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Fantasy LORE: Murder in the City of Devils


New Member

Lore: Murder in the City of Devils​

Here it is the long format post I promised detailing tons of information. I don’t even blame you if you can’t bother reading it all and only seek out what is vital to your character. Though I will say with the role of detective or hunter the more info you have the easier it is to make your way through this fantasy world.

Historical Context​

Throughout history species of otherworldly origins have roamed the Earth. Most kept to their own small knit communities too busy fighting amongst themselves- vampires against werewolves, witches against fae folk, etc. Though some solidified their position among humanity as godlike beings for worship. Humanity has never looked to any of them very kindly, seeing the arcane as nothing more than bloodthirsty monsters. Fear drove the mob, mortals made a point to avoid and isolate those of arcane lineage.

During the Dark Ages- witch burnings along with werewolf and vampire hunts were at one point considered sport. Villagers would collect fangs, wings, fins, bones, and claws of their victims, wearing them proudly around their necks. Mobs would gather, communities of mortals would thrive off a feeling of closeness in their fear- after all no matter how different their cultures, at least they were human. Because of arcane species' tendency to form smaller packs, clans, and families they were often outnumbered in the beginning.

Much time passed, supernatural species numbers declined, their culture disappearing along with it. Towards the end of the Renaissance, the 1600s; an uprising within the country of England occurred. A small rebel army formed arcane turned on their oppressors, slaughtering hundreds of mortals along their way to assassinate King Charles II. Led by a great alpha of the Groveborne Tribe. Historians still only know them as, “The Wolf of Danes.” The alpha’s small coalition of werewolves tore through the city of London, creating a massive fire that would burndown most of the city’s wooden infrastructure. Eventually, the wolfpack was met with a great army. In his rage fueled daze The Wolf of Danes had greatly underestimated humans one advantage over the arcane- their craftiness. Just in time for the attempted usurping a renowned alchemist of the time had provided the King with his first major arcana scientific discovery- Nullium ore.

A synthetic element the King then used to fill his armory, it’s ability to take away magic with just a single touch. Drain targets of the ether flowing through their veins, leaving them vulnerable to further injury was seen as priceless. The small wolf army of a couple hundred was nothing compared to the thousands within King Charle’s grasp. They would fall, and from then on an all out war between humanity and “monsters” was sparked.

Factions of hunters gathered, commencing an event known to scholars as: ”The Great Hunt” or “The Gallant Hunt”, scouring the countryside for suspicious persons of arcane descent. Slaughtering any odd looking old woman they found with too many warts. Or cutting down twin children with red hair because they just seemed demonic in nature. It was yet again a sort of witch trial, but not just against one species, this time anyone and everyone was a target. Distrust towards the arcane grew; it is said that close to a million were killed in the following five years after the Great London Burning. To this day werewolves are pointed at to blame for the event. Though it was hundreds of years ago, museums still paint them as the villains of said tragedy.

Werewolves however would probably tell you a far different story.

As time progressed and the world changed, places like the United states had a sort of lenient look on otherworldlies. Many of them fought alongside patriots during the Revolutionary War though few were given the respect they deserved. It has even been recently discovered that some of the men who signed the Declaration of Independence were arcane themselves. This trend continued throughout the United States long line of conflict, through their involvement in things like World War I and II, arcane finally found their species put in a positive light. Though not fully accepted there were larger cities like New Veil and Los Noctis that started to implement neighborhoods known as ‘safe zones’ for otherworldlies. During the mass flood of immigrants from other countries those of all arcane backgrounds weren’t necessarily allowed into the United States. But many people turned a blind eye after seeing the pros of having an army of super powered beings.

The creation of these safe zones was in full force by the sixties, the country at a time of uncertainty was divided on many things- racial tensions raised, Jim Crow Laws were in full swing. With their creation was also a series of Arcanian Codes, put in action by several states to the south and midwest who refused any sort of ‘safe zone’ initiative. The Arcanian Code basically allowed out right prejudice, making it impossible to find fair work, use public restrooms, or the option of good schools for children with arcane lineage. Segregation ran rampant and with it so did hate crimes committed against them. Discreetly anti arcanists with money gathered in the shadows, pulling strings in the government to make the so-called “monsters” suffer.

As time passed and technology progressed so did magic, in the eighties a special gem was synthesized- this time not with the intent of hurting otherworldlies, but being able to detect them. Business owners put these crystals up in their doorways, some placed bracelets made of the crystal on their wrists. There was high demand for the gem known as Seer’s Shine, with it no person could truly hide. Eventually these crystals were found out as fraudulent, The Institution of Divine Justice was put in place during the eighties, and those on it- mortal wizards, were given the responsibility of writing law and passing judgment on those of magical blood. As always the Arcane were the target of various political movements and religious agendas, one of those being the satanic panic in which many mortals claimed that vampires, fae folk, and witches used their supernatural charm inorder to worm their way into entertainment in order to brainwash the masses. Such claims were of course never proven but many celebrities and prominent peoples of arcane lineage chose to hide their species status to avoid the backlash associated with it. Only recently with the introduction of the Mythical Mandate have the Arcanians found themselves getting the positive attention they truly deserve.

Current Political Climate​

The Mythical Mandate; Laws and Regulations​

Newly written laws ordained by the Divine Judges have been put into place on January 1rst, 2024. Meant to bring equal rights to those of arcane lineage. Many traditionalists and religious fanatics are not happy with this decision, especially anti-arcanists who see it as a sign of the times. To them, these laws are the beginning of the downfall of humanity as we know it.

