Lost Rift Nation

luke derry

New Member
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Powers: (5 max)



Back Story:

Armor (if any):

Side (dark/good):


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Name: Alexiol

Age: 23

Gender: Female

Powers: Invisibility and power of using Air and Water.

Motives: Her best friend had been taken by Asteroth. She tries to end him so she can save her friend.

Appearance: Simple appearance. Not many features that stand her out.

Back Story: Growing up in a rich part of the settlement, Alexiol befriended someone from the poorer districts. Just when Asteroth started terrorizing the people of the settlement, this friend was taken along with other people as slaves for him. When the band was created to defeat Asteroth, Alexiol (who had been training vigorously since her friend had been taken) volunteered herself to join in the fight against him.

Armor (if any): Simple chain mail armour.

Side (dark/good): Good

Personality: Chilled, but when angered beware!

Extras: Nothing to add.
This is my Character.

Name: Seth Striker.

Age: 17.

Gender: male.

Race: Rogue Blood Elf.

Powers: teleportation, telekenisis, telepathy, pyrokenisis and hydrokenisis.

Motives: Bring Peace and avenge my brother.

Appearance: beige scaly skin, large pointy ears with blood red ear rings burning in fire, fiery red eyes, gleaming white fangs and moderate sized muscles.

Back Story: My brother and I were orphaned as children and were left to fight our own lives and forage for food in dumpsters around local villagers. A Few years later there was a horrible forest fire that killed my brother and scared me for life and now for years I have been fighting for survival in the deepest forest of Valhallen (my home town). But then everything changed...

Armor: Mage robes with deadric shoulder guards and gauntlets.

Side: Good

Personality: works well with others and is friendly but can tell if someone shouldn't be in my surroundings

Extras: Pet mutant demon armadillo who can shred anyone who gets in its way.

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