Little Horned Boy
Greetings, and salutations! Welcome to The Divine Vendetta, a detailed dark fantasy role play about the factions of man and their war over advanced ancient technologies and the awakening of slumbering Gods.
Faction Leaders:
Slot 1:
Slot 2:
- Looking for potential partner
Slot 3:
Elenion Aura
- Play Style
- World Lore
- Setting (Mood and Motifs)
- Technology
- Factions
- God Touched
- Learning Magic and the Schools of Magic
- Religions, Sects, Cults, and Clicks
- Ithisis
- The Circle of Twelve
|Play Style|
In The Divine Vendetta players will be siding with one of four warring factions and will be given full control over each group. I want this role play to be controlled by its players, with progress/guidance more or less given by me and a potential Co-GM. As a result of this desire, I've decided the four factions at odds with each other will be built from the ground up by the players, with a few guidelines from me to help keep things congruent. I'll also be making this world more or less open, so there should be a lot for players and their factions to do.
The Divine Vendetta will also have a heavy PvP focus, as comes naturally for an RP about war. The story progresses via factions and their members interacting, as well as events that I will create. This is a roleplay about war amongst men and the judgment of Gods, so expect political intrigue, espionage, religious orders, bloody battles, and crusades.
|World Lore|
The world is ancient and diverse, bountiful with unique cultures and people. Her history, long and unpleasant, is defined by ages of conflict and the doctrine of tyrants. Her face is scared by the blades of war, blemished by the chemical fires we set upon her. Empires rise and fall, conquest after conquest claiming this land. Though many aspects of this world might change, these things will not. It is a comfortable cycle and one that will keep spinning for all of eternity.
"I now recall something a wise man once said to me. Something about the three stages of an empire, the three generations. 'First came the conquerors, unstoppable in war. Then came the administrators, who bound it all together into one apparently unshakable, immortal edifice. Then came the wasters, who knew no responsibility and squandered the capital of their inheritance upon whims and vices. And fell to other conquerors.'
That is our world; in it's barest of essences."
~Mulkain The Scribe
Little is remembered of the world from before the calamity, from before the Seven Days of Fire. What few history books we find from The Age of Creation only give us small glimpses into the past, faint shadows of truth. Reading these grimoires, we can discover small slivers of information regarding times like that of the Eldritch Era and the Psychic Wars, or the Time of Titan and Era of Blood, but the anecdotal material available is too cryptic and spars to provide true illumination on these times in Man’s history. All that can be remembered now is the Age of Creation, and what has come since then.
Nearly a thousand years ago, mankind reached a golden age known now as the Age of Creation. With the marriage of science and magic, humans were able to perform epic feats and perform tasks now considered unimaginable. With the snap of a finger, man could move mountains and clear forests, and in the blink of an eye, cities could be raised with buildings built so tall one could knock on the heavens and pluck stars from the night sky.
For a hundred years we slowly constructed a world of rapture... But it wasn’t enough. There was hatred in the belly of man, hatred as old as creation.
In the Age of Creation, we had grown weary of our Gods, and so in an act of defiance and rage, we built our own and savagely set them upon our creators.
The constructed Gods were ruthless, and with their power in the hands of man, we ascended to the planes of starlight, on clouds, in cities made from bricks of breeze.
In the light of our burning creators, we danced madly, inhaling with euphoria their burning flesh.
It wasn’t long after our success, that we experienced the Calamity.
For reasons we still cannot explain, our constructed Gods turned on us and each other. Seven Days of Fire followed, and man was wrapped once again in darkness. We tumbled back to Nalderoth, our Gods, now ablaze, following suit. When we impacted, all but one of the Gods went into hiding for an eternal slumber.
Man, once again, was weak and vulnerable.
Slowly we attempt to rebuild, but our cities now lay on the graves of older cities and our streets and catacombs fill with the dead. We erect tall and formidable walls to keep out the plague and lepers, but somehow they still find ways into our alleyways and sewers.
These are dark days, but we cling to hope, any scrap of it we can find. It is widely believed that if one were to find and take control of one of the slumbering Gods, the world’s ancient secrets would become readily available once again. Because of this, multiple factions have arisen from the ashes of our fall, and now scour this grim planet for traces of the old world and its mighty Gods. These factions find themselves constantly at odds, warring with one another, spilling blood over old relics and clues to the unyielding mystery of our Gods.
