Lost in Wasteland



Name:Kane Steele


Age: 32

Origin: Unknown


Kane grew up in a rough household. His mother died at birth, leaving his father to take care of him. Unfortunately, the man blamed the son for the death of his wife, which caused him to lose himself to alcohol and being abusive. Kane had to grew up to become tough quickly, and usually went out on the streets to avoid his violent father.

He became very withdrawn and aggressive himself due to this, leading him to join up with the wrong people, doing the wrong things.

As he grew up, he often went out to parties and drank a lot himself on these things. As a teenager, he had become tough, and often fought with his father, until at the age of 17, he left the house to join a gang.

One time, around the age of 20-21, after once more drinking too much at a concert and for the first time taking drugs, this ended badly for him and he ended up passed out on a bench in the park late at night. He was found by a younger woman named Maria, her hair as gold as the sun and her skin as pale as snow. She decided to help him and, despite his rough and harsh attitude towards her at first, her stubborn and confident attitude managed to win him over.

He fell in love with her, and left the gang, promising her he would try and better his life. He found a job in transport, and got his airship license, making him able to fly them around and transport items across the world. He quit drinking, and they began to live together. Eventually, he proposed to her, and they would marry within the next five years, or so they hoped.

It seemed their lives were improving, and they lived happily together, however the world around them was becoming more and more unstable.Places were bombed, and transport was becoming a dangerous job to do.

One night when Kane would walk Maria home, one such bombing suddenly occurred near them, which costs Kanes arm and leg to be damaged beyond repair, and several ribs cracked badly. But even worse.. The explosion had killed off Maria, leaving Kane to become lost in desperation and pain.

He managed to get his arm, leg and broken ribs to be replaced mechanically, but losing Maria made him lose track of life again, and the burn scar on his body will always remain as a reminder of this event.

As the world further detoriated,



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