Lost Island Skeleton and Characters

Soul Eu Min

Five Thousand Club






*Best Friend/s:





Name: Soul



Personality: Calm, Gentleman, Charming, Charismatic, Intimidating, Serious, Protective, Distant, Secretive, Blunt, Observant


Best Friend/s:Tai, Chun Hei, Jung Hwa, Lilly, Min Hyuk, Mi Sun




A valiant warrior and leader, one who is respected and honored, especially by the chief, who is also his father-in-law. Soul grew up as the son of the famous warrior, Hung Nam, and healer, Eun Ae, and like his father, he followed in his footsteps and became a high ranking warrior. Soul's talent and skill of young age had impressed the chief and he was granted the opportunity to be a royal guard for the chief and his family. He, which he didn't expect, had fallen in love with the older daughter, Luna, who returned his feelings in a heartbeat. Their ceremony, celebrated by the islanders, became a romantic love story of how the two came to be and is frequently told to the island girls and boys to encourage them to find everlasting love. Together, they had two kids, a pair of fraternal twins, the boy named Min Hyuk and the girl named Mi Sun.

Soul continued to be a warrior for the islanders while Luna stayed at their home with their children, who she loved more than the world. They would even go the ' Moon Temple ' together and admire its beauty for hours. It had been the perfect life for Soul, he had the woman he loved more than the world and children who he was more than proud enough to call his. He felt like he had it all. Until they came.

He had been in charge of ensuring that villagers found safety in the hidden caverns of the island and his priority was the chief's family and his own family. Soul had set them in the safest cavern, where none of the greedy explorers would be able to find them unless they knew the island very well. Before he left to find more survivors, he had given Luna a conch shell, which she should use in case there was any danger and he would come sprinting to find her, even if he was shot by the guns of the killers, he would protect her.

However, he didn't expect Luna to try and search for him for she worried about his well being, but when he heard the broken melody of the conch shell, Soul dashed towards the direction it came from only to discover his beloved in the grasps of the murderers who dared to taint her. He tried to save her, he did everything he could, went as far as even taking a stab in the side to reach her, however, before he could reach her, one of the murderers sadistically smiled at him before shooting Luna through the back and punctured her heart. From there, the rest was nothing but the color of blood red. Soul had mercilessly murdered every single one of the fiends who forcefully ripped Luna out of his grasps. He swore revenge and he would achieve it.

When he assembled the warriors for the final war, he could see that they were all as hungry for revenge as he was and they set out to kill every single one of those explorers. Soul swore on his life that he would protect his children, that he would make every single one of those murderers pay and he did exactly that. Even years after the attack, Soul remains as a high ranking commanding warrior and a hero to the islanders, but to him, he feels like a failure. Many of the islanders notice that he spends a lot of his time at the ' Moon Temple ', where his Luna is buried, sometimes, he even takes his children with him, who have both grown to be bright futures of the island.




Personality:Quiet, Cold, Serious, Studious, Blunt, Easily Bored, Calm, Calculating, Distant, Intimidating, Protective, Observant


Best Friend/s: Soul, Chun Hei, Jung Hwa, Mika




The key player in strategies and the intelligent brain behind the structures of homes, Tai is not only a genius, but also a true warrior who would do anything to protect the island. His father, Thai, was a villager who built many of the homes of the island and his mother, Tsuki, was a villager who could see the spirits and mend broken souls. But, it was his brother, Kyung, who proved to be a great inspiration in his goal in becoming a warrior. Tai wished to fight alongside his elder brother and be recognized not as Kyung's younger brother, but as Tai, a valiant warrior. He always insisted on sparring with Kyung, who never drastically harmed him, but had inflicted enough damage to get him aided by the chief's youngest daughter, Solis, who had intrigued him. He had fallen for the young, bubbly woman who would always drag him to the ' Sun Temple ' with her and they would admire the sky together in silence, it was moments like those when he felt his heart beat even louder for her. They, however, never did get married nor did they have children.

