a small, inaudible sigh, she puts her curls up into a loose bun and waits for her assignment. Idly, she wonders who she'd be sharing the cabin with. Whoever it was, she wasn't concerned about it. Adriana was absolutely sure she would win this silly love game. No one had even made her heart beat faster since... him... and she had been with a lot of people. Romance wasn't romance for her anymore. It was a bit of fun and some sex, and when the night is over, she'll never see them again. Easy.


Josiah Hawley

What do you mean I have to participate in a love game show?" Josiah asked as he replaced his suit with a more casual attire. He donned a plain white polo shirt, with the sleeves rolled up, black trousers, and red Converse sneakers. "It's only going to last for a little while. And by little, I mean--eh-- around maybe the whole summer? Who knows, but this is important for you, for us. So, Owlee, go in there, smile, and win this thing, eh? We're sure you'll win. A hundred percent positive. Plus, think of the publicity that we can get for our local theater, and the prize if you'll win." Liam, his boss, playfully punched his shoulder, while going on about how the rest of the crew are also rooting for him to win. Josiah shrugged and shoved his hands into his pockets as he nodded at Liam. Truth be told, Liam is the nicest guy he had ever worked for, even though the man keeps mispronouncing his name, invading his privacy, and is crazy about becoming the next big thing in movie directing (even though he is technically a non-existent entity in the movie-producing realm).

Sure, I'll think on that. And it's Hawley, not Owlee, Mr. Wilkes." "Oh yeah, about that, the game starts today so you have to go. We already signed you up for it boy. Two backpacks filled with your stuff are already strapped to your motorbike out front. Now, go. Go. Else, you're gonna be late." With a smile and a wink, Liam ushered him out of the dressing room. "And whatever the prize is, remember to share it to us here when you win!" It took five whole minutes before Josiah's brain completely registered the fact that A.) Liam had signed him up for something (days, or even months ago) that he hasn't even approved of yet, B.) The man might've committed a crime by sneaking in his apartment to gather his things. Because how else could he have done that, and C.) He doesn't even know what the prize will be. Josiah rubbed his temple as he walked towards his bike. If he's going to be completely honest with himself, he has no other option but to ride there and get in the game. Liam and his co-workers has high hopes for him, and he can't just let them down. Even though technically what they did was kind of a douchebag-ey move. But he still loves them though, so no other options. With a sigh, the blond plugged the keys in and revved up the engine.

After parking his motorbike at the nearest parking space available, Josiah took a deep breath, ran a hand through his hair, prayed for the availability of pizza, and slung a backpack on each shoulder. Going to a game show after pulling an all-nighter working is a pretty bad idea, and all Josiah wanted to do is to take a seat and have maybe a drink or two. But he dutifully reminded himself that he has to get focused and be in shape, else he'll zone out and miss all the important stuff. After suppressing a yawn, he made his way towards the information and resource center, where he heard the orientation will take place. It actually looks pretty neat in here, he thought, as he walked across the woodsy area towards the front door. Once inside, he took a quick glance of the other contestants, then took a seat all the while praying that he won't fall asleep.
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Alysa parked her white Mazda 3 into the parking lot not worrying about having the closest space but trying to just be atleast a space away from everyone. Probably the most humiliating thing would be to be eliminated or"fall in love" with someone only to find out they were playing with your emotions this entire time then bang your door into someones car and have to walk back inside to tell them. Oh god. Alysa thought. Whenever she was nervous she would think of the worst possible scenario. Why be nervous? she thought, I'm going to be the defensive player in this game. Everyone will be flirting away trying to make everyone fall in love with them while Alysa would be simply smiling and being polite and focus on how to make her partner's words not matter to her. Eventually her partner would probably just pretend that they liked her to get away from her. Well, its not the most pleasant ending but hey, atleast Alysa won't get her heart broken again. At that thought, Alysa checked her phone to see if Zach had texted her or atleast liked one of her instagram photos right? Nope, nothing. Well, maybe its for the best. They probably won't even have cell service or turn in off once they get inside. Just like all those stupid summer camps Alysa was forced to go to by her parents.

