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Realistic or Modern Louven High.ooc.

Keira Winston Keira Winston boom! Got it! This is why I can't work on little sleep
beck from victorious? avan is such a hottie lmao
fuck up? more like fuck me up

also i've never seen u play a guy lol
Ah.. in the second post of the interest check it doesn't state girl of male so I assumed that you could pick the gender.. but now I see here in the OOC roles that it is labeled :/ My bad..

Do you want me to change it?
If you still want to be a hipster then yeah????
if the roles are gender specific, why did you include a list of genders in the sign-up sheet? that seems counterproductive.
If you still want to be a hipster then yeah????
Yeh! I'd still like to be the hipster because I really love the character I have created and it wouldn't fit in with any other male roles like the party animal or popular guy
Yeh! I'd still like to be the hipster because I really love the character I have created and it wouldn't fit in with any other male roles like the party animal or popular guy
The hipster still has to be a female tho love sorry
if the roles are gender specific, why did you include a list of genders in the sign-up sheet? that seems counterproductive.
Because there are some who dont classify themselves as male or female but their sex is male or female. Its not counterprocductive at all, does that answer your question?? I dont want all males or all females in my rp i want an equal amount from both sides.
Keira Winston Keira Winston a little confused with your characters moms career, how would she be an ex-anchor turned lawyer? It takes a while to become a lawyer maybe change her moms career if possible
Keira Winston Keira Winston a little confused with your characters moms career, how would she be an ex-anchor turned lawyer? It takes a while to become a lawyer maybe change her moms career if possible
gotcha. i was going to have her mom be a news anchor (maybe for the colleges' own video bulletin which was how she met her dad) while she was going to school, but i'll def change it, no worries. whoops sorry bout that. it was kinda a rough wip but I'm working on it lol
Yeh! I'd still like to be the hipster because I really love the character I have created and it wouldn't fit in with any other male roles like the party animal or popular guy
i mean i guess being a "hipster" is like the cool thing now lmao, so you could try to turn him into the popular guy idk
i mean i guess being a "hipster" is like the cool thing now lmao, so you could try to turn him into the popular guy idk
True that, that is one type of hipster you describe... however I went more for the 'not falling into a category/doing my own thing and going back to nature' hipster

The hipster still has to be a female tho love sorry
Mhm alright.. I'll make another character

edit: done
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Hello everyone! Sorry for being so not active with this roleplay! But I came to tell you that this is not dead!! I have created a discord and do plan on starting this! I will upload the discord link in a few minutes in the ooc part. Please tag others who might be interested in joining! P.S it won't let me tag the others so sorry in advance
Keira Winston Keira Winston teenage witch teenage witch R Rizzy Yarrow Yarrow apolla apolla elextrified elextrified ALittleRedLie ALittleRedLie
working on my CS now!

Hibiscus Hibiscus idk if you're busy, but i thought you might be interested

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