Species Anti Discrimination Law
All sentient non-human beings, including vampires, witches, werewolves, and other recognized supernatural entities, are granted the same citizenship rights as humans. This includes the right to vote, own property, and access legal protections. Discrimination based on supernatural species or magical abilities in housing, employment, education, and public services is strictly prohibited. Violators are subject to fines and legal action.

The Interspecies Employment Act
Employers must make reasonable accommodations for supernatural workers, such as providing flexible schedules for nocturnal species (vampires) or safe workspaces for those sensitive to silver (werewolves). Discrimination on the basis of supernatural status is illegal.

Controlled Transformation Act
Werewolves and other shapeshifters must register with local authorities and are required to safely transform in designated areas or within the confines of their homes during full moons or other triggered transformations. Failure to comply could result in fines or imprisonment.

Magic Regulation Act
The use of magic in public spaces is allowed but regulated. Offensive or harmful spells are illegal without self-defense justification. Witches, warlocks, and magical beings must pass a certification process to use magic for commercial or public purposes.

Blood Donation and Consumption Act
Vampires are prohibited from feeding on humans without consent. Licensed blood banks are established for the legal and ethical sourcing of blood, with mandatory consent forms for voluntary donors.

Public Safety and Integration Act
Supernatural creatures are required to carry identification or registration that indicates their species for emergency situations. Police forces and public institutions will undergo special training in interacting with supernatural citizens.

Interspecies Marriage and Partnership Law
Marriage or civil partnerships between humans and supernatural beings are legally recognized, with all related rights to inheritance, taxation, and adoption.

Hunting and Vigilantism Ban
The act of hunting, capturing, or harming supernatural beings without legal cause is considered a hate crime and punishable by law. Vigilantes acting outside the law to target supernatural beings are subject to harsh penalties.

Coven and Pack Sovereignty
Witches' covens, werewolf packs, and vampire clans are granted the right to self-govern within the boundaries of the law, including handling internal disputes through recognized traditional practices. However, all forms of punishment or governance must align with national human rights standards.

Dark Magic and Curses Prohibition
The use of dark magic, blood curses, necromancy, and life-threatening enchantments is outlawed unless for ceremonial or educational purposes under strict regulation. Violations result in exile or imprisonment.

Nighttime Activity and Curfew Ordinance
To accommodate nocturnal species like vampires, local municipalities can set flexible nighttime curfew ordinances that allow these creatures to be active without harassment, provided they adhere to safety and public order laws.

Sanctuary and Safe Zones Law
Supernatural beings fleeing persecution or illegal hunters are entitled to sanctuary in designated safe zones, including specific communities, temples, churches, and government established shelters. Interference with these sanctuaries is strictly forbidden.

Otherworldly Crime and Justice Law
Crimes committed against or by supernatural beings will be handled under the Arcane Correctional Program and Institution of Divine Justice to ensure that magical or supernatural elements are considered in trials. Supernatural beings may have their own courts for internal matters, subject to oversight by the Institute of Divine Justice.

Thrall Prohibition Law
The act of subjugating any being, human or otherwise, through vampiric influence or binding magic to serve as a thrall or slave is hereby outlawed. This includes both consensual and non-consensual creation of thralls. A thrall is defined as any individual who is placed under the direct control or influence of a vampire's will, compelled to act against their own desires, and deprived of autonomy. Any vampire or supernatural being found to have created or maintained thralls will be subject to severe legal consequences, including imprisonment, forfeiture of lands, and permanent exile.

Arcane Rights and Protections Act
Any individual who was formerly held as a thrall or slave may seek immediate sanctuary in designated Safe Zones across the country. These zones are protected by both magical and legal means, ensuring that no vampire may reclaim or harm them under any circumstance. Safe Zones shall be established in all major cities and towns, providing refuge, protection, and assistance in reintegrating into society. The act of pursuing or attempting to reclaim a former thrall within these zones is deemed a capital offense. Once asylum is sought, the thrall must undergo a purification ritual to sever any lingering vampiric ties. Upon completion, they will be granted full citizenship and all rights afforded to free beings.

The Consent and Completion Law
The transformation of a living being into a vampire or any arcane species must be done only with the full and documented consent of the individual. Any otherworldly species found partially turning an individual, leaving them in an intermediate state between life and undeath (as a thrall or similar state), will face immediate punishment under this law. The deliberate or accidental creation of thralls through incomplete transformation is strictly forbidden. All transformations must be completed, ensuring the new vampire has full autonomy over their actions. The Institute of Divine Justices shall oversee all turnings within the to ensure that the law is upheld. Any vampire seeking to turn another must register the act with The Institute of Divine Justice and provide proof of consent from the one being turned. Violators of this law shall face severe penalties, including the forced withdrawal of blood magic, banishment from the country, or execution, depending on the severity of the offense.

Arcane Correctional Program & The Institution of Divine Justice​

Within the United States there are three federal prison facilities- Eastslate Prison, located in the deep country of Southeast Georgia. Whitesun West, located on a desolate island off the coast of Southwest California. Lastly, Dry Run Prison placed smack dab in the middle of nowhere Oklahoma. Each facility functions as both prisons and asylums for those of arcane lineage who have broken the law.

A group of wizards known as: “Divine Judges” carry the responsibility of Wardens over the prisons. They also write all laws pertaining to the arcane and have been given presidential power over enforcing justice on arcane beings. They do so by stripping beings of their supernatural powers and abilities. Collars made with Nullium ore, designed by the greatest alchemist known to this date, are used to suppress criminals' inherent abilities. Prison guards carry weapons made of Nullium iron- a synthetic element able to absorb and drain magic.