Alysa needed to admit; they weren't that bad. They weren't bad at all. All they ever wanted was for Alysa to have the best childhood she could. And they did; well the bullies, they were Alysa's fault. She wished that she didn't spend all those years conditioning herself to be polite and quiet just because of some dumb third graders. But now it took a long time before Alysa showed her outspoken, confident self to everybody. That's why shes here isn't? If her roommate just left her alone then she wouldn't be here. She wouldn't be about to face 11 other people who are probably going to be all over eachother and so loud. so out there. so confident. Alysa's heart began to race and her thoughts were going a mild a minute.
Breath. My god Alysa, you're not gong to be that dumb girl who is crying in her car before she even gets into the orientation room. You can cry in your own little cottage in the shower and no one will have to see you or hear you. Just as Alysa's tears began she wiped them away and just took a deep breath.

Right after, a boy rode in on his motorcycle a pulled in across the lot from Alysa. Okay, more people were coming in now she should go. Always best to be punctual right?
Right. she thought. Alysa waited until she saw that the boy had gone into the room across the yard to get out of her car. As she got out of the car Alysa's blouse got caught on the door hinge and once she pulled on it, it came out with a small black smudge on it. Alysa knew she shouldn't have dressed so fancy. She was wearing a long maroon blouse with short sleeves and her favorite black, leather pants. It was fancy for her atleast. Her black converse crunched against the gravel floor as she walked over to open the trunk. She brought out a big rolling suitcase along with a small black back pack. She was surprised that this was all she needed for an entire Summer stay, but she was sure she forgot something but couldn't put her finger on it. She closed the trunk and went back to the drivers seat. Grabbed her keys, sunglasses, and phone charger then took a last look at herself in the rear window. I can do this. She smiled and got out, locked the doors, and started walking to the orientation room.

When Alysa opened the door she felt a million eyes were going to be staring at her. But they weren't. No one even seemed to care.
This is going to be easier than I thought! Alysa grabbed a seat in the end of the second row as far away from everyone else as possible yet not far enough to seem rude. The chairs, and the whole set up seemed like a weird AA meeting: Woods Edition. Alysa just imagined it, "Hi my name is Tom and its been two weeks since I used sap from my oak tree outside to make moonshine." Imaginary Tom said, as everyone nodded in sympathy. Alysa chuckled a little to herself and a few people turned around to see what was so funny. "Oh, I'm sorry." Alysa mumbled and internally cringed. Okay maybe this isn't going to be so easy, people already think I'm a freak.
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Punk and Gothic metal was blasting out of his radio, as the young male drove over the highway. He couldn't care less for the looks he could as he sang along, though he was quite a good singer. It was more his choice of music, in such an expensive car and probably the way he looked. And maybe the fact that he was going way over the speedlimit. Again. That was something he couldn't care less about as he switched lanes frequently to avoid having to bring down the speed. He liked speed, he liked danger and he loved the thrill that came with it even more. He was a wild boy, a bad boy, a player and a flirt. He was all the things mothers didn't want to see their daughters with, and to be fair, the mothers probably never saw this guy. Once he was done with a girl, they were simply casted aside. He didn't do the relationship stuff, the boring love stuff. No, only the chase, the flirting and the sex and once that was done, he was gone.

Sebastian flipped on his sign signal, flipping off the dude behind him as he took the exit right on time. The road quickly changing to a more rural once, forcing him to take the speed down if he wanted his car to survive the ride. So the 'love game', just another thing he had signed up for just to annoy his perfect stepfather. Ugh, how he hated that male, how he hated the way his mother had changed with him. He rolled his eyes as he pulled up to the parking lot, his bright red Ferrari quite a show compared to the other cars. His fingers turned the music down a few notches, before he killed the engine. For a moment he enjoyed the view around him and the music that had continued, before eventually getting out of the vehicle. He was probably late, but that didn't matter to him. You just didn't tell Sebastian Vuori what to do, what to wear, how to act or when to show up. He had his own plan and he was gonna live up to it.