When the explorers attacked, Tai had been sent to survey the island earlier on and when he caught wind of the explorers attacking the island, he dashed off to find Solis, who was resting in the comfort of their home. However, when he arrived, Solis was already dead and she had been sexually attacked as well. Tai didn't hesitate in killing off an explorers who were foolish enough to step before a man who had lost his beloved. He refused to back down until every single one of those selfish fools were slain by his own two hands. It was the cry of a young child that stopped him from brutally murdering the killers. When he looked at the little boy who was in tears because the soldiers forced him to bear witness to his mother's attack before killing both the mother and father before him, Tai snapped out of his state of insanity and quickly brought the young boy to safety.

Tai rejoined forces with Soul, a close friend of his, and together with a whole army behind them, they set out to hunt, kill, and torture the explorers who had dared to attack their home. While fighting, he saw Kyung protecting a young island girl, whom he recognized as Mika who was also Kyung's lover, and he attempted to help his brother, however, came to late for an explorer had shot Kyung point blank in the back of his head and his elder brother's body fell on the traumatized Mika, who had lost consciousness. Tai had saved Mika and brought her back to one of the caverns, then he swore to protect her, as his last promise to Kyung.

After the battle, Tai continued to care for Mika, as he had promised Kyung. He felt a sense of guilt and responsibility for her since he couldn't save Kyung and he felt as though he was the reason that she suffers from short term memory loss. Tai also took in the young boy who he had saved and adopted him as his son. Seeing a lot of Kyung in the young boy, he named him after he passed older brother and he promised to raise his new son to the best of his abilities.

Name:Jung Hwa



Personality:Friendly, Cheerful, Optimistic, Gentleman, Thoughtful, Considerate, Charming, Helpful, Honest, Caring, Loving


Best Friend/s:Tai, Ai Min, Soul. Shin Woo, Min Woo

Married:Ai Min



Since he was a child, Jung Hwa proved to be more of a healer than a warrior, which was a shock for his father, Sung Min, had been a mighty and great warrior who was also best friends with Thai and Hung Nam. But, Jung Hwa inherited the outstanding abilities of healing from his mother, Soo Jin. Yet, that didn't stop him from attempting to become a warrior and did his best to reach the high ranks that his father had reached. He became close with two of the other high ranking warriors, Tai and Soul, and supported them when they both fell in love with the chief's daughters.

Jung Hwa, on the other hand, had fallen for Ai Min, the daughter to commanding warrior, Hun Yao, and lead healer, Soon Ae. Love at first sight is how many called it, for he had been entranced by her as she was put into awe by him. They married and started a family, Ai Min bore him a pair of twin boys, Shin Woo and Min Woo, who became his pride and joys. Jung Hwa promised to protect them even if he had to put his life on the line.

Jung Hwa steadily retired from his position as a warrior in order to teach the ways of healing to aspiring healers, but the true reason was that so he would be able to be close to Ai Min and his sons in case they ever needed help. It had been a blessing that he had done so for when the explorers unleashed hell, he had guided them to one of the caverns, along with many of the other villagers, and kept look out for any explorers who were around the surrounding area. A part of him never forgave himself for not going back out and fighting for the island while the battle was still in heat, but he couldn't bring himself to leave his family without ensuring that they would be safe without him. But, when word that Luna and Solis had been murdered reached him, Jung Hwa bid a tearful farewell to his family and joined his two friends in their mission to annihilate the explorers and he gladly assisted them in doing so.

After the battle, Jung Hwa continued teaching the art of healing, but also rejoined the ranks of the warriors for he realized that although he has a family to protect, the islanders now need more protection than before. He is proud of his sons for showing interest in joining the ranks of the warriors, but worries that they may be getting too far into their dreams since he noticed they tend to mess around with his weapons at times. Jung Hwa would never tell his family, but he still has nightmares of the shrill cries of the islanders who were murdered and killed in battle, sometimes, the dreams snap him awake in cold sweat and he can no longer sleep through the night.




Personality:Tomboy, Protective, Competitive, Short Tempered, Easily Bored, Blunt, Observant, Intimidating


Best Friend/s:Fang Hua, Soul, Mika

Crush:Bae Dae-Ho Xion(LATER ON+Won't Admit It)



One of the only few female warriors on the island, Lilly proves to be respected among the ranks of the qualified commanding warriors, which is a male dominant field. She waked in the footsteps of her father, Daisuke, who had also been a commanding warrior and she can even defeat him in hand to hand combat. Lilly is an idol to many, especially the young women who wish to join the ranks of the warriors, this includes her younger sister, Lillian, who does not show the abilities or standards to be a proper warrior, but Lilly always helped her out in training. She is exceptionally close to Soul, who she views as an older brother, for he seems to understand her capabilities and often encourages her to go over and beyond, which she appreciates him for. But, it was another warrior named, Timothy, who had won Lilly's heart after constant bothering in getting her to date him, which she found rather adorable, but would never say so herself.

