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Fantasy Lore Thread



your local ditch witch
Feel free to use this thread to elaborate on any concepts in the world of the main RP.
No source in particular for me. I'm just brainstorming all on my own for this one.
I have the beginnings of one for my character, though it's founded on the assumption that some areas of this world are harder fantasy (i.e., more magical and with stranger elements) than others.
My murder hobo is on a quest to 1.) find a very, very important magical artifact that was stolen from her land; 2.) avenge her dead lover; and 3.) get away from the bitching of her older sister and military captain. I don't know who all would want to join her in doing that, but no matter who, I will not be opposed.
I think its assumed that everyone will join in on all the murder hobo shenanigans! Is someone acting as GM or are we all going to be responsible if not slightly malevolent gods and puppet our mortals and their story cooperatively?

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