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Fantasy Lore - The Last Dragon Riders



The meaning of life is the fine game of nil
Roleplay Type(s)

Since time immemorial, dragons ruled the skies, their riders forming an elite class of knighthood revered for millennias as both military leaders and cultural icons. However, the march of progress has begun to challenge their place in a rapidly industrializing world.

In 1903, the first successful aircraft flight marked the dawn of a new era—an era where mechanized engines began to outpace the speed and maneuverability of even the most well-trained dragon riders. As aircraft technology advanced, dragon riders found themselves increasingly sidelined. What was once the backbone of military power was now relegated to reconnaissance and messenger roles, if not disbanded altogether.

As nations shift toward mechanical innovation, tensions rise, alliances harden, and an inevitable conflict looms—a Great War unlike anything seen before.

For over a century, the Concert of Europa, a diplomatic framework that kept the continent in balance, maintained peace after the last great conflict. The delicate web of alliances and treaties managed to prevent large-scale wars, even as industrial and colonial ambitions grew. However, the weakening and eventual disintegration of the Anatolia Sultanate power in the region of Thracia had set off a chain reaction of alliances and tensions that the Concert of Europa could no longer contain.

The power vacuum left in Thracia became a flashpoint for conflict, exacerbating existing rivalries. Two major alliances formed, solidifying the political landscape of into two opposing camps, The Alliance and The United Empires. both armed with industrialized armies and new aerial warfare capabilities. Diplomacy frayed, and nationalist fervor ignited as long-simmering tensions boiled over.

In June 1914, the assassination of an Ostmark-Hungarica Archduke in Thracia triggered a cascade of events that would plunge the world into the largest conflict ever seen. The Great War, as it would come to be known, would claim the lives of entire generation to come.
Countries & Alliances:

The Alliance:

United Kingdom of Albion
The world's premier naval power and a beacon of industrial might, the Royal Dragon Corps is one of the oldest users of dragon riders. While dragons still serve as symbols of national pride, Albion has heavily invested in aircraft technology, preparing its forces for a new kind of war. Its fleet controls the trade routes of Europa and beyond, ensuring Albion’s colonial dominance. Despite its modern strength, Albion’s army is small compared to its allies, relying heavily on the Kingdom of Gallia and Tsardom of Ruthenia.

Capital: Londinium
Current Leader:
Monarch: Queen Victoria II
Prime Minister: Lord Charles Bedford
Legislature: Parliament of Albion (Bicameral: House of Lords & House of Commons)
Population: 50 million
Currency: Albion Pound (£)
GDP: £1.2 billion
Demonym: Albionian
Religion: Church of Albion (Protestant Christianity), with growing secularism.
Military Strength:
Total Military Personnel: 1 million active, 500,000 reserves.
Branches of Service:
Albion Army (ground forces, relatively small)
>Royal Flying Corps (air arm of the Albion Army, focuses on aircraft)
Royal Navy (naval supremacy, strong global fleet)
>Royal Naval Air Service (air arm of the Albion Navy, focuses on airships)
Royal Dragon Corps (dragon)
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Kingdom of Gallia
A proud kingdom of art, magic, and tradition, Gallia’s history of dragon riders is rich and storied, with their famed Armée Royale des Cieux once feared across the continent. However, Gallia too has embraced the shift to industrial warfare, with airships and aircraft starting to take precedence in their military. Fiercely proud of its cavalry and aerial knights, Gallia views dragons as symbols of national identity. However, their numbers are dwindling, and the army is slowly modernizing with new artillery and airplanes. Gallia shares a historic rivalry with Teutonia, and its alliance with Albion and Ruthenia keeps it secure but increasingly dependent on its partners.

Capital: Lutetia
Current Leader:
Monarch: King Philippe VIII
Prime Minister: Émile Laval
Legislature: Assemblée Nationale (National Assembly, Unicameral)
Population: 38 million
Currency: Gallian Franc (₣)
GDP: ₣900 million
Demonym: Gallian
Religion: Gallian Catholicism (a blend of Christianity and draconic worship)
Military Strength:
Total Military Personnel: 1.5 million active, 700,000 reserves
Branches of Service:
Armée de Terre (army, known for its cavalry and artillery units)
>Service Aéronautique (air arm of the Gallian army, focuses on aircraft)
Marine Nationale (navy)
Armée Royale des Cieux (dragon)
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Tsardom of Ruthenia
Vast, cold, and mysterious, Ruthenia maintains an impressive cavalry of dragons, especially frost-breathing drakes bred in its northern mountains. However, internal strife and outdated technology make Ruthenia a fragile ally. It aligns with Albion and Gallia to prevent encroachment from Teutonia, with whom it shares an uneasy border.