However, during the battle, Timothy had died in her arms from a bullet to the heart before their marriage. Lilly, in blind fury attacked every single explorer she could dig her blade into and refused to let any explorer leave unscathed. It was only when Soul had slapped her across the face when she woke up and realized that killing nonstop wouldn't bring Timothy back and she returned to her normal self. Lilly had gone to save Lillian, who she had remembered was walking around the island's waterfall with a couple of the other village girls, however, when she arrived, she saw nothing but mangled bodies and Lillian cowering in the shrubs, away from the light of the world. It was then when Lillian discovered that Lillian, who was luckily not harmed, had witnessed the attack done on to her friends and it tore Lilly's heart to shreds.

She brought Lillian to safety and then went out to search for more survivors, however, could find none and she attempted to search for more warriors who could assist her. Instead, she found murderers beheading an elderly woman and her daughter, both of who she recognized as Fang Hua's grandmother and mother. Lilly, not going to stand for her friend's loved ones being killed in vain, had dashed in and beheaded the explorers without any hesitation, then she set out to find Fang Hua, only to discover that the girl had taken the place of her mother and grandmother and became a slave to the explorers. The news enraged Lilly and she set out to kill every single last one of them at the side of Soul and his army.

Lilly, however, couldn't bring herself to ever tell Fang Hua that was there when the explorers murdered her grandmother and mother and instead, became one of Fang Hua's best friends with the sworn promise of protecting her for the rest of her life. As for Lillian, Lilly has only seen the shell of her younger sister and desires to see her sister back to life, however, feels as though she will never see the true Lillian again.

Name:Fang Hua



Personality:Friendly, Oblivious, Teaser, Blunt, Loving, Caring, Adorable, Lovable, Helpful, Thoughtful, Cheerful, Optimistic


Best Friend/s:Lilly, Chun Hei, Ai Min, Mika

Crush:Kenji Bae Sohma Jr. and Yu Zhang Pai(Slightly+LATER ON)



Everyone knows about the bubbly island girl knows as Fang Hua. She's the daughter of the high ranking warrior, Erik, and the only school teacher on the island, Jae Min. Ever since she was a child, she would help the islanders morning and night without expecting anything in return, she did so because she wanted to see them smile and that was reward enough for her. Fang Hua, although experienced when it came to fighting and hunting, drifted more towards teaching, like her mother, and the children adore her so it only made her decision more clear. She even taught her grandmother, Misuki, how to create grass woven baskets in less than five minutes.

When the islanders attacked, Fang Hua pleaded for the explorers to leave her mother and grandmother be, going as far as offering herself up in their place. Her father, Erik, had been shot in the head before them to signify that there was no hope for them. The explorers took Fang Hua on her deal and dragged her back to their ship where they did unspeakable things to her, she still has the scars that mar her body. But, she had no regrets for she believed that her mother and grandmother would be safe from the explorers so long as she endured the damage and the tears that she wanted to pour out.

Little did she know that her mother and grandmother had been dragged out into the forest and beheaded for they refused to offer up their valuables unless Fang Hua was returned to them safe and sound. The explorers couldn't return her because if they did, then they would have lost one of their sources of entertainment and instead, rid themselves of the annoyances and stole their valuables. But, the explorers had no regrets, the had their toy and valuables, what more could they desire?

When the final bloodshed began, Fang Hua had been saved by Lilly, who she felt as though she owed her life to and looked up to her like an older sister and promised that she would repay the debt one day. Even though Lilly believes that she doesn't know, Fang Hua is already aware that Lilly had seen what happened to her mother and grandmother and bears no rage towards her savior for she knows that Lilly had done whatever she could to seek revenge. Fang Hua, now, teaches in her mother's place and the children simply adore her for her bubbly personality. Some of the children even ask her why she isn't married yet, but she replies that she isn't sure if she's found the one yet.