Villains, Hostiles, & Natural Enemies​

Anti-Arcanists- There have always been mortals who objected to the very existence of otherworldlies in society, they protest, and avidly disagree with the “Mythical Mandate”. Some extremists believe arcane species shouldn’t exist at all, that they're a blight on humanity. Most just believe the arcane should be segregated from mortals. Both parties seem to see those born of magic or the result of such things to be cursed. Anti-Arcanists specifically are a new sort of trend, a toxic cocktail of ignorant speciesist, religious fanatics, and impressionable young people make up this political movement.

The Vindicators- A much smaller sect of Solar Covenant extremists who fit under the anti-arcanist umbrella. They are usually Hunter affiliated and have been tied to recent acts of terrorism in New Veil City.

Vampires vs Werewolves- It’s a tale as old as time. For some reason the two just don’t mix fighting like cats and dogs. They’re some of the earliest referred to arcane species in records of ancient history.

Witches vs Werewolves- The Nigthshade Circle, a coven of warlocks and witches hold deep resentment towards werewolves and have even been known to specifically target them by alerting Hunter Factions of their locations.

Merkfolk vs Land Dwellers- Merfolk generally prefer their own communities within the Asteria Isles, a group of islands within the Bermuda Triangle. They are said to be wary of “flat footers” as they refer to us, and some even see other arcane species as inferior to themselves and humans, seeing them as the byproduct of celestial evil.

Religious Groups and Belief Systems​

Most religions whether mortal or arcane are based on a long told story. A mythos that has rumbled its way through the underbellies of the forgotten paupers up to the greatest wizards and rulers of all time. Based on this story many sects and factions have broken off, choosing to worship their own retellings of the ancient myth.

The Omen of Contagion
In the time before time, the world was barren and cold, and the future was unknown. Three ancient beings arose, each carrying the power to shape destiny.

The Seeress of Dawn was a beautiful woman blessed with the gift of foresight. She could see the threads of fate that bound all living things, knowing every possible future that might unfold. Her visions were both a blessing and a curse, for with each revelation, she grew more distant from the present, lost in the endless possibilities of what might come.

The Lunar Necromancer, a man draped in shadows, wielded the power to command the dead. He was once a healer, but grief over the loss of his beloved drove him to the dark arts of necromancy. With his power, he could bring the dead back to a semblance of life, though they were forever bound to him, shadows of their former selves.

The Druid Spirit, once a wise elder, had sacrificed his mortal form to become one with the last great tree in a dying forest. The tree, ancient and twisted, stood as a sentinel over the natural world, its roots binding the earth together. The elder’s spirit lived within the tree, nurturing the world’s remnants and guarding the secrets of life and death. It is said the last remains of the tree are an ancient book; the pages made as a byproduct of the tree’s death.

A great plague swept across the land, a blight that neither the Seeress nor the Necromancer could foresee or reverse. In their despair, they sought the wisdom of the Druid Spirit, hoping to find a way to save the world from its impending doom.

The Seeress, gazing into the future, saw only darkness and death. The Necromancer, in his desperation, sought to raise an army of the dead to fight the blight, but each attempt only made the curse stronger. The Druid Spirit, feeling the death of the natural world in every withering leaf, knew that something had to be done. The three met beneath the dead tree, each bringing their powers to bear. The Seeress looked into the future and saw a single thread of hope, a path that led to salvation. The Necromancer offered his power to the Druid Spirit, who in turn used it to infuse the tree with the souls of the dead, turning it into a beacon of life. Together, they channeled their energies into a single act of creation.

From the roots of the dead tree, a new life was born—a seed, pure and glowing with the combined power of foresight, death, and nature. The Seeress planted the seed in the heart of the blighted land, and from it grew a new world, free from the plague, where life could thrive once more.

Popular and Niche Religious Groups​

Groups Affiliated with the Seeress of Dawn
The Solar Covenant- Followers of this religion revere the Seeress of Dawn, believing that through foresight, one can find the path to salvation. They emphasize prophecy, visions, and the importance of understanding the threads of fate. Their temples are built in places where the horizon is visible, symbolizing the Seeress’s ability to see what lies ahead. Both the arcane and humanity have their own versions of what praising the Seeress looks like. It is the most popular religion practiced to date.

The White Sun Coven- Wide spread coven of witches/warlocks and even some sorcerers with several communes and temples all over the country. Their communities are usually built in a way that sustains the beauty of the land around it. Followers dedicate themselves to practicing white magic and follow a strict code of conduct that requires they do no harm and protect the vulnerable. They have a good reputation with the Divine Order of Wizardry and usually hold no hatred towards mortals or otherworldlies.

The Divine Order of Wizardry- Following a strict moral code, wizards born into this religion pledge to the “Way of Light” as young as six years old. They train their craft for decades in the sacred Temples of Divinity Falls, studying magic in its most intricate and delicate aspects. These wizards are loyal to the Seeress of Dawn and ultimately, thus, to keeping peace for the sake of both the arcane and humanity. According to their belief system the Gallant Hunt was merely a travesty enacted as a result of the actions of The Great Wolf of Danes who they see as cruel blight on arcane history.

The Harrowvein Hunters- A faction of Hunters ran by elite families as old as time. Though hunting is outlawed in the United States their presence is still very much heavy within branches of the government and educational system. A secretive bunch, none readily admit to their affiliation and they are known to the public as extremists who believe the contagion of humanity the Seeress foresaw was in fact those of Arcane lineage.

