Lore5: Replying to Ratings


One Thousand Club
You can now delete ratings you have given, or delete ratings on items you control.  You can now reply to ratings you have received, and give feedback on how useful that rating was.

If someone rates your shit, and you give feedback, THEY CANNOT SEE IT.  It is only used as an internal metric that will later be used to report on things like "best raters".

This is to avoid bullshit like rating reprisals.  Please rate responsibly.
Re: Replying to Ratings

memesis said:
If someone rates your shit, and you give feedback, THEY CANNOT SEE IT.
To clarify (because I myself was a little confused), the numerical rating you assign cannot be seen, but your comments can.

I can see the replies in all of those examples. Maybe it's because I'm a moderator.

Could one of you other "civilians" test it to see if you get the same results as FC?

How come some author's replies are displayed and other's aren't?
I logged out entirely, and went back to Lore5.  I can see all the replies to comments where there ARE replies, but not every comment has a reply.

If you still feel there is a bug, please clarify the situation further.
memesis said:
I logged out entirely, and went back to Lore5.  I can see all the replies to comments where there ARE replies, but not every comment has a reply.
If you still feel there is a bug, please clarify the situation further.
In that case, there may be no bugs, not if we're meant to see the author's replies to ratings.  Sorry to have brought it up, I must have misread the initial post.

I'll leave now  :oops:

The idea is that all comments, and all replies to comments, are always public.

The submission author, and the person who leaves a comment, may both delete a given comment.

A commenter may rate the submission and this rating will appear as part of their comment.

The submission author may OPTIONALLY reply to a comment.  If so, they may leave usefulness feedback (e.g. how useful was the comment to them as a submitter).  THIS specific part, the feedback number, is never shown.
memesis said:
The submission author, and the person who leaves a comment, may both delete a given comment.
What stops authors from just deleting every bad rating they get?

Stillborn said:
memesis said:
The submission author, and the person who leaves a comment, may both delete a given comment.
What stops authors from just deleting every bad rating they get?

What stops authors from creating sock-puppet accounts to uprate themselves?
memesis said:
What stops authors from creating sock-puppet accounts to uprate themselves?
Many, many times the amount of effort, I suppose.

Stillborn said:
memesis said:
What stops authors from creating sock-puppet accounts to uprate themselves?
Many, many times the amount of effort, I suppose.

Two points here.

1. "Many, many times" is rather an exaggeration.  Registering on the site takes about 60 seconds, assuming you have multiple email addresses (most people do that I know of, and they are trivial to obtain anyway).

2. Keeping an honest user honest is like keeping a tall user tall.  If someone really wants their submission to be shiny and sparkly, they'll arrange for it.  Conversely, making it convenient to nuke unhappy ratings isn't going to lead to a rash of rating removal.  There's been plenty of time for it to happen already.
I guess I just don't really see a compelling benefit for this feature. If someone gets an obviously abusive rating, they can ask a moderator to delete it for them. What other purpose would giving them this ability serve?

Stillborn said:
I guess I just don't really see a compelling benefit for this feature. If someone gets an obviously abusive rating, they can ask a moderator to delete it for them. What other purpose would giving them this ability serve?
No, that's pretty much it.  Aside from my personal stance that people should be able to delete shit off their submissions as they wish.

By the way, currently 207 ratings have ever been created, and 185 now exist.  I can personally account for the majority of the 22 that have been deleted, since I've been doing testing.
New feature - from a User Page, the Ratings Given and Ratings Received views show whether or not a reply was made.  If you haven't replied to ratings for your stuff, please do so.  Similarly, you can see if someone replied to your rating.

The more replies to ratings that appear, and the more the feedback system is used, the more we will see who are the useful raters.  This is important for ego purposes.

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