Name: Chun Hei



Personality:Artistic, Creative, Charming, Charismatic, Intimidating, Blunt, Honest, Short Tempered, Distant


Best Friend/s:Ai Min, Lilly, Mika, Fang Hua

Crush:TingZhe(Later On)



Unlike her father, Chun Hei found herself more experienced in the art of healing and took steps in becoming a master healer. She often practiced on her older brother, Soul, who supported her decision in becoming a healer, where as some of the other women ridiculed her for not being a housewife. Chun Hei was also envied for her immense beauty and some of the island women even scorned her for being too beautiful, but each time, she was protected by Soul, who she found herself thankful for.

When the explorers attacked, Chun Hei found herself in the same cave as Soul's family and once more, indebted to her older brother. When Luna tried to search for Soul, Chun Hei had attempted to stop her but failed and when she caught word of Luna's death, she instantly felt a stab of guilt, as though she had been the cause of her sister-in-law's murder. From then, she swore that she wouldn't hesitate in her decisions anymore and promised to look after Min Hyuk and Mi Sun.

Chun Hei continues to study as a healer and believes that she is far too busy with her studies to even think about love or starting a family, plus, she doesn't believe that she has found someone who would love her for her and not because her brother is a high ranking warrior with close relations to the chief of the island. She hopes to be as great of a healer as her mother was, that is her dream and goal, so she believes that she has no time to focus on petty things such as love.

Name:Ai Min



Personality:Thoughtful, Loving, Caring, Sweet, Gentle, Honest, Helpful, Considerate, Understanding, Forgiving


Best Friend/s:Lilly, Shin Woo, Fang Hua, Min Woo, Mika, Jung Hwa, Chun Hei

Married:Jung Hwa



As the daughter of a commanding officer, Hun Yao, and and the island's lead healer, Soon Ae, it had been destined for Ai Min to be successful in life and that she did. She began to train to be a healer just like her mother as well as learned some self defense in order to protect herself. Ai Min is a gem in the island and the people adore her, some consider her and Fang Hua as sisters for the two as act alike. When she first saw Jung Hwa while at the training grounds with her father, she felt connected with him and the two blossomed into a flower of love. Ai Min would often call it love at first sight, for she could never get him out of her mind since they first saw one another. They married and Ai Min gave birth to a pair of twin boys, Shin Woo and Min Woo, who she cherished more than the world itself.

Ai Min continued to learn the ways of healing, her sons even trying to learn along side her which she could found as both a blessing and a curse, for she discovered the two boys would sometimes purposely bruise one another just to practice, but those are her silly and over the top sons. However, she was also disappointed with Jung Hwa for quitting his position as a warrior, but despite her protests, she would never admit that she was happy to have him at home with her.

When the attack happened, Ai Min shielded her children from harm's way for she would rather die than have her children's blood shed. She was, at that moment, thankful that Jung Hwa was nearby to save them or else she or her sons wouldn't be alive at the moment. Even when in the safety of the cavern, she was nervous at the idea of one of the explorers finding them and killing them off, that was what scared her the most. When the word of Luna Solis's death arrived, she felt her heart sink and everything go dark, she couldn't believe that Luna and Solis, two of whom she had been close to, had been murdered.

Even after the battle, she has trouble sleeping at night because she's scared that the explorers would come back and finish what they started, but, if she believes that any visitors have kind hearts, she will be willing to befriend them.




Personality:Quiet, Shy, Sweet, Considerate, Forgetful, Helpful, Thoughtful, Honest, Charming, Unjderstanding


Best Friend/s:Tai, Ai Min, Lilly, Fang Hua, Chun Hei




Mika lived in a loving family of pure healers and raised to be one herself. When she was a young woman, she was given the duty of healing the wounded warriors and had met Kyung while she was on duty. The two were at first very shy around one another, which then evolved into a close friendship and soon a blossoming romance. They never did marry, mainly because Kyung was always busy and Mika was focused on becoming a successful healer that would be recognized in the ranks of the best of the best. She cared for the children and the warriors, even the islanders went to her at times for her healing, mainly because she would also go door to door if needed, this only made Kyung love her even more.