Groups Affiliated with the Lunar Necromancer​

The Starfall Fangs- A werewolf pack with many branches all over the world they worship the moon and therefore the Necromancer who is believed to be the celestial being who first created the moon and the stars. They hold great importance on the stars and beliefs of astrological nature. This pack readily accepts humans and hybrids alike, and are willing to perform consensual transformation through legal avenues. Primarily they hold the belief that they are the result of a human birthing the first demigod child to the Lunar Necromancer.

The Nightshade Circle- This ancient coven of witches and warlocks worship all things related to darkness and the Lunar Necromancer. In pursuit of dark magic they are known to seek out deals with EODO’s (Entities of Other Dimensional Origin) for deals granting the powers beyond that of their usual scope. These deals can be nefarious and can result in the eventual death of the dark magic recipient. Many describe it as a blood cult and they hold great hatred for werewolves who they believe are at fault for the Gallant Hunt and Witch Trials. The Great Wolf of Danes is seen as a villain in their texts and he is called a tyrannical alpha who sought out the complete destruction of humanity without consideration of future repercussions.

The Crimson Crypt Clan- A large clan of vampires with wide reach all over the world who pursue the dark arts with an infatuation of death and the spirit world. Smaller sects believe in the total world domination of vampires. All of them believe the first vampire to be a demigod lovechild born to the Lunar Necromancer and a mortal. They are regarded as infernal and unholy by traditional followers of the Solar Covenant.

Groups Affiliated with the Druid Spirit​

Those who are worshippers of the Druid Elder hold deep belief in an alternate telling of the Omen of Contagion which paints him as the true savior of the material realm. It is said world was once on the brink of destruction, its lands ravaged by war and greed. As the natural world began to die, the Druid—once a wise and powerful leader—recognized that only a great sacrifice could restore balance. He chose to become one with the last living tree in the heart of a dying forest, merging his soul with its roots to become the Verdant Protector.

Through his sacrifice, the Druid Spirit infused the land with new life. The dead tree became a source of immense power, rejuvenating the earth and allowing the forest to grow once more. Some believe out of this seed came the first Shapeshifters, given the ability to easily shift in animals. It is also thought shapeshifters weremeant to be protectors of the natural world due to their connection to the Verdant Protector. The Grove Borne Howlers, and Heartwood Coven claiming witness to this miracle, dedicated themselves to the Druid Spirit. Understanding that their purpose was to protect the sacred forest and ensure the balance he had restored would never be disrupted again.

Shapeshifters, a Gift or a Curse- Though some would say shapeshifters were a blessing created from the seed the three celestial deities placed deep within the forests of earth. Others claimed shifters to be a curse, the bad side of an ominous warning. Many mortal fanatics believe that if magic completely invades the world, then humanity would be threatened. Mortals enslaved and Arcane as their masters. They will do anything to tip the scales, power means a lot to them because unlike the Arcane they aren’t just born with ether running through their veins. Most Anti-arcanists believe shapeshifters to be a curse and find their ability to change, and blend in incredibly repulsive. Families and friends have cut off their shape shifting loved ones, some even going as far to alert Hunters of their locations. Many shifters will choose to live nomadic lifestyles, Safezones are popular hubs for their species.

Shapeshifters and the Religious Rift- A cautionary myth from the Druid worshiping cultures tells of shapeshifters who misused their abilities for personal gain or to harm the natural world. These shapeshifters, known as the Wayward, were cursed by the Verdant Protector. They lost control over their transformations, becoming trapped between forms—neither fully human nor fully animal. Their existence became one of constant suffering, as they were rejected by both the human and animal worlds. The Wayward wanders the earth as reminders of the consequences of betraying the natural balance. The shapeshifters tell this story to warn against greed, the abuse of power, and the importance of living in harmony with nature. The only way to break the curse is to perform acts of selfless service to the natural world, hoping to earn the Verdant Protector’s forgiveness.

The Heartwood Coven- A renowned group of witches deeply connected to the natural world, drawing their power from the ancient forest that the Druid Spirit sacrificed himself to protect. The coven's name comes from their belief that they serve as the heartwood—the innermost, most vital part of the tree that is the forest. Members of the Heartwood Coven are known for their deep reverence for the natural world. They believe that every tree, plant, and creature holds a fragment of the Druid Spirit's essence. Their magic is rooted in the cycles of the earth, and they are skilled in herbalism, healing, and the manipulation of natural elements. They are particularly adept at wood and earth magic, able to communicate with trees, shape the land, and even call upon the forest itself in times of need.

They’re also known as healers and great counsel to the broken-hearted and weary, accepting of all species in their culture; several of their places of worship are Safe Zones to the arcane. The Heartwood Coven's members are fiercely protective of their sacred forest, and they view themselves as its guardians. They believe that by serving the Druid Spirit, they help sustain the life force that flows through the world, ensuring that nature continues to thrive. Their magic is a gift from the Druid, a manifestation of the life he infused into the earth, and they use it with great care and respect.

The Grove Borne Howlers- This smaller pack of werewolves act as the protectors of the forest, guarding sacred groves and ensuring the balance of nature is maintained. They have an innate ability to communicate with the trees and other creatures of the forest, allowing them to anticipate changes in the environment and threats to their home. The wolves believe that the Druid Spirit, who sacrificed his mortal form to save the natural world, is their eternal guardian. In return, they offer their loyalty and service, acting as his emissaries to nature. The pack's leaders, known as the Elder Wolves, are chosen based on their deep connection to the Druid Spirit and their ability to channel his ancient wisdom. Rituals are held during the full moon, where the wolves gather around the ancient tree that houses the Druid Spirit, howling in unison to honor him and receive his guidance.

