Lore5: Manse category?

Why I would like to see a separate Manse category

By Solfi

Yes, Manses and Hearthstones are connected; but which Manse is connected is connected to which Hearthstone is not. The important things are aspect and powerlevel.

Also, creating a unique Manse (which they all should be) is not that easy. Right now, if anyone wants to find inspiration for his/her Manse, he/she have to go through the submitted Hearthstones of the aspect he/she is interested in, to find any that actually has a description of their respective Manses (as far from every Hearthstone includes a Manse-description. In fact, I would go so far as to say that most of them do not).

... Besides, I actually find I'm more interested in the Manse, than the actual hearthstone, since the Manse is more than a blob that gives you some advantages; it's part of the setting, and can bring some lasting wonder in a chronicle, if it's an inspired work (not fond of the whole "hey I got a couple of hearthstones, let's run all over Creation and kick ass, using it's power but never contemplate it's origin or actually use the Manse of origin for anything substantial"-thing. Manses should be living places).

The "Hearthstone" category currently has a manse description, and a hearthstone description. This should be expanded to also include the name of the manse as a field, and a separate search could display the entires by Manse as well.

Thus, you would be able to search by hearthstone, or by manse, without having two separate submission entires for everything.


I don't know. I suppose that would work. The important thing when trying to find a Manse would be to select aspect and (perhaps) powerlevel. The latter has a lot of leeway, since it's mostly fluff-text (apart from the obvious use of extra levels of the Demesne to power effects; but those could probably also be replicated by the use of creative spells and / or Artifacts).

... btw Memesis, I've been looking at the changes you've been doing. Nice work. Damn you're just spitting them out  :shock:, where do you get the time ? ... Anyways, keep up the good work. The site just keeps getting better and better each time I visit.
Solfi said:
... btw Memesis, I've been looking at the changes you've been doing. Nice work. Damn you're just spitting them out  :shock:, where do you get the time ? ... Anyways, keep up the good work. The site just keeps getting better and better each time I visit.
The site has a really strong underlying framework of code that lets me generate new reports or other features in a very short amount of time.  I spent a long time writing that framework.

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