When the explorers attacked, Mika was one of the few that had been kidnapped by the explorers to be used as 'stress relievers' and 'entertainment'. She suffered damage and trauma beyond compare and often couldn't help but break down into tears whenever they were finished. Sometimes, she wished that they had chosen to kill her instead of continuing. She was even more scared when she didn't hear any word about Kyung or if he was even safe and that made her heart wretch with worry and terror. Mika endured the torture just so that she would hopefully see Kyung's smiling face again.

After she was saved, Mika instantly began searching for Kyung, calling out to him through the battle. When she found him, Mika had flung herself into his awaiting arms and kept pleading for him to come back with her to the safety of one of the caverns, however, before they could even move, she heard a bang and felt the splatter of blood slap her. The last thing she saw before going into shock was Kyung's body falling onto her, lifeless and cold.

After that, Mika has no recollection of her memories and was diagnosed with short term memory loss. Sometimes, when she wakes up in the morning, she has no clue what happened the day before and she has a hard time remembering people. Tai, who has told her that he is Kyung's brother, takes care of her and she views him like an older brother and she trusts him with her life.

Name:Min Hyuk



Personality: Shy, Protective, Quiet, Observant, Gentleman, Calculating, Blunt, Calm, Careful, Cautious


Best Friend/s:Mi Sun, Kyung, Lillian, Shin Woo, Min Woo




Min Hyuk is the elder twin of the valiant warrior and hero, Soul, and the ' Moon Temple ' guardian, Luna. He resembles much of his father and proves to have a brilliant mind with a keen eye at catching danger, as well as also being blessed with fast reflexes. He holds a deep, well hidden grudge towards the explorers for they ripped his mother out of his arms and made the island a wasteland for three years, he refuses to make friends with any newcomers to the island, for he fears that they will do the same thing that the explorers did.

Name:Mi Sun



Personality:Adventurous, Outgoing, Energetic, Friendly, Cheerful, Bubbly, Helpful, Thoughtful, Adorable Lovable


Best Friend/s:Min Hyuk, Kyung, Lillian, Shin Woo, Min Woo, Soul




Mi Sun is the younger twin of the valiant warrior and hero, Soul, and the ' Moon Temple ' Guardian, Luna. She resembles her mother more than her father in appearance and personality. The young girl loves to practice her healing and also spends a lot of the time at the ' Moon Temple ', just like her mother does, sometimes, she even goes without the knowledge of her father or brother, because she feels as though she is connected to the tower in some possible way. Unlike her brother, Mi Sun doesn't hold a grudge and is willing to actually greet newcomers with open arms if she finds them kind.




Personality: Responsible, Mature, Calm, Calculating, Shy, Quiet, Thoughtful, Considerate, Charming, Honest, Helpful, Protective


Best Friend/s:Mi Sun, Min Hyuk, Lillian, Shin Woo, Min Woo

Crush:Mi Sun



Kyung had witnessed the attack of his birth mother and the death of both of his parents. He was left sobbing in the streets of the village when he managed to escape the bloody sword of the explorers. He was terrified that he would also die by the hands of greedy murderers. When he was saved by Tai, he felt a connection with him, like a father to a son and he yearned to be like him. After the final battle, he was adopted by Tai and begun training to be a strong warrior like his new father. In the process, he somehow ended up developing feelings for Mi Sun, one of his best friends.




Personality:Emotionless, Quiet, Shy, Distant, Easily Frightened, Easily Nervous, Scared, Lonely


Best Friend/s:Mi Sun, Min Hyuk, Shin Woo, Min Woo, Kyung




Lillian used to be a confident, bubbly island girl who dreamed big of being a warrior just like her older sister, Lilly. However, after witnessing the attack and murder of some of her closest friends, Lillian had locked herself up in a shell and refused to come out. It's almost as though there is no soul within her body and she is just some kind of empty shell. She is terrified of newcomers to the island because she's scared that they'll harm her friends and family the same way that they did before and next time, she wasn't so sure that she would make it out alive.

