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Realistic or Modern LOVE-BULLET ! [APPS]



Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)


all's fair in love and war...



Applications will not be a full cs and are essentially a brief "pitch" of the character, so a few paragraphs is absolutely fine.

Applications should include:
- first name
- pronouns
- age (at time of death)
- role
- brief overview of personality/background

You can use my app below as a model for this. This is just to get a taste of your writing and the "vibe" you might have in mind for your character.

Here are a few other guidelines that could be relevant:
- All characters should be 18+ at time of death. although they could spend years as a Cupid, their general appearance won't change after they die, and I'm really not dealing with the whole "minor-who's-actually-in-their-forties" headache,,,
- This roleplay vaguely takes place in Tokyo, Japan. This means all characters died while roughly in the vicinity of Tokyo, since they're bound to the location for work. This doesn't mean that they lived there, though! Whether the characters are lifelong residents of Tokyo or were literally passing through on an international layover and happened to get hit by the isekai truck- all that matters is, this is where they croaked.
- As stated above, only the first names are necessary for characters. Cupids usually forget their last names upon death, and may forget their earthly name altogether and choose a new one.

Additional tech stuff: Illustrated faceclaims only, and no AI, pretty please. Coding is 100% optional, do not feel like you have to submit the application in any particular style.

If any of this seems confusing, please either consult the lore post or message me with any questions!

Roles are included below for reference :]

the cupids




The Devotee has spent years working as a Cupid, all with the goal of one day ascending to angelhood. Somewhere along the line they founded team EROS to work with and lead other like-minded Cupids. As leader and oldest Cupid of the team, they take their task incredibly seriously, and aren't going to sit around to let others ruin the sacred work of creating love. The Devotee considers themselves rivals with The Freeloader, and hates everything they represent.



The Romantic never got the chance to fall in love, but that didn't mean they weren't obsessed with the idea. Before their death, The Romantic was a romance author who adored the concept of love, and couldn't wait to experience it themselves. In a way being a Cupid is a dream come true, and it isn't so different from the work they did in life. If you want someone to gush about their past successes in matchmaking, the Romantic will be happy to talk your ear off.



It's only been a few months since the death of the Rookie, and they would've been profoundly lost in the world of Cupidhood if not for the help of the Devotee to take them under their wing. While they may not be as passionate about the cause as their leader, they're incredibly dedicated to doing a good job for the team's sake. They're still hesitant about the work and liable to panic whenever there's a gun in their hands, but hey, at least these bullets aren't fatal!



As far as the Freeloader is concerned, life wasn't anything great, and ascension doesn't look that appealing, either. They've been a Cupid for years, and are naturally content sticking around for as long as they like. Their unbothered attitude has made them irritating to more dedicated Cupids, especially the Devotee. The Freeloader mostly started team PSYCHE because they're entertained by the Devotee's dedication to the rivalry, but despite their lack of passion, they can be just as cutthroat as any other Cupid.



Love never made much sense to the Economist in life, and death hasn't clarified things. As a formerly dedicated businessperson, the only thing that does make sense is the pursuit of profit. Since becoming a Cupid, their only goal is increasing their amount of karma by whatever means possible. Why? Because it's satisfying to see the number go up, of course!



The Skeptic has always loathed the idea of love. Yes, others claim every Cupid died with regret, wishing they had found romance: But if you ask the Skeptic, they'll swear up and down that their selection in this process had to be a mistake, because they went their whole life finding love to be a waste of time. Now they're just trying to get out of this heart-obsessed hellhole as soon as they can, by any means necessary.

♡coded by uxie♡
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age of death



the freeloader

Pilvi was pretty sure they used to like the color pink. Well, feelings from life grew more distant by the day, and sometimes they forgot what came before and after, but they must've at least tolerated it. That was before they got stuck carrying around neon pink and red ammunition to load ivory white firearms, of course. Long before pink became the color of the enemy.

This, they'd tell you, was their one and only regret. "If I knew I'd be stuck with it, I would've dyed my hair again before I died," they'd sigh. "Seeing all that pink in the mirror is such a pain."

Other than that, though? Being a Cupid left them without complaint. No more worrying about food and sleep, no more hourly wages or bills to pay; All they had to do was break even in the karmic scale, and the world would provide more than enough to fill their free time. If they had known dying was going to turn out like this, they wouldn't have spent so long running from the possibility, wouldn't have tried to change their name and their hair and run away to Tokyo. They could've simply gone out with a sigh of contentment, knowing they were bound for their own personal heaven.

Certain Cupids treated this like a second chance, the only way to correct their past mistakes, and they loathed Pilvi for wasting it. But wasn't it worse to work themselves to undeath? It was a waste of an infinite supply of free time, in a world where no one could catch you sneaking into movie theatres.

And as for love? Well, Pilvi was pretty sure they used to worry about the lack of it, but now that they held the means for it in their hands, the whole thing seemed trivial. Helping other like-minded Cupids get their karma was all that mattered; The actual relationships were a means to an end. And if they could piss off some of those love maniacs in the process? Even better.

telecaster stripes

polkadot stingray

♡coded by uxie♡

The Skeptic

"Aren't you tired of being nice? Don't you just want to go apeshit?"

Name: "Trouble"
Pronouns: She/They
Age of Death: 18
Role: The Skeptic

Trouble doesn't remember her name. All she knows is the pain she felt in life. She never had anyone care for her, and any relationship she did try to start, ended with her partner cheating on her. Her last partner being the reason she died in the first place. When she saw them kiss another person passionately, she screamed at them and called them a worthless pig, before running off into the street. Her partner tried to reach for her, but it was too late. A semi-truck ran Trouble over and had crushed her head, killing her in that instance.

Perhaps this was what drew the cupids to give her a second chance, but it was already too late. Trouble hated how she got revived, and felt like this was just adding to her suffering. Dying made her feel like all her problems had left, and then these birdbrains decided it would be funny to make her suffer longer (from her perspective.) If the black wings she had sprouted wasn't an indication of the chaos that was about to follow, her declaration of war against the Cupids who believed in love was.

Trouble joined team Psyche, and she had found like minded individuals amongst the group. Of course they all had their reasons to be there, but she liked how despicable they can be at times. She doesn't exactly like how much of a scrooge the Economist is, and does ask at times to get Karma from them so she can buy better weapons. She finds the Freeloader to be comfortable to sit by, but she doesn't love them. Her heart had irreparably been Shattered for a long time.

When on a mission, as a member of team Psyche, she only cares about kicking team Eros's ass and making them cry. If she can make a romance fail, that's even better. She however does know that its unavoidable at times, and if she has to, she will play match maker, if only to get better equipment. But Equipment isn't the only thing she relies on in a mission. Trouble is one of few Cupids who had practiced martial arts in life, her preferred fighting style is MMA.​

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