Other Lost’s Writing Dump


platonic lesbian
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Heyo everyone this is just a place for me to dump my writing ideas and stories

Key Below!


I will not have names for most of my stories, so anything with the name 'no-name' just means I don't have one yet


The main statuses are :

Unfinished - working on it, or have ideas

abandoned - not working on it anymore, not done

finished - finished working on in

unsure - I could still work on it, not sure tho.


mostly just horror, romance, realistic, fantasy, etc.

for some, I may not have enough to put a genre, so I'll just but 'unknown' instead.


just for any notes I may have, like inspiration, etc
will also put any tw here


poem, story, etc

word count

pretty self explanatory, just the word count.

Last edited:
Status: unsure
genre : unknown
Note : I don't have very much of this done, just had the idea while reading a different book.
style: story
word count : 173

The sound of thumping footsteps roaring outside of the thin wooden door woke Alysha up. She sighed and walked out. "Jaron, I was trying to sleep.." She whispered. Jaron looked over. "Well, it's time to get up, princess. The coronation is today. You need to prepare." He responded with a bow. "Oh, right. That thing." Alysha responded, trying her best to hide her sigh. "Okay, well please bring my maid. I request a bath to be drawn and a new gown." She didn't care that Jaron was a guard, and not a messenger. He was all that was there, and the maid wasn't going to be back for a while. "Yes, princess." The guard bowed politely again before thumping down the stairs again.

A while later, there was a knock on the door. Alysha noticed it as the maid's shy knocking and opened the door. "Hello, En-" She started, but couldn't finish, instead crumpling to the floor. The maid took the kitchen knife out of her throat and closed the door slowly, leaving.
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The hidden world
Status : unfinished
Genre : fantasy
Note : I don't have all of it in google docs, most of it is on paper.
Style : story
Word count : 100 (incompleted)

I always thought the old book to be quite odd. My grandfather would always say that we were the only readers recorded in the history of our family. I never thought to open the dusty book, so it sat in the old bookcase I had kept since I was nine years old. I didn’t think anything of the book, until one rainy day, when we still had a few hours until dinner. I normally read in the remaining hours, but on that particular day I didn’t have anything to read and wasn’t going to the library for another few hours.

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