Name:Min Woo and Shin Woo



Personality:Bubbly, Friendly, Cheerful, Optimistic, Helpful, Loving, Caring, Protective, Forgiving, Adorable, Lovable


Best Friend/s:Mi Sun, Jung Hwa, Lillian, Kyung, Ai Min, Min Hyuk




Min Woo and Shin Woo are the twin boys to the brave warrior and healer, Jung Hwa, and the top healer, Ai Min. The two are skilled healers at their age, mainly because they're always practicing or getting lessons from their mother. They are also talented warriors, which they learn different forms and techniques from their father. The twins are very protective of Lillian, despite her being older, and feel as though they should protect her because she always seems so empty and it makes them upset. If they were meet any newcomers, they would try to be nice, but also cautious on Lillian's behalf.


Name:Victor Lee


Role: Castaway

Personality:Friendly, Cheerful, Motherly, Worrisome, Optimistic, Helpful, Thoughtful, Loving, Caring

Job: Chef

Best Friend/s:TingZhe, Hime Lee

Married:Hime Lee






Personality:Tricky, Prankster, Mischievous, Short Tempered, Easily Bored, Competitive, Blunt, Teaser, Intimidating

Job: Doctor

Best Friend/s:Victor Lee, Park Lee Lau, Park Lee Lou

Crush: Chun Hei(LATER ON)



Name: Park Lee Lau and Park Lee Lou


Role: Castaway

Personality:Mischievous, Joker, Prankster, Teaser, Blunt, Observant, Cheerful, Optimistic, Helpful, Playful

Job: Pilot

Best Friend/s:Yu Zhang Pai, Kim Hyorin, TingZhe


Lau-Dating Kim Hyorin




Name:Yu Zhang Pai



Personality:Quiet, Shy, Easily Flustered, Gentleman, Helpful, Thoughtful, Considerate, Sweet, Observant, Understanding


Best Friend/s: Park Lee Lau, Kim Hyorin, Park Lee Lou, TingZhe

Crush:Fang Hua (LATER ON)



Name:Hime Lee



Personality:Thoughtful, Sweet, Helpful, Gentle, Loving, Caring, Honest, Considerate, Forgiving, Personable, Understanding


Best Friend/s:Lu Chu, Kim Hyorin

Married:Victor Lee



Name:Lu Chu



Personality:Quiet, Calm, Easily Bored, Distant, Blunt, Straightforward, Observant, Intimidating, Charming


Best Friend/s:Hime Lee, Kim Hyorin




Name:Kim Hyorin



Personality:Bubbly, Energetic, Friendly, Sweet, Optimistic, Cheerful, Adorable, Lovable, Cute, Oblivious, Blunt, Observant, Teaser

Job:Figure Skater

Best Friend/s:Lu Chu, Park Lee Lau, Hime Lee, Park Lee Lou, Yu Zhang Pai

Dating: Park Lee Lau



Name: Shen Lee



Personality:Motherly, Worrisome, Friendly, Cheerful, Optimistic, Loving, Caring, Considerate, Protective, Helpful, Thoughtful


Best Friend/s: Sunmi Lee




Name: Sunmi Lee



Personality:Bubbly, Friendly, Cheerful, Adorable, Lovable, Sweet, Cute, Cheerful


Best Friend/s: Shen Lee



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Name: Kyung-Mi Sakura Brown

Age: 25

Role: Islander

Personality: Smart, Cunning, Strong-Willed, Quirky, Sweet

Job: N/A

Best Friend/s: Kenji, Kiki, and Kenna Sohma

Crush/s: N/A




Kyung-Mi is the first born of her deceased parents Kenji Bae and Kyung Soon Min Hee Sohma. Kenji and Kyung Soon were two of the islands finest warriors. Kyung Soon caused much controversy seeing as though she was a woman. But she and her husband commanded the battle field whenever they fought. Kyung-Mi was devastated by her parents death. The stress and heart ache sent her into labor with her baby girl Cho. Cho was a month premature and was under a lot of care from the island nurses and doctors but she pulled through. Cho is now a healthy five year old who is always giggly and happy. A few days after Cho was born, Kyung-Mi's husband had to go out into battle after his father died. It was a week before Samual was killed in battle. Kyung-Mi wept for weeks on end. She had lost her parents and now she'd lost her one true love. She became depressed and she had to be watched so that she wouldn't pull a knife out on herself. After months of grieving, Kyung-Mi was able to live alone with her new baby. She gave her daughter then name her father wanted for her.