The blackhaired male swung his sports bag over his shoulder, which was mainly filled with pants and sketchbooks. He didn't wear shirts, and today had not been an exception. After all they were suppose to make eachother fall in love or something? And how better to do that than showing off the great abs he had? Some might say he was arrogant or vain, yet he wasn't. Not really at least. The looks he got were nice, but he didn't do it for that. He just didn't like wearing shirts, they were... restricting and totally unnecessary. He sauntered over towards the building they were expected to gather, taking his sweet time to get a feel of the place they were gonna stay for the upcoming days, weeks even. A relaxed smile lay on his face as the place was perfect for little dates, yet also for his more artistic side. He pushed open the door, too bad, they hadn't started the opening speech yet. So much for a dramatical entrance. He let his bag fall to the floor, pulling a chair towards him. His darkbrown stare not focusing on any of the people that had arrived before him. Somehow acting a bit cold or distant seemed to lure women in and here, here he was gonna use all the tricks he had.

Nick drives in his car towards the camp. He knew he was late, but what bothered him more was the fact he had to take the highway. To him, the highway was filled with too many cars and too many idiots. The more he started thinking about it, the more Nick started speeding up on the road in hopes to get off it quicker. If there was another route to the camp, he would've taken it, but the GPS didn't show any other route. He scowls pushing the sunglasses up into his hair, "Stupid ass highway." Just as he said that a car decided to cut him off at the last minute making him hit the brakes. After a few seconds of catching his breath, he muttered to himself, "Stupid ass karma." Nick shakes his head and starts speeding up again.

When Nick finally arrives at the camp, he looks around. It was woodsy, but it was comfortable. Originally, he didn't want to go, but Henry kept insisting. He kept telling him that he needed some space from the bar and needed to focus more on his personal life. Henry was the elderly man he took him in when no one else did. He respect him more than his father-- Actually, he respected anyone more than his father. However, he does consider Henry as his father and values his opinion more than anyone else's. So he thought why not do what the old man says and see where this game takes him. He steps out of his black
2013 Chevrolet Silverado and takes out his black backpack and a suit case. He looks at his truck, it was perfectly clean and without a scratch. If there was one thing Nick enjoys more than anything else in the world, it would be trucks or big cars. He enjoys the feeling of being above smaller cars. Nick never really liked being so close to the ground. Besides, to him him a pick-up truck is more handy than a smaller car.

Nick turns off his engine and gets out of his car. He looks at his reflection in the side mirror of the car, Nick had on his black jean jacket, plain grey shirt, black boots with matching jeans, and a black beanie with his hair messy underneath it as if he brushed it with his fingers at the last minute. Oh, and don't forget his signature- his glasses. Earlier before getting off the highway exit he decided it switch to his dark frame glasses. Nick is ofteen never seen with some type of glasses on. They are one his favorite things to wear out of all the things he has. He didn't really look like a nerd with them on, but he could pass off as intelligent with them on. Nick enters the resource center and sees the others there. He doesn't say a world, but takes a seat by the girl wearing a maroon shirt. He looks at her confused when she chuckles to herself, but shrugs talking in a quiet tone when she apologizes, "It's fine, don't worry about it."

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The staff seemed to clear the small stage and the small suited woman adjusted the microphone to her level before stepping up to it. She gave it a few rapid taps before speaking "Testing... testing..." and tapping a few times more.The sound came out through little black speakers on the floor. In such a small place, it made sense that the setup was so simple, but at the same time, it probably wasn't necessary at all...

The woman on stage took a step back and made a few light coughs into her sleeve before clearing her throat and stepping back up to the mircophone. "Hello there, everyone. I'm Sabina Krupin. Welcome to The Love Game!" Her voice was casual, but with cheery undertones, and her hot pink painted lips bore a soft smile that stretched into the occasional grin when she spoke. "I hope you all have come with skills prepared to win... or, perhaps, lose. Whatever your goal may be, I wish you the best in achieving it." As she spoke more now, it was easy to pick up on her light accent... Russian, possibly? "Your prize, although not yet revealed, has been determined. How it will be distributed, however, is still in the works. That's no mind for you all, though, right? As long as somebody gets something." She chuckled, though it quickly faded.

