Louis Canon "Loose Cannon"

Historical Storyteller

Four Thousand Club
Name: Louis Canon "Loose Cannon"

Age: 27


Crime or Law Enforcement: Law Enforcement

Note: He has his own police station in the Downtown district.

If Law Enforcement: Officer (Corrupt)

Alignment: Midnight Mob (He works for them)


Despite being given the moniker of "Loose Cannon", Louis is the type of guy who never wanted to ever start a fuss. This particular cop always tries to stay out of trouble, but in a city filled with ninja gangsters, ambitious mobsters, sociopathic hitmen, deranged vigilantes, and corrupt cops trouble is bound to find him sooner or later.

He only managed to get into the service with the help of some of his friends inside the city's police department who had connections with the mob. So he entered into law enforcement through no merit of his own, and it was not needed anyway because they weren't paid by the city to look after the peace. Instead, they were all bribed by the mobsters to turn a blind eye to the many injustices of the mob and assist them against rival criminal organizations.  

In effect, he was nothing more than an overglorified thug with a badge. And for years he blindly followed the orders of the mob, and day by day he was slowly losing what was left of his soul until he was nothing more than a puppet of the mob. Louis was content with the pay he received, and his loyalty to the mob earned him many promotions until he got the position of Captain where he supervised his own police station in the Downtown district.

Everything was going well until he was assigned to bring down a faction of rival gangs that made an alliance against the mob. Louis and his corrupt cop buddies brought in shotguns, riot gear, body armor, and every other stuff they could lug to the anticipated fight. (On some occasions the mob used the corrupt police department to do the dirty work for them.) One of them even stashed in a grenade launcher with real frag grenades. (It was a Milkor MGL.) The officer who brought in such a weapon was none other than Sergeant "Indiana" Jones, an aggressive young man who watched too many action movies. (I plan to make him a character.)

At first, Louis initiated a shouting match with the insolent youth, attempting to instill some common sense into Indiana. But when the mob told them to pick up the pace, that was when Louis abandoned the attempt and Indiana Jones rode shotgun with Louis in his private car, because a police vehicle would attract too much unwanted attention. The others did the same, and either drove in their own cars or simply carjacked one.

Louis was told that these rival gangs were conducting a meeting in one of the rundown apartments in the Downtown district, and Louis wanted to use the element of surprise to his advantage. So you can imagine his surprise when he saw that these rival gangs were taking positions around the apartment in anticipation of a fight. Louis would learn later that the informant who tipped him of this "meeting" was actually a vigilante who had a score to settle with the cops, and that these rival gangs were informed that a band of cops in civilian vehicles were nearby and that they were heavily armed. Additionally, the informant told them they were sent by the mob to kill them, so the gangsters took their weapons and confronted the officers.

So when the officers were in sight, the gangsters fired on them, killing a third of them in the first ten seconds. The surviving officers got out of their vehicles and used it as cover then they started firing back. Sergeant Jones was shot in the ass multiple times, so he was unable to continue on. So Louis grabbed Jones' grenade launcher and fired it to devastating effect at the gangsters. He found that Jones had a stash of ammunition for the grenade launcher, so Louis kept blindly shooting at the apartment until no more shots were heard so that meant the fight was over.

A total of 6 officers were killed with a total of 9 gangsters dead to show for it. The remaining gangsters turned tail before more of them died in the scuffle. But when Louis walked into the apartment he saw that 15 innocents caught in the firefight were killed as well, some of them were blown up too along with the gangsters. This was not a surprise, for sometimes gangsters lived with their families, and Louis simply attacked their homes. Still, Louis did not want this to be a public relations disaster, so he added these 15 innocents to the list of gangsters killed. (He hid any evidence that showed that there were women and children among the dead. Louis only brought in corrupt cops with him so nobody said a word of it. He was lucky. The police authorities later reported they were missing.)

The number of dead and the destruction caused by this incident gave Louis Canon the name of "Loose Cannon".

Later, the mobsters would give Louis a call and told him that they never ordered him to wreak havoc on these gangs, and now they were crying for vengeance. Louis told them that they did order him to attack them, and that they endangered his life by not telling him that they were ready for him. This made the mob suspect that either Louis was lying or there was a traitor in their organization. Still, this incident made Louis and the mob develop an animousity over each other.


Although it's true that Louis is more of the passive type of guy, he is also protective of his territory. He can quickly become aggressive when an outsider with no right to interfere whatsoever storms in. This is one of the reasons why he is at odds with the vigilantes. Louis shares an "honor among thieves" mentality among his corrupt officer buddies, so he usually protects them from being prosecuted by their victims. He himself has abused his authority as a police officer to serve the mob, and he becomes a target of the vigilantes and non-corrupt cops of the city if not having other criminal organizations looking to shoot him in the back wasn't enough.

He has few friends and countless enemies lurking about in the shadows. This is why it is hard to earn his trust, because there are just too many enemies determined to bring him down. Despite the crimes he has committed to get this position, he sees himself as another victim, for he has paid a steep price just to have a bigger paycheck. He never even wanted to be in a leadership position, he only wanted some money to start out his life but here he was anyway, trapped.