Name: Kenji Bae Sohma Jr.

Age: 24

Role: Islander

Personality: Strong, funny, kind, hopeless romantic, and dorky

Job: N/A

Best Friend/s: Kyung-Mi Brown, Kiki Sohma, Kenna Sohma, Leo Conners, and Levi Conners

Crush/s: Fang Hua




Kenji is the second child of deceased Kenji Bae Sr. and Kyung Soon Min Hee Sohma. Kenji and Kyung Soon were two of the islands finest warriors. Kyung Soon caused much controversy seeing as though she was a woman. But she and her husband commanded the battle field whenever they fought. Kenji was hit hard by his parents death and he soon had to put aside his grieving when his older sister went into labor and became mentally ill after her husband died. Kenji was by his sister's side everyday for what seemed like forever until Kyung-Mi could live on her own with her new baby. Kenji spoils his niece rotten. He loves that little baby girl with all his heart.

Name: Kenna Eu Mi and Kiki Cho Hee Sohma

Age: 23

Role: Islander


Kenna: Serious, Kind, Sweet, Shy, Intelligent, and Beautiful

Kiki: Goofy, Quirky, Sweet, Kind, Funny, and Adorable

Job: N/A

Best Friend/s: Kenji Sohma, Kiki Sohma, Kyomi Genji, Ching-Lan Genji, Leo Conners, and Levi Conners


Kenna: Chin Ho Xion (Later On)

Kiki: Park Lee Lou (Later On)







Kenna and Kiki are the last born twins of deceased Kenji Bae Sohma Sr. and Kyung Soon Min Hee Sohma. Kenji and Kyung Soon were two of the islands finest warriors. Kyung Soon caused much controversy seeing as though she was a woman. But she and her husband commanded the battle field whenever they fought. Kiki and Kenna were both crushed when their parents died. They didn't leave their home for weeks. It wasn't until Kyung-Mi became mentally ill, that the twins left the safety of the home that they shared. They helped take care of their niece Cho while Kenji helped Kyung-Mi recover.

Name: Leo Vincent and Levi Collin Conners

Age: 24

Role: Islander


Leo: Easily annoyed, quiet, serious, and calculating

Levi: Goofy, funny, quirky, childish, and adorable

Job: N/A

Best Friend/s: Kenji Sohma, Kiki Sohma, Kenna Sohma, Kyomi Genji, and Ching-Lan Genji


Leo: Engaged to Kyomi Genji

Levi: Crush on Zander Sanders (Later On)




When the burnings were happening on the outer rim of the island, Levi and Leo ran from the east end of the island, to the center of the island for refuge; that's where Leo met Kyomi, another refuge from the west side of the island. Leo instantly fell in love with the tom boyish girl. Leo is normally very quiet and reserved. He doesn't talk to many people and he comes off as having a cold heart. But around Kyomi he comes out of his shell and is just happy. Levi on the other hand, is gay, and there aren't very many gay men on the island. He is open about his sexuality but many people are against him being gay. Leo has always stuck up for his twin, and whenever anyone says anything to Levi about his sexuality Leo is always there to back Levi up or to kick someone's ass.

Name: Kyomi Chun Genji

Age: 23

Role: Islander

Personality: Daring, Outgoing, Prankster, Tomboy

Job: N/A

Best Friend/s: Leo Conners, Levi Conners, Kiki Sohma, Kenna Sohma, and Kenji Sohma

Engaged: Leo Conners




Kyomi grew up on the west side of the island. When the outer rim of the island was being burned down, she and her sister ran to the center of the island for refuge. She met her fiancé Leo, who was a refuge from the east side of the island, at the center. Kyomi is a huge tomboy and always has been, but around Leo, she just feels like a real princess.

-Kyomi is pregnant but she is waiting to tell Leo.

Name: Ching-Lan Fen Genji

Age: 22

Role: Islander

Personality: Shy, Quiet, Clam, Kind, Sweet, Caring, and Skittish

Job: N/A

Best Friend/s: Kyomi Genji, Leo Conners, Levi Conners, Kenji Sohma, Kiki Sohma, and Kenna Sohma

Crush/s: N/A




Ching-Lan grew up on the west side of the island. When the outer rim of the island was being burned down, she and her sister ran to the center of the island for refuge. Ching-Lan is very shy. She usually doesn't say much and she likes to keep to herself.