Capital: Novgorod
Current Leader:
Monarch: Tsar Alexander IV
Prime Minister: Dmitri Nikolaev
Legislature: Duma (Bicameral: State Council and State Duma)
Population: 100 million
Currency: Ruthenian Ruble (₽)
GDP: ₽1 billion
Demonym: Ruthenian
Religion: Ruthenian Orthodox Church (state religion, deeply intertwined with the Tsarist rule)
Military Strength:
Total Military Personnel: 3.5 million active, 2 million reserves
Branches of Service:
Imperial Army of Ruthenia (large and diverse, known for its infantry and artillery)
Imperial Ruthenian Navy (focused on defending its Black Sea and Baltic coasts)
Imperial Air Service (emerging, focused on airships and balloons)
Орден Небесного Дракона (Order of the Celestial Dragon, ceremonial unit with few remaining dragons)
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Empire of Oyashima (Expeditionary Forces)
An outsider to the politics of Europa, Oyashima is a rising imperial power from the East. Though they have never relied on dragons, Oyashima is known for its mastery of the powerful and mysterious Onmyōdō oriental magics, including illusions, weather manipulation, and summoning creatures of legend. Their military forces include both traditional samurai and modernized fleets, the latter of which have been dispatched to aid Albion in the coming war. Oyashima's magics, while different from Europan traditions, are feared and respected across the world.

Capital: Kyoto/Heian-kyō
Current Leader:
Monarch: Emperor Meiji
Prime Minister: Ito Hisamichi
Legislature: Imperial Diet (Bicameral: House of Lords & House of Commons)
Population: 55 million
Currency: Yen (¥)
GDP: ¥1.1 billion
Demonym: Oyashiman
Religion: State Shinto (state religion), with a strong presence of Buddhism and local animistic traditions
Military Strength:
Total Military Personnel: 1.2 million active, 600,000 reserves
Branches of Service:
Imperial Army of Oyashima (focused on infantry, artillery, and land-based defense)
>Imperial Army Air Service (air arm of the imperial army, focuses on aircraft)
Imperial Navy of Oyashima (dominant naval force in the Far East, highly advanced fleet of modern ships)
>Imperial Naval Air Service (air arm of the imperial navy, focuses on airships)
Onmyōji Corps (branch dedicated to spiritual magic and esoteric arts, focusing on summoning, wards, and elemental control)
Date Format: YYYY/MM/DD

The United Empires:

Empire of Teutonia
The industrial heart of Europa, Teutonia has long been Gallia’s greatest rival. Teutonia is home to a proud traditional Drachenreiter Korps, but under the leadership of its current Kaiser, the empire has aggressively modernized its military, shifting focus to mechanized warfare. Teutonia’s advanced techonolgy and industrial capacity have made it the dominant force in the United Empires bloc, forging alliances with Ostmark-Hungarica and the Anatolia Sultanate. Teutonia is the most advanced industrial power in Europa, leading in the production of airplanes, tanks, and artillery. Its mechanized air force Luftstreitkräfte is unmatched, and its war doctrine emphasizes overwhelming firepower and mobility. The empire seeks to expand across Europa, aiming to unite the continent under its iron rule.

Capital: Neuberlin
Current Leader:
Monarch: Kaiser Wilhelm II
Chancellor: Otto von Brauer
Legislature: Bundesrat (Bicameral: Bundesrat & Reichstag)
Population: 65 million
Currency: Teutonic Mark (ℳ)
GDP: ℳ1.5 billion
Demonym: Teutonian
Religion: Lutheran Christianity, with a growing secular movement and revival of modern teutonic paganism
Military Strength:
Total Military Personnel: 2.5 million active, 1 million reserves
Branches of Service:
Kaiserliche Heer (Imperial Army, known for its efficiency and discipline)
>Luftstreitkräfte (air arm of the army, pioneers in aircraft development)
Kaiserliche Marine (Imperial Navy, expanding its fleet to rival Albion.)
>Marine-Fliegerabteilung (naval aviation, consisted of airships, observation balloons and fixed-wing aircraft)
Drachenreiter Korps (dragon)
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Anatolia Sultanate
The crumbling Sultanate in Thracia has been in decline for decades, its empire stretched thin and its once-legendary dragon legions reduced to a shadow of their former selves. The Sultanate clings to power with the backing of Teutonia, using what remains of its dragon forces in a desperate bid to stave off collapse. Their alliance with Teutonia is one of necessity rather than choice, as the Sultanate’s role in the United Empires is increasingly precarious.