Groups with Mixed Religious Affiliations and the Disregard for Tradition

The Pinefrost Pack- A fairly small werewolf pack, its religion arose from spiritualism and the ashes of the Great London Burning. After the Gallant Hunt greatly reduced werewolves numbers many sought out guidance from the fae folk who are said to have bestowed an ancient secret unto them that helped raise their numbers once again. They worship both the Seeress and Necromancer, led to believe by fae folk that the two celestials were betrayed by the Druid Spirit while creating the seed that would save humanity. It is said the druid used the seed to introduce a great evil to the material realm. Accepting only of werewolves, the Pinefrost Pack has steadily gained numbers for centuries. Banshees are the only other species accepted in their pack and are seen as spiritual guides to the Pinefrost Pack. This is due to their unique ability to foresee the future and predict death, making them associated with both the Seeress and the Necromancer.

The Mourning Star Court- A vast coven of vampires spreading world wide, it has ancient roots dating back to the first known human civilization known as Mesopotamia. Dedicated to the Seeress and the Necromancer they long to understand the mysteries of death. Along with worshipping the Seeress for her visions of the future and the Necromancer's control over the dead. They believe that by harnessing these powers they can one day ascend this material world and change destiny, becoming eternal arbiters of fate.

The Ashe Veil Clan- Another ancient vampire clan with deep roots in the world's history. The Ashe Veil Clan worship both the Druid and Seeress for their control over the natural world and power over destiny. It is said that there are patterns within the natural world that can alter and shape the future, they believe in deep study of these patterns. Often associated with the rituals they perform deep within hidden groves of the darkest forests, it is said while participating one can feel their spirit's connection to the earth grow stronger and even have prophetic visions.

The Umbra Clan- A mysterious and secretive witch coven originating from Southeast Asia. This coven uniquely worships both the Druid Spirit and the Necromancer, blending the reverence for life and death into a complex spiritual practice. The Umbra Clan sees the Druid and the Necromancer not as opposing forces, but as two sides of the same coin—both essential to the balance of the world. The witches of the Umbra Clan believe that life and death are intertwined, with the Druid Spirit representing the vitality of the natural world and the Necromancer symbolizing the inevitable return to the earth. They hold that all life must eventually pass, but from death springs new growth. The Umbra Clan’s magic is thus rooted in the cyclical nature of life and death, drawing from the deep, ancient energies of both the living forest and the spirits of the dead.

Their rituals are conducted deep within the jungle, often in places where the boundaries between life and death seem thin—abandoned temples overgrown with vines, sacred groves where the spirits of the dead are said to linger, or in hidden caves that serve as natural tombs. These rituals are highly secretive, known only to the members of the coven, and involve complex rites that call upon both the Druid’s life-giving power and the Necromancer’s command over death. In the wider world, the Umbra Clan is often spoken of in hushed tones.

The Umbra Clan’s reputation is one of both awe and fear, as they are known to wield powers that most would shy away from. The clan’s deep knowledge of both life and death has made them highly sought after for both healing and curses, though they only offer their services to those they deem worthy. The Umbra Clan sees itself as the ultimate guardians of balance, ensuring that neither life nor death gains too much power in the world. Their existence is a reminder that both forces are essential and that one cannot exist without the other.

Faefolk, The Seelie Court, and The Unseelie Court​

Their people are diverse made up of: trolls, pixies, selkies, nymphs, sylphs, dryads, centaurs, satyrs, ogres, goblins, elves, and gnomes. They have their own court that follows their own code of law approved by the Divine Judges. If a fae is found guilty by the Institute of Divine Justice they are sent to the Court they belong to, to be dealt with. Often fae folk would rather be taken in by the Divine Justice system, fearful of their strict rulers who have no room for forgiveness. Their communities vary from expansive to small their most prevalent cities lay within protected boundaries of the spiritual world. It is said other beings can gain access to this Seelie Realm through ritual cleansing or by finding places in nature with deep spiritual roots that contain portals.

The Seelie Court- Often referred to as the "Summer Court," the Seelie are typically associated with light, growth, and positive magic. They are ruled by a Faerie Queen known as Queen Morel, whose word is law. However, beneath the veneer of grace and kindness, there lies a strong sense of pride and an unyielding adherence to tradition. The Seelie are known for their strict codes of conduct and are deeply protective of their territory and customs. They also posses an alliance with the Institute of Divine Justice, seeing Wizards as capable and useful assets to their own aspirations for restoration of the natural world humanity seems so intent on destroying.

The Unseelie Court- In contrast, the Unseelie Court, or "Winter Court," is aligned with darker, more chaotic aspects of fae magic. The Unseelie faefolk are less bound by rules and are often seen as deceitful, dangerous, and vengeful. Their ruler, currently King Havros, encourages cunning and ruthlessness, and the court is known for its dangerous games and challenges of power. Though they do maintain a public alliance with the Institute of Divine Justice for appearance purposes.

Merfolk and The Asteria Isles Core Belief System​

Merfolk are mostly pantheistic and believe in hundreds of their own gods and goddesses. Ultimately for them the Moon and Ocean are their deemed patrons. Stories go back to a couple torn apart by an outside force known as the Sky. Stories are nuanced and largely differ along with practices and niche rituals for each region of the ocean. Though there are some references to the Omen of Contagion in ancient Cerulean Village Archival records writing off the three titular celestials of land dwellers as minor gods who forsake the Holy World. Forced to descend and rule over the material realm after committing a carnal evil.


Noteworthy Locations and Landmarks in Los Noctis​

Divine Falls Temple- A place of worship and massive sprawling campus where wizards young and old go to seek knowledge and understanding. The seven Divine Judges are said to reside there and it only accepts those of wizard born origins. All visitors are required to make an appointment and they have various services and some employment options available to mortals.