"Remember, while this is a game about wit and strategy, it is above most about learning, following your heart, and making tough decisions. I met my husband, Kazimir, through a similar competition. So, it's obvious that I lost, but I won in a different sense. ...After all, it is just a game. If we all must be sure of one thing, though, let's keep in mind the purpose a game serves: fun and entertainment. The fun must never, ever be omitted, so enjoy yourselves to the fullest." Her lips curved into a playful smile. "...And, don't forget, our ears are always listening."

"In any case, there is a table in the lobby next to the resource desk with your cottage keys on it in little envelopes for you to pick up on your way out. Each envelop has your name and cottage number on the outside. However, each cottage also has a sign out front with the residents' names on it to make getting settled even easier. Any important information you may need about places here and emergency procedures are located in the lobby as well in racks on the wall. Any time you need your refrigerators re-stocked, just bring your grocery list with your name or cottage number on it and $20 to the front desk and they will take care of it. ...So, without further adieu, let the fun and games begin, shall we?" After her longer than expected speech, she stepped down from the microphone and the staff immediately began swarming again.

OOC: Also just thought I should mention a couple of things I didn't before as possibilities:

  • A 'couple' can leave their cottage [whether they both get eliminated, or choose to dismiss themselves, and so on]
  • Love may develop 'cross-cottage', so not just limited to the partner they're paired with

@Lorelei Winchester ; @sarahbella ; @Tsiwentiio ; @giraffesarebetter ; @R O S E N R O T ; @PaigeofMyBook ; @DarkiusHeavenstein ; @Myla
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The moment the speech ended, Dana stood up and began the task of placing the all her bags in such a way that she managed to carry them all at once. She carefully made her way into the lobby and grabbed her envelope with her name and cottage number on it. It looked like she was in Cabin 4. She walked out of the building and toward the cottages. When she reached her new temporary home,, she stopped for a moment to read the name of the residents. She saw her name and scanned downward and saw the name "Sebastian Vuori"


^^ Tess Dole ^^

Tess was getting impatient. She honked at the person in the car in front of her and swore a few times. She checked the clock for the what seemed like the 100th time that minute. She was already late. As always. She pulled down the panel above her head and checked herself in the mirror once more. She checked her teeth and picked out a small black poppy seed that had been lodged between her two front teeth during her lunch.

Finally the traffic cleared up and she sped to the building. She parked her car and ran inside, only to find the orientation hall being emptied of people.
"Shit.", she muttered under her breath. She watched as they crowded around a small table and joined them. She pushed to the front and examined the cards on the table. She found the envelope with her name sloppily written on the front with a number 1 below it. She turned and exited the building, and began hunting for cottage 1. Her heart began to race.

Chloe grabbed her bags and headed out towards the lobby to where the keys were, she waited a few minutes to open the envelope mainly to move out of the way of the others that wanted their envelopes. She opened it and looked " Cottage 2, Josiah Hawley " Chloe looked at it for a minute then started towards the door. While looking for her cottage she was looking around at everything. She did notice some of the others walking around looking for their cottages too, she finally came up to her's. She pulled the key out and unlocked the door and walked in.

@R O S E N R O T


Alysa listened closely to the directions and nodded throughout the woman's speech. She always tried to make an effort to smile and nod when someone was speaking in front of a crowd. The worst thing to Alysa is when she'd get up to recite something and all she saw was blank cold, dead faces. Okay, here we go! Alysa thought to herself as people began to leave the orientation room. The group swarmed the table with the envelopes so Alysa just took a few steps back and waited patiently. Finally when she thought she could sneak in to grab her card she made her move. Though there was still a crowd so Alysa chimed into the chorus of mumbling with many 'Excuse me', 'Sorry!', and 'Pardon me!'s. She finally grabbed her card after getting her toe ran over by someone's rolling suitcase.