These experiences have made him paranoid to the point that he suspects danger at every corner, and he keeps his weapons on him every second of the day in case his enemies decide to get him. He literally sleeps inside the police station, where there are always cops during the day and night to keep him safe. Still, just to be sure he sleeps inside the armory, which needs a key to get into...

In spite of his flaws, he still has positive traits to his personality. Louis may be a criminal and a corrupt cop, but he also tries to be good in everything else. He is motivated both by guilt and a genuine desire to do what's right. As a boss, he treats his workers fairly and disciplines those who are unruly. When he is out on the streets and not doing his job, he is a kind stranger. When he has to be the public hero even when he is a villain in secret, he inspires those who uphold the law to be strong in a world full of weakness. It is in these little things and small moments that reveal another side of his character.

Before he became Captain, he helped build a small chapel with his own hands. And when he became Captain and a public hero it was named after him because everyone considered him a humble saint. He still regularly donates to the Little Louis Chapter, which helps the poor, the sick, and the orphans.

But you have to remember, that even if Louis is all these things, he's just another criminal. Even if he is a criminal with a heart, even a broken one, for every innocent he has helped he has also destroyed. Louis creates with one hand and destroys with the other.

Louis realizes this, but he's trapped in a world full of monsters lurking in the shadows, ready to strike him down at the earliest opportunity. He wants to escape, but he cannot summon the will nor can he devise such a plan to escape in the first place. He holds onto he mob for dear life as the world that loves him, hates him, and worships him destroys him completely.


Louis is no fighter, but he is a true survivor that has endured the most earthshaking catastrophes a person could ever walk into and come out in one piece. Now, THIS is why he was put into the position of captain of his own police station, because the mob has finally found a person that the city could throw everything at him yet he would still be intact. This does not mean he is invulnerable, but just that he is insanely lucky. And luck is the skill that he is best at.

He is a decent marksman that rarely misses a stationary target, but like every other man he has trouble hitting a moving target. When fighting with his bare fists, he is only an average combatant that can be beaten even by some random punk that took a few boxing lessons. Though, to be fair, he rarely tries to fight fair and even more rarely tries to fight at all. His strengths when in a fight is retreating or when he is being shot at, quickly taking cover. This is the reason he favors the grenade launcher, it is a weapon that he can fire at the enemy with little to no exposure of himself and he can inflict massive damage on the enemy in the process.

He is a poor organizer and administrator, letting his secretaries or other office drones do the actual work of running the police station. The one time he actually did the work was such a disaster that it halted police operations for a week, and that was when the staff thought it was best that he didn't do anything at all.

He is popular with the public because they hear that every month or so he brings criminals and vigilantes behind bars, and they see him as a beacon of hope in a sea of chaos. They see him as the law in a world of lawlessness. They see him as the epitome of justice. He is used to public speaking, having preached in Little Louis Chapel numerous times. He prefers to be straightforward when speaking, and leaves little room for subtlety.

Attitudes towards the factions:

Midnight Mob: His relationship with the mob is a complex one, on one hand he has to please them because they are his superiors and the only people he can reasonably trust, and on the other hand they send him on dangerous tasks that might get him killed. Sure, he now has a job that has good pay, but to be put in such an important position would make him a target for everyone in the city. It doesn't help if every gang, vigilante, and honest cop out there is begging to put him down. So Louis resents the mob for this, but he has to put up with it if he doesn't want to lose an ally.

Hitmen: Louis occasionally hires them when the fighting gets too hot and he can't call in the mob's help because that would attract suspicion. I forgot to mention that Louis is the cheapest motherfucker out there, so expect him to always haggle. Louis is the type of employer that has a lot of jobs to do but he pays his workers only tidbits of his money. It's only when the situation is desperate that Louis would decide to pay high. So mercenaries would often side against Louis until he decided to buy them all.

Rival Gangs: One time or another, Louis would be called by the mob to conduct police raids on these gangs. After figuring this out, the gangs would refer to Louis as the "puppet" or the "puppet of the mob". Yes, it cannot be denied that Louis is a puppet but he is a puppet armed with a grenade launcher so they even if they mock him they also fear him. They are Louis' biggest enemies besides the vigilantes. 

Honest Cops: If Louis was a villain, then he was a villain with good publicity. Outside of the city he is known as a public hero that cracks down on both criminal and vigilante, and he is famous for leading the charge himself by personally risking his own life to join raids against armed suspects. (The people inside the city are more skeptical.) This is why most honest cops like or even worship him for being such a damned hero every time. Little did they know that he was working for the mob all along and they would most likely dismiss such accusations as a conspiracy to bring this particular hero down.

Louis' Police Station: His buddy cops aren't any better, since he covers up his tracks pretty well.