Los Noctis City Police Department/The Downtown County Jail and Court House- Location of the LNCPD the Arcane Investigations Unit is one of its departments and next door is the courthouse and county jail which tries both mortal and arcane offenders. The latter later being sent to either Arcane Correctional for further assesment or Whitesun West Federal Prison to be punished for their crimes depending on the verdict. Inside the Police Department is one of the largest collection Nullium ore weapons, referred to as "The Diamond Arsenal" because of Nullium being more expensive than diamonds.

Whitesun West Federal Prison- Located on an isolated island off the coast of southwestern California the facility functions as a prison and criminal psychiatric hospital.

Los Noctis Arcane Correctional Building- Downtown in the city center of Los Noctis it functions as an inpatient psychiatric hospital. Within its walls is a rehabilitation center and a government funded outreach program that seeks to help those in need of arcane lineage. The program provides: group therapy, magic counsel for those suffering due to its influence, and outpatient services for mortals and Arcanians. It is considered a Safezone and protected under the Mythical Mandate of 2024.

International Hall of Culture and Arts Museum- A grand museum and concert hall dedicated to displaying artists of both prestigious and amateur backgrounds. To play or present at the IHCA is seen as a great honor and many would give anything to do so. Every year they hold an exuberant ball promoting up and coming artists with promise and artists of renowned reputation. This year the IHCA Ball will be the first to openly acknowledge artists of arcane descent and many are unhappy with this decision.

Lucky Sun Entertainment Offices- Large and expansive building located in central downtown Bloodywood within the heart of Los Noctis. They have signed some of the biggest names in the Bloodywood and have a strict three strikes and you're out policy. They are more accepting of the arcane than some and are pushing for artists and entertainers of Arcanian descent to join the company believing that: "Magic is the Future".


Arcane Investigation Unit Protocol & Code of Conduct​

Dealing in Souls:
If offered a deal by any species of any arcane lineage you should absolutely not entertain the idea. Immediately remove yourself from the situation and speak no further. It is against AIU policy to engage in spiritual deals of all magickal avenues and routes. The Los Noctis City Police Department is not responsible for any harm, injury to your persons that result in making deals for arcane knowledge. Whether that be physical or psychological. (Refer to H.R for any time off or medical treatment expenses that fall within the scope of your 2033 insurance policy.)

Vampires, Blood, and Being Undead:
Unlike ghouls, vampires need not the flesh and feed off the blood of mortals to stay alive. They are already dead, but still living. Unbreathing yet immortal many find themselves becoming more corrupt as the years go on. Some are just not suited to the infernal transformation which can cause spiritual and physical damage, along with lasting physiological disturbances.

Ghouls and Brain Rot:
Ghouls are beings brought back from the dead, whether physical or metaphysical they gotta feed. Physical ghouls must eat flesh to survive, spiritual ghouls or just ghosts thrive off of feeding from the human soul. They can do this consensually within what the law allows or not. Which is where the AIU comes in, investigating crimes related to Ghouls can be difficult. Seek a higher ranking officer for specialized NOP gear that is suited specifically for ghouls. Be advised that the hungrier a ghoul is the less control they have over their own faculties. Brain or Soul Rot occurs the longer they wait between meals. Feral ghouls are to be apprehended or neutralized depending on the hazard to surrounding bystanders and yourself.

Shapeshifters and Religious Rebellion:
Instead of honoring the rituals that connect them to the Verdant Protector and nature, some shapeshifters have begun to twist these traditions to serve their own ends. They denounce the Druid orientated mythos that portrays shapeshifters as beings who originally were meant to be protectors of good. A new wave of tricksters have begun to rise within trending media. Some even go as far as to trick other creatures into believing they are aligned with the Vardent Protector while secretly pursuing their own agenda. Shapeshifter related crimes have risen in the past decade but they have always been so few and far between and their nature makes them exceptionally difficult to apprehend. Specialized N.O.P gear is available to those in pursuit of shapeshifter offenders, refer to the nearest highest ranking officer to survey your options.

Witches, Warlocks, and the Cost of Magic:
Some of these species are perfectly normal appearing humans with a wide range of abilities physically and metaphysically. Usually inherited from a long lost arcane family member. Several studies within the Divine Arcana University’s Biology and Genealogy department have shown an increase of witches and warlocks. Trace amounts of ether- the magical essence that contains what is essentially magic down to its very chemical make up can be found in their blood. Pediatricians say the sign of a witch or warlock at a young age is if they heal faster than their peers.

Some witches and warlocks have a way about them that seems to naturally charm others. They prefer to group up, like werewolves. Forming small covens with temples, whole communities built around them. They can be as kind as they are cunning. Most are humans who have given up their humanity through some truly dreadful deals and deeds. A small few are just born with a gift, it is only recently found that those with distant arcane ancestors possess magic. These abilities can suddenly form through puberty, some children have been known to: levitate, gain elemental related abilities, gain superstrength. All possess the inherent ability to do magic.

Still it is said one can at times spot a witch/warlock by their eyes that subtly change colors or come in a wide range of shades such as purple, neon red, or even silver. Throughout history, even until now, they face persecution from anti-arcanists and the religious fanatics who believe them to all be descended from evil.

Though they aren’t totally off in some cases, whether they are good or evil has yet to be proven. There have been a handful of cases in which a warlock or witch has obtained magic from an ancestor who made a deal of some kind with an entity of other dimensional origins (EODO). Causing them to later awaken with powers beyond the scope of normal witches.