'Cottage 3 ' Alysa looked around and followed where the other contestants were going because she honestly had no idea where these cottages were. She finally made her way to a small yard with 6 cabins forming a bit of a semi-circle around a fire pit. Well, Cottage 3... so it must be right in the middle! She thought as she walked straight threw the yard up to a door. 'Cottage 3 : Alysa Liu & Wattana Khalay' an engraved sign on the door said. Alysa quickly looked around to see if anyone was coming straight toward this cottage. Great! No one yet, so I get to pick the bedroom! Alysa chuckled to herself at the thought of a new clean house to live in. Her rooms were never neat because she continually forgot to pick up after herself. So this would be perfect for her, a new start. Alysa fumbled with the envelope to get to the key until she finally dropped her bags on the floor and accepted that this needed two hands. She gripped the key in her hands and not-so-gracefully unlocked and opened the door.

The cottage had oak wood floors that seemed to be recently polished. There was a small burgundy love seat in the middle of the room facing a flat screen TV. To her left there was a small kitchen equipped with all of the essentials. Alysa walked over to the book case on the farthest wall away from her and decided to see if there were any good books.
Romeo & Juliet, Pride & Prejudice, Jane Eyre, Gone with the Wind and many more filled the shelves. I suppose they only included classic romance novels for a reason. Alysa suspected as the door suddenly opened again to reveal her apparent partner.


Adriana listened to the Russian sounding woman halfheartedly. She'd already noticed the table full of envelopes, and didn't really need further instruction. Take envelope, get keys, go to cottage. The girl waited for everyone to be off and on their way before approaching the table and finding the envelope labeled "Adriana DiMarco" and grabbed it. "Cabin 6," she mutters under her breath, going back to her seat to collect her bags.

The large suitcases strained her arms, and by the time she made it to the log cabin her shoulders were hurting from the weight of her stuffed full backpack. Adriana stops briefly to read the cabin 6 sign. "Jayden Regene... was I paired with a girl?" She says out loud. The only Jaydens she had ever met were girls, and if she was begin honest, most of them were sluts as well. The brunette drops her suitcases with a relieved sigh when she reaches the porch, opening the envelope and unlocking the door. It appears she was the first one there. Adriana drags in her suitcases, placing them on the bed in the room that was on the side of the cottage not facing all the others.

Unzipping them both, and placing her backpack on the floor with a thunk, Adriana begins to unpack. Taking her sweaters, dresses, and skirts, she hangs them up in the closet, and places her jeans, shorts, shirts and undergarments in the dresser. Her shoes, she throws haphazardly into the bottom of the closet. She takes out her toiletries and places them on the bed before zipping up the now empty suitcases and shoving them underneath. From her backpack, she took out a set of the Song of Ice and Fire series, and places it on top of the dresser. She props up the books with the box she had put her jewelry in, although she only had a few bracelets and some pairs of earrings. Then, taking her toiletries and her backpack, she went to find the bathroom.

She put her shampoo and conditioner, shaving cream, face wash, and razor in the shower, taking up most of the available space, before moving on to what was in her backpack. She first took out a hairdryer, a curling wand, three attachments for said wand, and a straighter, which she puts in the topmost of the two drawers. Her hairspray, dry shampoo, and mousse come next, and she places those behind the sink. Finally she takes out a black box full of her makeup, and places that in the corner of the vanity. "There," Adriana says under her breath, taking her backpack and placing it by her bedroom door. "Now, I can relax..." Taking the first book, she stretches out on her bed, and begins to read, not even realizing when her roommate comes in.

Jay walked up to the cabin he was assigned to. He just wanted to meet the girl. And the girl he noticed, scurrying around the cabin taking up three quarters of the space they were given, annoyed him.

"You know. You didn't have to pack as if you were going away for fifty years" Jay said in a slightly annoyed tone as she rushed back to her room. One of his few ex girlfriends took up a lot of space at his house, even though the girl didn't live with him. He had to live with her.

Another thing that annoyed Jay, was that on the sheets, he noticed his name was spelt wrong. It was Renege, not Regene. He rolled his eyes as he walked to his room setting his, rather small, duffel bag in the floor, making sure it made a loud sound as it landed then walked to her room, leaning against the door frame.