Name: Cho Beatrice Brown

Age: 5

Role: Islander

Personality: Cute, Blunt, Adorable, Outgoing, Sassy, Loving, Sweet, Oblivious, Clever, Smart, and Happy Go Lucky.

Job: N/A

Best Friend/s: Min Hyuk, Min Su, Kyung, Lillian, Min Woo, Shin Woo

Crush/s: Kyung




Name: Jessica Christine Torres

Age: 25

Role: Castaway

Personality: Funny, outgoing, smart, kind, caring, sweet, loving, quirky, cute, adorable, dorky, and goofy

Job: Singer, Actress, and Singing Coach

Best Friend/s: Zander Sanders

Crush/s: Lu Xun (Later On)




Jessica grew up in Puerto Rico and moved to the US when she was 10. She went to school and wasn't really popular with the rest of the kids. She has always been quirky and different from others. And in middle school when she met her best friend Zander she became a lot more popular, considering Zander was the star football player until his junior year in high school when he came out as gay. A few months after Zander came out, Jessica finally had the courage to come out as well. She told everyone she was Pansexual (if you have a question just ask). After high school, both Zander and Jessica went to Julliard to study acting. Jessica minored in music and then she and her best friend went out into the world and put their selves out there. At first it seemed like all hope was lost. Jessica is a short busty girl with a pixie cut and not many people cast people with that fit, but she never gave up. Then she landed her first acting job. She played Liesl von Trapp in the Sound of Music and her career took off from there. She got calls from talent agencies all over New York asking her if she wanted to join them. She joined up with Norman Jean, her and Zander's agent. He got her many jobs as an actress, singer, and model in Ne York. After a while Jessica decided she wanted children, but she couldn't be bothered with getting pregnant, so she adopted her five year old twins Elliot-Rose and Peter.

Name: Zander Michael Sanders

Age: 25

Role: Castaway

Personality: Athletic, Funny, Kind, Caring, Sweet, Outgoing, and Gentlemanly

Job: Model and Actor

Best Friend/s: Jessica Torres

Crush/s: Levi Conners (Later On)




Zander grew up in New Jersey. He had always been the popular kid. Epically because he played football. He met his best friend Jessica in middle school and they have been friends ever since. When he was a junior in high school he came out as gay and his life turned upside down. He was kicked off the football team and a lot of his friends stopped talking to him. But Jessica never left his side, and later that same year, Jessica came out too, and he stuck with her just like she did for him. After high school he went to Julliard with Jessica and he majored in acting. He then searched for a talent agent to help him with career. He found Norman Jean and he became an instant hit with directors and producers all over New York. He even helped Jessica land her starting job as Liesl von Trapp in The Sound of Music. Zander started getting into modeling and became even more famous. When his best friend adopted her twins, he became like an uncle to them. He spoils them rotten and loves them to death.

Name: Bae Dae-Ho Honda

Age: 24

Role: Castaway

Personality: Kind, smart, cunning, clever, serious, and calm

Job: N/A

Best Friend/s: Chin Ho Xion

Crush/s: Lilly (Later On)




Bae grew up in Seoul South Korea. He's always been into boxing and acting. As soon as he left high school be became a professional boxer and is loved by many. While still boxing, Bae stared in movies and took photos as a model.

Name: Chin Ho Dae-Hyun Xion


Role: Castaway

Personality: Happy-go-Lucky, kind, smart, dorky, and prankster

Job: Actor, Model, and Singer

Best Friend/s: Bae Honda

Crush/s: Kenna Sohma (Later On)




Name: Elliot-Rose Marie Torres

Age: 5

Role: Castaway

Personality: Quiet, Calm, Sweet, Adorable, Funny, Cute, Shy, and Loveable

Job: N/A

Best Friend/s: Shen Lee, Sunmi Lee, and Peter Torres

Crush/s: Min Woo




Name: Peter Joseph Torres


Role: Castaway

Personality: Outgoing, Loud, Funny, Cute, Prankster, and Happy-Go-Lucky

Job: N/A

Best Friend/s: Shen Lee, Sunmi Lee, and Elliot Torres

Crush/s: Sunmi Lee




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