Fae Folk and the Temptation of Crime:

The Faefolk, an ancient and enigmatic race, are known for their ethereal beauty, magical abilities, and complex societal structures. Dwelling in the hidden realms of the world, often in enchanted forests, secluded glens, or shadowed faerie rings, the Faefolk are deeply connected to nature and the mystical forces that govern it. Despite their otherworldly nature, they are not immune to the darker aspects of existence, and their society is rife with intrigue, power struggles, and, at times, criminal activity.

Glamour Manipulation and Identity Theft- One of the most common crimes among the Faefolk is the misuse of glamour magic, the ability to change appearance or create illusions. Some fae use this power to impersonate others, often with the intent of gaining power, wealth, or access to restricted areas. Identity theft is a severe offense in fae society, particularly when it involves impersonating someone of higher status.

Soul Binding nad Spiritual Enslavement- Certain factions within the Unseelie Court are notorious for their involvement in soul binding—an illegal practice where a fae traps the soul of a mortal or another fae, forcing them into eternal servitude or using them to power dark rituals. This practice is heavily frowned upon by the Seelie Court but is secretly widespread in the darker corners of fae society.

Dream Theft and Nightmare Weaving- Among the more mystical crimes is the act of dream theft, where a fae invades the dreams of mortals or other fae, stealing their deepest secrets, hopes, or fears. These stolen dreams can be sold or used to manipulate the victim. Nightmare weaving, a related crime, involves crafting terrifying dreams that can drive the victim to madness.

Blood Oaths and Contract Violations- Blood oaths and contracts are sacred in fae society, and breaking them is considered a grave offense. However, the terms of these contracts are often twisted, leading to legal disputes or outright crime when one party seeks to exploit loopholes. Violating a blood oath can result in severe punishment, both from the victim and the court.

Magical Poaching- Magical creatures, plants, and artifacts are highly prized in fae society, leading to a black market for rare and endangered items. Poaching involves illegally hunting or harvesting these resources, often from protected or sacred areas. This crime is particularly common in borderlands where the protection of the fae courts is weaker.

Kidnapping and Changeling Substitution- Faefolk are notorious for kidnapping mortals and replacing them with changelings—fae children or objects enchanted to look like the original. These kidnappings are often motivated by a desire to gain power over the mortal’s family or to use the mortal for specific purposes, such as servitude or sacrifice.

Court Intrigue and Assassination- Assassinations, though rarely overt, are a dark reality of fae court life. Poison, magical curses, and betrayal are common methods used to eliminate rivals. The intricate web of alliances and enmities within the courts often leads to such acts, which are seen as necessary evils in the pursuit of power.

The Power of Knowing Wizards:
Most magic comes at a cost but apparently not when you learn it down to its most nuanced levels. Wizards are born humans and the practice is passed down through families. They studied patterns, lines, chemicals, formulas, and applied all of these things into creating magic for a better world. Think of it as a practiced family craft, hidden knowledge given from master to apprentice. All wizards are traditionally pledged to the Divine Order of Wizardry as young as six years old. They do not allow beings of arcane descent to join. Though they can pledge their allegiance and find solace in their Temples. Every Temple is known as a safehaven to arcana of all descent, they may work under the Wizards in office management or other routes. But do not partake in the ancient ritual of shared knowledge. All mortals are welcome, the order includes monks, acolytes, and priestesses. All children growing up in the Temples of Divinity Falls find themselves answering to one of seven sects.

The final and seventh sect is that of judgment and only has eight members all of these being Divine Judges who wrote the Mythical Mandate. New judges are selected after the previous one has passed.

Rogue Wizards- Rare but dangerous, inform the highest ranking officer available who will inform Arcane Correctional. If you come into contact with these unpredictable anomalies. Remember to clear the area of surrounding civilians. They should be your first priority, though not at the risk of your own safety.

Alchemists- Similar to wizards they are completely mortal. Pure anomalies, only two have been recorded in history. They combine science and magic for their discoveries. One of their greatest strengths is the creation of synthetic elements and even organisms. Old records dating all the way back to the 1400s record the first alchemist in history to have lived several centuries, able to turn things to gold with a mere touch.

The Age of New Sorcerers:
Hybrids have become just as prevalent as witches and warlocks ether in their veins descending from far off ancestors. Sorcerer’s however are half arcane and often have physical mutations due to that. All carry the knack for magic and some even have interesting abilities inherited from their Arcanian parents. Mutations are common within the hybrid species but some are harder to spot. Update your N.O.P gear to suit the particular challenge of facing a sorcerer. Alert the Divine Institute of Justice and Arcane Corrections of any details pertaining to forbidden magic such as: blood magic, necromancy, or hypnosis.

Magical Objects, Weapons, and N.O.P Gear:

Every AIU member with their current license to carry will be given a badge with their personal identification number. It is made of Seer Stone and used to track all employees whilst working for safety purposes. Each badge is uniquely designed and equipped according to the officer's personal needs. Sharing off badges, trading, or loaning for any reason is prohibited.

Each officer will carry a Nullium ore pistol given to them along with their N.O.P kit. This weapon with their personal identification number badge shall be on their persons at all times while on duty. Under no circumstances should it be shared, traded, or loaned. No one but the officer with matching personal identification number to the pistol’s serial number should fire the previously stated weapon at any time.

Possessions of any objects whether of this dimension or another, sentient or not, is considered a felony and will be swiftly dealt with by the Divine Judges themselves.


Alchemy- Practice of magic mixed with science, Alchemists are said to live for centuries and capable of creating all new chemical elements and compounds.