"I'm Jay Ren. I hate my full name because I sound like a female. So just call me Jay Ren." Jay informed the girl. She was reading, but he made sure he heard her. He was tired, and a bit annoyed by her taking of space. He liked space. "I'm not very good at the dating thing, by the way" he said with a slight shrug "you have a lot of stuff in the bathroom by the way." He said, but its not like she would care.

"So, why did you pack so much?" Jay asked raising an eyebrow, "its like you packed your whole wardrobe."

Jay was sort of a grumpy guy when he was tired, but he was sweet. Also very awkward.

((On mobile by the way :( Tapatalk no longer works, so my posts might be short and I feel bad for that))

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Adriana looks up from her book and rakes her eyes over her new roommate. "Adriana," she says, in lieu of a proper introduction. Listening to Jay talk about how much stuff she has, she smiles. "Well, I plan to stay until the very end, baby." Her words are sweet as sugar and her eyes hold a flirtatious quality as she regards him. "As for my bathroom stuff, I will admit that I lacked the foresight to bring a basket for the shower. Feel free to put it wherever."

The girl swings her legs over the side of the bed, placing her book spine up beside her. "I don't think any of us do the whole dating thing well. That's why we're here." She says, raising an eyebrow. Once again, her eyes move over him. Dark brown curls, a nice tan, and a lot of tattoos. Adirana could see herself taking a nice roll in the hay with him every once in a while. "What's your story?" She asks him, standing up and moving toward him. Jay was a bit taller than her, she notices as she passes him to sit on the couch, in the living room.


(No problem and lol sorry I spelled the name wrong I didn't look at the CS to double check)

Josiah Hawley


The blond was overly proud of himself for lasting the entire speech without dozing off for even just a minute, even though the corner of his lower lip has been bleeding profusely since he started biting on it to keep himself awake. If he had to be completely honest with himself, he was so focused on keeping his eyes open that he had missed the entire speech, which is an irony in itself. The speaker could've been speaking in an entirely different language, and he wouldn't have noticed. But it didn't matter, because the stinging sensation from his bruised lip is now keeping him half awake, and Liam had told him a bit on how the contest worked. I just have to not fall in love right? he thought, as he slung on both of his backpacks and followed to wherever the other contestants are going. Seems easy enough. I'll just sleep and eat the entire summer. Yeah, awesome plan. Apparently, the others are picking up envelopes with the keys to their respective cabins. After wiping at a thin trickle of blood from his lip with the back of his hand, Josiah grabbed his envelope, tore it open, and pocketed his key.

The cottages were easy to find. They were easy to find not just because it's only a short walk from there to the orientation cabin, and that the cottages are spaciously built and grouped nicely together, but also because Josiah simply followed where the other contestants are going, to save himself the trouble. Once he reached his assigned cabin, he took a quick glance at the residents list. Cabin 02 - Chloe Mitchell & Josiah Hawley. As the blond started fishing for the key through the trash in his pocket, an image of a young woman with long, blonde hair, tanned skin, and a face with heavy makeup, popped in his mind. All Chloes I've met looked the same, he thought with a cringe. It's like they've been massed produced in a Coachella factory or something.

With a shrug, Josiah Hawley turned the key to the cabin, and kicked the door wide open with the heel of his sneakers. "Special delivery to cottage number 02!" He exclaimed as he waltzed inside and plopped both of the backpacks he had been carrying on the floor. "Your order of one roommate is now delivered. His name is Josiah Hawley and he's a good guy, a hundred percent guaranteed! If you don't think so, then too bad because returns are not accepted." Without looking up, Josiah rummaged through one of the bags, and was impressed when he found out that Liam had packed his favorite beanie. "He's of twenty-one years of age," he said as he pulled his beanie on, "he loves pizza, and--" he bent down again to pick up his bags, "blood might or might not be clotting at his lower lip but please ignore that. It's nothing. Really." With a grin, Josiah finally looked at the young woman who he was supposed to be rooming with. But instead of long, blonde hair, tanned skin, and a face with heavy makeup, a petite young woman with wavy, brown hair, and green eyes, stood before him. "Wow, I was way off," he accidentally said out loud.

