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Fantasy Lots of plots! (ignore prefix)


Fat Queer Butch
Hello, my name is Ross, I go by they/them pronouns.

What I’m looking for in a roleplay:

-open-mindedness, respect, kindness. These, I believe, are core elements when working together with anyone on anything.
-I’m the pacific time zone, on weekdays I’m online generally from 7pm-10 or 11, on weekends I’m online basically most of the time. (These time frames aren’t strict, really I’m online quite often)
-I like at least one to two paragraphs per reply if possible, I’m not a super strict person really but if writing one-liners start to become the norm I’ll get tired of the rp far more easily. I myself am naturally a very detailed roleplayer, generally, I write multiple paragraphs per reply, and I love to have a partner that can do the same.
-Like I said, I’m online a lot, I like to role play back and forth for hours at a time, but of course I don’t expect everyone to be the same way. I generally like one or two replies a day, but really I’m the kinda person that’ll go all day if I’m really into it.
-I like to write explicit characters and scenes, though if desired I don’t have a problem putting a trigger warning before an explicit or graphic scene.
-When I roleplay with someone I’d like for my partner to be willing to add as much to the scene and storyline as I am, and I’d hope that my partner would enjoy doing so. I’m a fan of wild twists, added drama, intense scenes. I really enjoy being at the edge of my seat excited about the role play’s I’m a part of.
-Also when I’m roleplaying I like to include a lot of diversity, this means please please don’t come to me with your basic, shallow, neurotypical, white characters. Varying genders, sexualities, ethnicities. Characters who have mental illnesses and disabilities. Characters with realistic faults and heavy backstories. Characters with complicated past relationships and experiences. This, to me, is a key component to any great role play.
-I’m mostly indifferent to including romantic elements between the characters. Though most of my characters are nonbinary/transgender or otherwise lgbtq+ so keep that in mind. I will not modify the gender of my character for any specific pairing. When I do play a nonbinary character and there is the possibility of romance then I will include the gender they were assigned at birth.
-ooc chat is welcome and encouraged! I’m always happy to talk about the role play, but I’m also happy to be a listening ear or to otherwise get to know the person I’m roleplaying with.
-I prefer to roleplay in pm, though I can be persuaded.

Possible starters I have:
Really, I’m open to any and all ideas, in fact, I encourage you to hmu with something you want to do too! I just list what I usually do or what I could be interested in doing. Additionally I’m open to making adjustments to any of the plot ideas listed.

Realistic plots (basically these are just character meeting points, where a roleplay goes from its meeting point is open-ended):

-Smoke out?: A local pot dealer that lives in a sweet, lazy, seaside town. They only have needed a handful of clients to keep their business going. One night while they’re in their usual spot a frequenting client comes by and is in tears. The crying client plans on just getting themselves a ten sac and getting the fuck outta there, the dealer, not knowing what to do, awkwardly offers for them to stay over at their place for a smoke out. (I could play either role in this scenario).
-Smoke out? (version 2): A local marijuana grower supplies to a handful of local dealers, not needing more than that to sustain their business. One night a frequenting dealer comes buy to resupply but is crying. Not knowing what to do, the grower offers for them to stay back and smoke out. (Again, I could play either in this scenario)
-You’ll be in my heart: Character A’s life partner has died, they’re struggling with major depression and suicidal thoughts. One day they’re walking down the sidewalk, not noticing character b booking it in their direction. Character b crashed into them and brought them both down. Upon getting up character b explains why they’re running, and asks character a for help. (either character)
-What’s there to live for anyway: Both character a and character b are suicidal and struggle with major depressive disorder. One night they felt they’d finally hit rock bottom and attempted suicide. They both woke up in the hospital the next day, angry, ashamed, disoriented, surrounded by people who act like they care but really don’t. Within the next couple of days, they both get transferred to an inpatient subacute mental health facility. The rp begins when they first meet. (the roles are basically the same so either)

Romance plots (I’m not super duper interested in roleplaying a primarily romance roleplay, so with these plots, I’d love if you could pick another plot from another section to roll into this one):

-Genderfucked: Character a has had a crush on character b for a while, thinking they’re a certain gender. Upon getting to know them they find out that character b is not the gender they thought. Now they’re questioning their attraction and sexuality. (I would prefer to play character b).
-Adventures in polyamory: Character a is developing feelings for someone, only to find out later that they’re already in a relationship. They’re respectful of this, but continue to befriend this person, as they still like them very much and enjoy their company. Upon getting to know them further they found out that they and their partner are in an open polyamorous relationship. They then attempt to get to know polyamory further and try to get to know the partner of their friend before finally admitting their feelings and asking the person they’re interested in out on a date. (I could play any role here).