Anti-arcanists- Those who oppose the Mythic Mandates and believe arcane species to be lesser to human beings. Recently the group gained popularity as part of fringe political movements. Many mortals pop up protesting in front of Safe Zones and establishments pointed to those of Arcanian descent.

Arcane Corrections- A part of the government branch known as the Institute of Divine Justice created to deal with arcane related issues within society. They do community outreach and provide several free programs to those suffering due to magical influence or arcane persecution.
Blending potions- A magical substance that when ingested can alter one’s appearance for at most 48 hours. It comes at a cost, as does all magic. An Alchemist in the 1980s responsible for creating Sheer shine also created this unique potion. Allowing one to temporarily alter their biological appearance down to a molecular level.

Dark Ages- Time period in Europe 400-600 AD. Feudalism and superstitions were common, Hunter factions arose during this time and Arcanians usually had human aliases or stayed in the deep forests within tight knit communities in hiding from Hunters.

Elder Wolves- Leaders of the Grove Borne Howlers with deep spiritual connections to the Druid Spirit and nature.

Entity of Other Dimensional Origins/EODO- To the current date there has only been record of little as four scientifically proven and confirmed incidents of mortals contacting EODO, they are very rarely interested in the mundane. Therefore it is unclear what their motives are. Proceed with caution of anyone who has been in contact with EODOs, they are highly sensitive and prone to outbursts of uncontrollable violence. Their power is volatile and none have been able to control it causing vast damage and the loss of lives.

Institution of Divine Justice- In charge of three large federal prisons with magical warding able to keep even those of the most powerful arcane lineage within their walls. A branch of government made to enact justice in cases pertaining to magic or Arcanian individuals. Seven wizards considered Divine Judges hold presidential power within the federal organization and recently they used that power to put the “Mythical Mandate” into law.

London Burning- The tragic result of a werewolf rebellion against King Charles II during the late 1600s. Many perished and the city of London was nearly destroyed.

Los Noctis- A west coast city filled with Arcanians of all kinds and many thriving cultures. The epicenter of the world’s entertainment it holds lots of power to sway society’s mindset toward the arcane. With the recent Mythical Mandate many supernatural celebs have come out of hiding or decided to try and make a name for themselves. Some who run the Bloodywood industry hold some resentment towards the new laws. Appalled at the thought of paying an Arcanian the same amount as their human counterparts.

Mesopotamia- Historical region of West Asia within the Tigris Euphrates river system today, known as Iraq. Mesopotamia is where some of the earliest developments of the civilization took place around 10,000 BC. It has been identified as having created some of the most important developments in human history. Like the wheel, planting of the first grain crops, cursive script, mathematics, astronomy, and agriculture.

Necromancy- A branch of dark magic that allows one to raise the dead or reanimate a soul. It is outlawed by the Mythic Mandate and seen as one of the most inhumane magics.

New Veil City- The east coast sister city to Los Noctis. It has a prevalent population of Arcanians just like its sister city and is seen as a safe haven to those of Arcanian lineage as well.

Renaissance- A time of artistic and intellectual revival for many and great persecution for the arcane. Taking place from 1400-1600 AD. Though many began to shift into the mortal world through blending potions, a magical substance that when ingested can alter one’s appearance. It came at a cost, as does all magic. With some nasty side effects, damaging the immune system.

The Vindicators- Extremists who protest, riot, and advocate for extermination of all arcane. Or complete separation of them from human society all together.

The Wolf of Danes- A powerful alpha who led a failed rebellion storming the King of England Charles II’s castle and in an attempt to assassinate him. He is often blamed for the persecution many arcane face today. Not much is known about him other than he was ruthless on the battlefield.
Safezones- places of solace that are federally protected for the arcane to congregate. Usually a place of worship, parks, schools, or any government building is seen as a Safezone.

Seelie Court- An oligarchy ran by a single King or Queen and their most trusted advisors; the Seelie Court believe in an eye for an eye when it comes to justice. Those of the Seelie Court are typically related to the seasons of summer and spring. The Seelie Kingdom lies within the Fae Realm a magical world that is protected by mythical beasts living within the wild terrains located with the boundaries of the material world.

Seer’s Shine- A gem synthetically produced by a great alchemist in the 80s. Used originally to detect those of arcane lineage it was later found to be inaccurate in its readings. Now it is used for other purposes though the public need not know that…

Nullium Ore- A synthetic element created by one of the greatest alchemists of all time during the Renaissance in the fight against the Werewolf rebellion.

The Great Hunt or The Gallant Hunt- A tragedy occurring after the Werewolf rebellion’s burning of London. A flood of mortals joined Hunter Factions and proceeded to scour Europe killing almost a million of those with arcane blood.

The Wayward- A term colloquially used by much of society to describe criminal shapeshifters. First coined by Verdant Protector (Druid Spirit) affiliated religious groups who believe shapeshifters to have strayed from their original destiny to be morally upright and protect nature.

Unseelie Court- Associated with seasons of winter and fall, their society is also an oligarchy, and holds just as twisted beliefs as the Seelie court when it comes to justice. Their punishments go beyond cruel, death a common sentence for those Unseelie folk who dare to spit in the ruler's face with disobedience. Their Kingdom also lies within the Fae Realm and is said to be completely covered in ice and dead vegetation. Their realm's physical boundaries are also protected by vicious mythical beasts and portals to the other world are hard to locate usually hidden in dark caves within the bowels of the Earth.

Verdant Protector- An alternate version of the Druid Spirit, envisioned as a benevolent guardian of nature who sacrificed his mortal form to preserve and bring the natural world back to life. In this myth, the Verdant Protector embodies the life-giving aspects of nature.

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