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Chloe Mitchell

Once Chloe walked in, she started looking around, figuring out where everything was. She was almost back to the entry way when she heard

the door being kicked open, it startled her so she stayed where she was. As soon as he started talking the first thing she thought of was
oh boy, this is definitely going to be interesting, it's all okay if he's cute. If not god help me.

She finally decided to walk out, she looked at him at first she couldn't see his face because he was grabbing something.Once he stood up straight

she still really couldn't see his face
good she thought just looking at him. Once he finally looked at her she smiled, thank god he is not ugly.

Chloe looked at the floor for a second then picked her head up when she heard him say "Wow, I was way off" She raised her eyebrow

His cuteness level just went down a few notches

She folded her arms and walked a little closer to him, " Off about what exactly?"

Normally she wouldn't have asked and just ignored it but since she had to live with this guy she defiantly had to know

what he thought of her, first impressions are very influential, and he was not starting off to a good start.

@R O S E N R O T

When the welcoming speech ended, Sarah waited in her seat for the rush of people to go by. When she saw an opening, she slipped out of her seat and toward the table that held the keys. After a few moments of searching, she saw her name. Grabbing it gingerly, she escaped from the crowd before she looked at the name of the person she was paired with.

Finally, I can breathe, she thought as she stood off to the side. Sarah looked down and read her partner's name and what cottage she was assigned to. "Dimitrio Alvarez...Cottage 5." She mumbled. Sighing, she headed for the row of cottages, looking for the one that had her name on the sign. She was walking rather slowly when she found cottage six, so she sped up, knowing her cottage would be next.

Taking a deep breath, she walked up the steps to the door. Sarah pulled the key out of the envelope and fitted it into the lock. Bracing herself, because she didn't know if Dimitrio was in there yet or not, she opened the door. Empty. "Phew." She let out the breath she was holding in one rush.


When the hostess began speaking, Wattana finished up what he was doing on his phone, then casually slipped it into his pocket. He brushed a hand through his dark hair with a content little sigh as he listened intently. Regardless of how the game had practically set up the couples to fall for each other, this still seemed fairly easy to him. As soon as they were told that they could get their keys and head to their cottages, he stood and loaded his dufflebag back onto his shoulder and his suitcase handle in his hand. His mind began swirling with thoughts about which girl in this room was his partner and he curiously scanned the crowd.

Having to glide over names as he looked for his key on the table, he made note of the girls' names. Most were fairly basic, some cute in his opinion, but still basic. He wondered if the girls would befit their names. Just from looking around, he could tell already that theory was more than likely so; the standard for girls here seemed above average...and the more there was to appearance, the less there was to the person. This wasn't all cases, but it's typically how this goes. He started filing out after the others, making his way to find his particular housing, as well as his partner.

Girls? Most were his friends, or 'pets', as he called them. His few (only enough to count on one hand) female friends were ones he actually possessed a bit of concern for, the ones that drew him away from his selfishness. They were the ones he truly trusted, respected, and had wholesome fun with. Pets were the clingy, fan-types that doted over him like a prince. Anything Wattana wanted, they gave him. They were the ones primarily for having fun with, for using in any way he sought, and, well, they let him. Sometimes he wondered, though, how they could be so blind. Sometimes it made him think, 'She can't be that ditsy; she must be playing along.' And to those who were playing along without his knowing, who thought they were using him in turn, more power to them. He didn't mind one bit... This, though, this was obviously going to be different. This was a game and he was going to keep on his toes and play his cards right. Oh yes, he was going to watch this girl carefully. How fun? [No, really. No sarcasm intended - this was going to be fun.]

Once he spotted his cabin, he could see a dark haired girl in the distance already approaching the door. As he neared, he saw her enter and close the door. It wasn't much longer before he made it to the door himself. Doubting she had locked it, he tried the knob and was successfully able to push the door open before dragging his things inside. He was momentarily stunned when he first saw how...nice everything was. Yes, it was small, which he expected, but still much nicer inside than he had anticipated. Swanky for a place in the woods, huh?

