Love! By Huntrey and Nutter!

Name: Samantha Preston (Sam, Sammy, anything goes as for nicknames.)

Age: 17

Grade/Year: 3rd year ^.^

Gender: Female




Sam acts more like a boy than her twin brother does, and it's not like he is lacking in boyishness in any way. She cut her hair short and sticks to plain, loose clothing, but this may just be her lazy side showing (this way, she doesn't have to comb her messy hair or worry about changing into pajamas at night). Not that she has another side to her, because she is extremely unmotivated. It better be something really important if you expect her to wake up and move from wherever she is located. She enjoys spending her time playing video games and eating junk food, and if her brother provokes her just enough, she might blow her top and exercise just to prove a point to that brat.

It's funny, though. Usually he ends up pushing her to move by pointing out all of her tomboy traits. It really bothers her, but Sam just doesn't understand the whole girly attitude thing, whether it be wearing makeup, shopping, or gossiping about boys. She doesn't dislike boys, that's for sure, she just cannot click with her female counterparts. As it is, she usually sticks to her brother and doesn't bother with most other people. Whether it be boys or girls, she knows they'll just see her as a guy and since she's too lazy to change this she'll keep by the side of the one person who knows she's not.

Despite all of this, Sam is surprisingly reliable and smart. These traits are practically her only redeeming qualities. When someone needs advice, she usually is able to impart her wisdom without seeming deprecating or anything. She isn't judgemental and is easy to get along with if you ignore some of her worse habits. While she will generally stay with her brother, she has the ability to make other friends. She just doesn't seek out these friendships herself (again, this may just be laziness).

Trivia/Other: Has a twin brother, see below. The two both have some sort of mutation in their genes that causes them to have pale white hair. Sam's favorite color is blue and she gets pissed when people mistake her for a boy. Her bad habits include sleeping anywhere and everywhere, ignoring people who address her, and never doing her homework until the very last moment possible. She's straight, by the way.

Crush: There are lots of guys she's felt something akin to admiration with, so maybe they're all her "crushes"? Are "admiration" and "like" the same as "love"? If not, then does she really love anyone? She doesn't know how these kind of things works. In any case, Sammy isn't the type of person to seek out a relationship, so we'll see how it goes.

Name: Tyler Preston

Age: 17

Grade/Year: 3rd year

Gender: Male



Personality: Tyler is a more energetic version of his sister. He likes playing sports and is almost constantly moving in some way or another. He's talkative and nice, the kind of easy-going, charming boy that the ladies in his mother's book club enjoy praising. They also really enjoy teasing him, because despite his good nature, the boy is an utter fool. Tyler is really gullible and naive. Many of his classmates have made him a target of their pranks, but with his sister's brains behind him he always manages to get even somehow. He is a bit of a free spirit, always goofing off with friends, but remains unfailingly loyal.

Trivia/Other: Has a twin sister, refer to her profile. Tyler's favorite pastime is annoying her, but playing soccer is a close second. He's a homosexual, but he's only halfway out of the closet at this point. He secretly reads sappy romance novels when bored, but prefers movies about superheroes.

Crush: He's too oblivious to realize his feelings in actuality, but if he were to see the truth, he would know that it could never be. Ignorance really is bliss...

(Wow I just stopped trying when I wrote Tyler's bio... =_=)
Okay I just need that for reference. Do you want to go ahead with the first post or shall I?

The Romero Brothers

(AKA The Lover Brothers)




"Anytime you need me darling, I'll be your Savior."

Savior Romero


"Old enough to take the car out for a couple spins, if you want to join me?"



"Oh sophomore year, I hear it's when most people get into relationships, or get friends with benefits." *wink*

Sophomore, 2nd


"The only thing feminine about me is my love for romance movies and how sensitive I am."






Savior is a flirt, a charmer, a ladies man, and he lives his life by this. Savior chases tail and has his chased as well, and he loves every moment of it. This being said, he is only a Sophomore, leaving him still quite immature and silly. He doesn't take it as an offense, just that he enjoys to have fun and drama just isn't his cup of tea. To the same sex; Savior is a joke cracking player, telling of his successful girlfriends and all the failed ones. Making jokes, poking fun, and having a good time, all of which in the company of mostly women; That's how Savior likes his life.


"I have a few skills, nothing too big."

  1. Singer. Savior honed his voice in just another attempt to have a leg up against other guys when it comes to ladies. This and, his brother plays guitar, and when the two are together they sound absolutely perfect.
  2. Savior serves as a host at a restaurant with his brother, with which he acts as a waiter and a singer. This is one of the things he considers a gift, being able to wait and serve.


"They can be one of many!"

(To be decided or PM me, maybe you'll become Savior's new interest.)



"Consider me your oasis, cause with me; you'll be in paradise."

Oasis Romero


"Old enough to sweet talk you."



"Junior, but I've dated older."

Junior, 3rd


"If it isn't obvious now then maybe I'll prove it to you later."






Just like his brother, Oasis is a flirt and a womanizer, but all in his own way. Considering himself the older and more mature one, Oasis is a more subtle charmer and quite the gentleman in every way. Unlike his brother, he sets his mind on one girl and goes after them, even getting into a relationship instead of just being a tease. This is something his brother calls a downfall, while Oasis is more of succesful ladies man, Savior can juggle women while Oasis can't. To the male sex; Oasis is quiet, relaxed, and easy going, making jokes and poking fun like most males, still seemingly smooth though.


"I've got a few notable qualities, as I see you do as well."

  1. Oasis can play many instruments, but prefers the ukulele or the guitar, being as he mastered those at a young age.
  2. Oasis may not be versed as a waiter like Savior, but he works as the host in the front and is very ample at it. He can't carry three dishes at once, or serve 4 different table at once, but he makes more tips and gets more numbers then Savior could ever dream of.


"I like you more then I like the rest."

I'll add the slightly older one in a bit. I'm gonna do some slight editing on them and then I'll post. Won't be long at all.
Alrighty cool ^.^

Take your time with the brother's bio. I'm not really in a rush and I've been pretty busy lately too. I'll probably have a post up some time tomorrow night, but I definitely won't have it done for tonight.

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