Corrupt Cops: Louis is one of the ringleaders of the corrupt cops. He does not trust them and the same could be said of the corrupt cops. They are always working for somebody whether it be for the mob, the gangs, or themselves. They're constantly scheming against each other into a trap, and since everybody wants to see a "hero" fall they definitely make Louis a target. But their plans would backfire and make Louis look better for surviving the impossible. Louis would do the same thing, but he got them killed most of the time. Nonetheless, Louis is friendly with those cops that are affiliated with the mob like him, and they work together to get the job done.

The Vigilantes: Louis hates these vigilantes with a passion, they're one of his most persistent foes. He sees them as a collection of nutty idealists, desperate pessimists, and cringy emos that just won't stop holding him by the balls every damn time they spout about his corruption. Though they did have a point, it was not like their ways were any better since he believed they caused as much suffering as any other criminal. So in a sense, Louis saw them as hypocrites. Nonetheless, the vigilantes hate Louis too for being a hypocrite, a corrupt cop, and deep down a criminal. A common tactic of a vigilante would be to ambush Louis after he conducted a raid against a rival gang, a time when Louis and his officers would be exhausted.

Starting Inventory: His weapons are extremely dangerous, and if he makes a mistake he could end up hurting himself. Some of his weapons are stored in the armory.

1. Milkor MGL (Additional info) - His signature weapon that causes mayhem wherever it sees action. The city and the police only let him get away with using it because he has to fight dangerous criminals armed with automatic weapons. Still, Louis only likes to use it when it's an emergency and he has to do tons of paperwork which would delay him for a while if he uses it. This is normally stored in the armory.

2. Shoe Knife - A concealed weapon under the sole of his shoe. Again, he rarely uses it but this time he does not know how to use it. From time to time, he accidentally cut his foot with the knife, so he abandoned the idea of using it. Instead, he wears his normal shoes. This is stored inside his locker.

3. Glock 18 - A machine pistol that could catch any group of thugs by surprise with its rate of fire. Most thugs assume people to carry semi-automatic pistols but this baby can put them all to sleep in a jiffy when pumped. Louis always carries this with him. 

4. Concealed Ballistic Vest - He regularly replaces them when they get too old or when he gets shot. This is the stuff that keeps him alive. Louis always carries this with him.

Themes: These songs are symbolic of Louis, because they are beautiful songs but they were ripped-off from another musician. Louis is the same, he's loved by people for being a hero, but his success comes from the mob.

Default theme - https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=aDeQI949nIA

Battle theme - https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=SD8A036sZes

Note: Louis cringes every time he hears the song "Behind Blue Eyes". - https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=oOX3Uor500o




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I'm thinking of adding 3 more characters to the roster, because I want to add more color to the corrupt police force and give them life. Almost all other roleplayers want to be a part of the mob, gangs, hitmen, or vigilantes so I am thinking of giving the police a shot in the spotlight.

I will primarily use Louis Canon as the main character but he will be occasionally assisted by his 3 other companions. They are not particularly skilled in combat so they must use the force of numbers and teamwork to overwhelm a prominent character.

Each of them will have conflicting loyalties that encourage intense hatred of each other. One officer will be loyal to the mob, another will be loyal to the gangs, another will be loyal to the law, and another will be a vigilant that wants justice. Each of them will have a code of justice or injustice and they are quite different from each other.

I think i will add Sergeant Jones Indiana or "Indiana Jones" to the roster, just because... the name sounds cool.
Your character is approved, if you're making multiple characters I need to see their sheets.
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Hmmm, since you did mention a lack of police officers, my character technically works at the crime lab for the police office so if you needed someone to RP with at the office..I got you!
I realized that it would take some time for me to develop the backstories of characters, so I'll first add Louis and introduce another character the next two weeks. Currently, my character Sergeant Indiana Jones is in the hospital.

The police force of the City of Crime is filled with crooks of all kinds, so that's why a man like Louis managed to attain the rank of Captain so quickly without the qualifications. In fact, it is not uncommon for criminal organizations to masquerade as police officers so that they could gain an advantage over their rivals.

The police station that Louis himself is running tries to cover for the mob's tracks. It assists them in every possible way, from moving victims in their cars, arresting competitors and killing them in secret, conducts raids in spots that are heavily defended, and those are some of the few things they did.

Some men of the station don't do this willfully, they're just looking for a job that pays. On the other hand, there are violent men that get into the police station to abuse their legal authority. There are few truly good people in the station.

Oh, I forgot to tell you that Louis' profile is not done yet.

Additionally, I've been thinking of setting up a profile of the police station that Louis supervises. There will be a number of police officers, specialized departments, and a description of the building or a picture of it. There shall also be an armory where the equipment is stored.
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Shit, I know I said I was done, but I'll make a few changes:

1. Most cops in the station like Louis and think he's something to look up to, and they don't know he's working for the mob.

2. Louis is an introvert but he has great social skills.

3. Louis covered up his tracks well during the Loose Cannon incident.

4. An extra note on the corrupt cops in his Relations with other Factions.
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