Out of the corner of his eye, though, he caught movement and his gaze now focused on the dark haired girl he had seen in the distance earlier. "...Alysa..." He murmured, recalling the name on the sign. He softly closed the door behind him then turned to look at her. Although she wasn't visible in the ideal fashion, his eyes gave her a once-over before he spoke. "Hey there." His lips curved into their signature grin.


Well, fuck.

Dimitrio managed a sheepish smile, darting away from the now empty orientation meeting in embarrassment. He was completely at fault, and he knew it- but the little lady behind the cash register at the 7/Eleven was too much of a tease. He was running late around that time anyway, but he thought he could still flirt with the girl and make it back in time.

But he was wrong.

When he realized how late it was when the girl finally told him she wasn't interested, he rushed right on out, forgetting the bottle of Pepsi and Hot Cheetos on the counter.

And now, he was wandering around the empty buildings like an utter fool, cursing to himself in Spanish for letting time slip through his fingers in that way. It was a miracle that anyone took him seriously, he thought to himself in amusement.

He stopped by the res and info building to ask what to do since he was late to the party, and the man behind the desk handed him a key and told him to head off to Cottage 5 after receiving the name 'Dimitrio Alvarez'.

Dimitrio shrugged a shoulder and backed off, stalking toward the little house. Never before had he dreamed of a little luxury shack after having lived in dingy old apartments most of his life.

While he was aware what competition he just entered, it never occurred to him that he'd be sharing the cottage, so the surprise on his face was genuine when he opened the door and he noticed the young girl situated inside. The dumb look remained and he quickly looked over his shoulder as if that would help the situation.

"Uh... wrong house?" he provided cluelessly.


Josiah Hawley


It's because--" he started to explain as the brunette moved closer to him, with a slight hint of disapproval on her face. Josiah was starting to feel the weight of the bags on his shoulders as he looked for the right words to say. Initially, he was going to tell her that he's actually glad (and extremely relieved) that she's not one of the mass produced Chloes that he had met. But then that would mean that he had to explain about the other Chloes, and the fictional (or might be real) Coachella Birth Factory. He didn't want to go through all that, and besides, that will only fan the flame of dislike for him that's probably already burning in the young woman's heart. Because if he did say that, there will only be a couple of outcomes. One, it's like he's saying that he's happy because she won't be one of the annoying girls, like he initially thought. And that is a really, really bad way to start a conversation. And two, he's basically saying that she has a crappy and unfortunate name. Which really wasn't his intention. He can already see Liam and his co-workers shaking their heads and frowning as they burn his resume and forget that he had ever existed in their lives.

C'mon say something, he chided himself, as a couple of seconds passed without a word from him. That's when he suddenly remembered that he's in a game show and this scene is probably already being broadcast live on television. Everyone will see his blunder, unless he turns it around and save his sorry, half-awake ass from further humiliation. And so, with the acting skills he posses after four years of faking it through high school, plus his experience working in small-time films, he continued, "--I thought this game is going to be easy." He offered a small smile as he looked down at his sneakers, and raised a hand to rub the back of his neck. "And I was way off." Afterwards, he couldn't help but cross his arms and bite on his lower lip, as he looked back up to meet Chloe's green eyes.


Sarah had already set one of her bags in the room she had chosen (it was off to the right and had a beautiful view of the lake) and was returning to the common area to grab her other bag when the door to her cottage opened. A tall and, she wasn't too proud to admit, very attractive man opened the door and paused just after stepping in. When he asked if he had the wrong house, she couldn't help giggling a little.

"I take it you missed the welcoming speech. I'm Sarah. You're Dimitrio, right?" She asked him, walking over and extending her hand for him to shake. "It seems we've been paired together. We'll be sharing this cottage. I hope you don't mind that I've gone ahead and chosen a room." Sarah gestured over her shoulder to the room she had picked.


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