Speculative/Visionary Fiction plots (these are more broad plot points, and could even theoretically be combined with some of the character meeting points listed above if desired):

- Zombies: The world is as it is now, people are going to school and work, trying to live their lives. A new behavioral medication has been released, it’s supposed to ease hyper-aggressive behaviors, to help those with anger issues and aggressive manic episodes. At first, it’s helping people greatly, street and gang violence, domestic violence, and violent crimes, in general, are rapidly decreasing within just a few months. But it had an unforeseen side-effect, as these things often do. After those first few months of bliss, the people who were taking the medicine started reporting hearing voices, having an extreme spike in impulsive, violent thoughts. Soon they were unable to communicate the side effects entirely, they couldn’t control themselves, their speech, their thoughts or actions. It was like they turned into zombies, attack everything, killing, feeling nothing as others attempted to stop them. The only way to bring them down with to shoot them in the head, or break their neck or spine so they were immobile. What was worse was that the chemical makeup of this medication stayed in their blood, if someone is bitten or their bloodstream was exposed to these ‘zombies’ in any way they slowly started to become infected with this blind rage. This monstrous disease spread quickly and shaped a new way of living for those that managed to survive.
-Environmental Apocalypse: Most major civilizations on earth were suffering extreme flooding as the oceans rose. Access to clean water throughout what wasn’t flooding was scarce. There was no more fossil fuel oil, not that could be found. The Earth was dying. The people were dying. Greedy corporations had sucked the life from the earth and it’s people, duping them entirely, promising product and consumerism at the cost of the earth they lived in. The few multi-billionaires were safe underground, with all the luxuries they could dream. But everyone else had to adapt to their changing planet, to live with what was left and try to rebuild what they could.
-Nuclear Fallout: War between nations had struck, causing a nuclear fallout. Many major cities were able to build large underground vaults to function as a small working society while the war went on, though many of these vaults came to their own demise. Now the world is dangerous and difficult to survive in, there are still some functioning cities, but mostly there are outlanding tribes. Wildlife has irradiated and become harder to kill and generally larger in size. Some humans have also mutated in different ways. Humans are trying to rebuild what they can, and live as normally as possible.

Fantasy plots:

-Saint Elkin Major: 15th-century Europe, there’s some magical elements and creatures, trolls, fairies, dragons, mermaids. Your basic medieval adventure, set in a small kingdom called Saint Elkin Major, a kingdom well versed in dealing and working with dragons. Character a is the king’s child, they could either be the eldest sibling, training to take their father's inheritance and become king, or the second eldest, who is training to become the head of the king's army. Most people within the kingdom are paired with a dragon, generally at a young age (pairing meaning kind of a soul-bond, the dragons imprint on these humans causing both human and dragon to develop an almost inseparable bond). The royal court is no exception, in fact, they get paired with the finest bred dragons. Character b is a local thief, now a young adult, but once a poor orphan. They are very intelligent and resourceful, but also very difficult to control, they’re also one of the few people in the town to not be paired with a dragon. Many times they’ve broken into the palace, many times has the king has caught them, and offered them training as a night, and a dragon to pair with, many times they have turned the king down, only to be thrown back into the mud outside palace gates. There is a war coming to their kingdom, one of higher magic then is possessed within the kingdom's most powerful medicine men and warlocks, Character a is tasked with recruiting character b, along with scouting many others within the town. Their instructions are not to come back until character b has been persuaded. (I’d prefer to play character b)
-A Pirate's Life For Me: There is a small island off the coast, once called Jaycelin port but now unofficially called pirate island (unoriginal I know). It used to be owned by a company that exported goods to various nations and kingdoms, but it was taken over by a band of pirates. These pirates created something of a heaven for other pirates to come and drink and fuck and exchange treasures and recruit young pirates looking to become a part of a sailing crew. Character a was born on this island from a whore in their mid-twenties, who didn’t exactly provide very good care to Character a, who mostly does their own thing and tries to avoid the chaos of the island. Since they were born a girl most people assumed they would grow to become just like their mother or be sold to a powerful pirate captain, but instead they wished to become a pirate themselves. To do this they had to change their identity completely. One day a pirate ship comes to port after having lost many men, character b is the captain of this ship, looking to recruit other. Character b is a young but powerful captain, who has gone on vast missions to uncover unforeseen treasures and tales of myth and legend. Character a signs up as a crewmember dressed and presenting as a man, diving into their new life of secrecy and adventure. (I’d prefer to play character a).
-Deep blue ocean: Character a is a young adult living in a small seaside town, studying marine biology and undersea plant life. One day they come across a quickly and gracefully swimming flash of color. Despite their suspicions and fears they following this creature, shocked to find that they have come across a mermaid (character b), one who is just as interested in them as they are of it. (I could play either character).

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