Capital: Konstantiniyye
Current Leader:
Sultan: Abdul Hamid II
Grand Vizier: Mehmed Pasha
Legislature: Meclis-i Mebusan (Parliament, although the Sultan holds most power)
Population: 35 million
Currency: Anatolian Lira (₤)
GDP: ₤500 million
Demonym: Anatolian
Religion: Sunni Islam (official), with Sufi traditions
Military Strength:
Total Military Personnel: 1.2 million active, 500,000 reserves
Branches of Service:
Anatolian Army (main force, heavily reliant on infantry and artillery)
Anatolian Navy (focused on the Mediterranean, small but growing)
>Anatolian Air Squadron (aircraft operated by army and navy)
Ejderha Muhafızları (Guardians of the Dragon, few dragons remain in active service, mostly ceremonial)
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Empire of Ostmark-Hungarica
A multi-ethnic empire on the verge of fracture, Ostmark-Hungarica is a patchwork of cultures and peoples. Dragons have always been a symbol of the emperor's divine right to rule, but the empire has struggled to keep pace with Teutonia’s military innovations. The empire is slowly crumbling under the weight of ethnic tensions and outdated institutions. It remains a significant power but is increasingly reliant on its Teutonian allies to keep order within its borders. Ostmark-Hungarica fields some dragons, but its air force is now dominated by dirigibles and aircraft.

Capital: Wienburg (Ostmark) and Buda (Hungarica)
Current Leader:
Emperor Franz Joseph I
Legislature: Reichsrat(Ostmark)/Országgyűlés(Hungarica) (Two Bicameral system)
Population: 52 million
Currency: Ostmarker-Hungarican Krone (K)
GDP: K850 million
Demonym: Ostmarker / Hungarican
Religion: Roman Catholicism, with Orthodox minorities in the empire’s eastern regions
Military Strength:
Total Military Personnel: 1.8 million active, 1 million reserves
Branches of Service:
Kaiserlich und Königliche Landstreitkräfte (Imperial-Royal Army, known for its diverse, multi-ethnic composition)
Kaiserliche und Königliche Kriegsmarine (Imperial-Royal Navy, small but growing in the Adriatic)
Kaiserliche und Königliche Luftfahrtruppen (Imperial-Royal Air Force, developing airships and aircraft)
Drachenlegion / Sárkány Légió (formerly a unified dragon-riding corps, now mainly ceremonial)
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United States of Americia
Across the Atlantic Ocean, Americia has remained neutral in the conflicts brewing in Europa, though its position is becoming increasingly untenable. The birthplace of aircraft, the Americian industrial revolution has led to innovations in aircraft and weaponry that rival those of Europa. The United States Dragon Corps had played a pivotal role during it's Independence War against Albion, albeit now the USDC is often jokingly referred to as "Uncle Sam's Decorative Children" as their dragons are few, used mainly in ceremonial parades and state functions. Americia has thus far maintained neutrality, watching carefully as the old world burns, but many believe that the country’s neutrality will not last, as the tide of war threatens to engulf the world.

Capital: Washington City
Current Leader:
President: Theodore Roosevelt
Legislature: United States Congress (Bicameral: Senate & House of Representatives)
Population: 100 million
Currency: US Dollar ($)
GDP: $2 billion
Demonym: Americian
Religion: Predominantly Protestant Christianity, with growing secularism
Military Strength:
Total Military Personnel: 500,000 active, 1 million reserves
Branches of Service:
United States Army (rapidly modernizing, focused on infantry and mechanization)
>Aeronautical Division, U.S. Signal Corps (very early stages of army air arm, focused on experimentation with aircraft)
United States Navy (growing into a global blue-water navy)
United States Marine Corps
United Stated Dragon Corps

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