At the same time, the final God, Ithisis, roams the land, casting judgment as they see fit. They are like a force of nature, appearing randomly and for unknown reasons, unstoppable and all-powerful. Their goals are unclear, all that is known is that he acts as a God does, breathing life into strange and bizarre creations, and destroying on a whim.
He surrounds himself with a council of mortals, monstrous beings of immense power, who aid him in his quest, whatever it might be.
|Setting(Mood and Motifs)|
The geography is scattered with ruins of older civilizations and their respective corpses. Catacombs lie beneath city streets and the bones of the old world find their way into the architecture of buildings occasionally. Colonies of lepers and plagued individuals bite at the walls of great cities and lurk in their alleys along with other miscreants who'll slit your throat for a just few coppers.
(This is a common question I see asked in fantasy RPs. I figured I would answer before anyone got the chance to ask)
On the other side of the spectrum, however, are things like airborne ships and golems. Again, this is technology that is rare, but still in existence.
Another example of the tech available in Nalderoth, is the "Arc-Lance", or "Arcane Lance". This relic was discovered about a century ago, and after much study, a few scholars were able to figure out how to replicate its design.
The Arc-Lance is a long polearm like instrument, generally made from bamboo or finely lacquered wood, with a metal rotating joint in the center. By cranking this joint the wielder connects a rune carved on the metal piece to a series of runes carved into the shaft of the Arc-Lance, which then triggers sorcerous projectiles to fire out the dispensary end of the lance. These weapons are expensive to make and require impressive sorcery but are a great tool against magical monstrosities.
When it comes to equipment for your characters, I will be somewhat lenient with the technology you want to give them as long as you can put sense into the contraption and explain how such a thing works. I really don't want to hinder creativity, but I will say there should be a heavy reliance on magic with most technology, as humanity is no longer an advanced civilization and relies on cutting corners with magic. And even though magic is a common commodity, it isn't cheap. Magic is a resource just like any other.
One thing I will not allow (at least not yet) are guns. The Arc-Lance is the closest thing you'll get to a gun, outside of the crossbow.
Of the factions fighting in this campaign, three of the four will be their own kingdoms. These three groups will be built and run by the players taking on the role of faction leader, with one to two players acting as the kingdom's rulers. The rulers of each kingdom will be significantly more powerful than a standard character, but will also be burdened with more duties.
If you have interest in becoming a Faction leader, PM me expressing your interest and give me a sample of your writing (which can simply be a link to a post that you are proud of). I want good writers and creative minds for the role of faction leader, as you will be tasked with making your faction's kingdom and running said kingdom to some extent. Its first come first serve for the role of faction leader, but I'll also allow faction leaders to operate in pairs if that is desired (it would certainly make the job a whole lot easier).
The fourth and final faction in this world is the Mercenary Guild. These will be characters who pledge no allegiance to any particular kingdom, but can have their services bought out by any of the factions willing to pay the right amount. These characters will operate during each event under the flag of whichever faction they chose for said event. This is the faction to go with if you care less about character interaction and political intrigue, and prefer to focus more on PvP.
Perhaps some rewording is in order. I want three faction leaders (King, queens, emperors, what have you) and then a large group of people to make characters as members of said factions, whether it be part of the mercenary guild or one of the kingdoms. The construction of a faction is a task that will be headed by the person assuming the role of faction leader. As an incentive for becoming a faction leader, these characters will be significantly more powerful.
|God Touched|
–Illustration of Gilbert "Deepsleeve", famous God Touched street magicianIn Nalderoth, there is an abundance that has changed since the Calamity. One of the largest developments, however, is the appearance of the God Touched.
God Touched are individuals who have come into contact with the God Ithisis, or some other divine phenomena, and thus have been affected by the subsequent divine energies.
Divine energy is a potent and powerful force with the ability to distort reality, to create and to destroy matter. For someone to come into prolonged contact with such a thing is often fatal, but there are those who survive contact with divine energy and are altered because of it.
God Touched are often humanoid in some way – though there are extreme cases in which a God Touched has become so altered they become an indistinguishable abomination – usually with additional monstrous features and mutations. Rarely are the alterations subtle.
A human who has become a God Touched will also have a strong connection to divine energy and will be able to harness it to some extent for their own purposes.
If a God Touched is to ever lay with a human and produce offspring, the result is almost always a full-blooded God Touched child.
|Learning Magic and the Schools of Magic|
In the world of Nalderoth, magic is a fairly common commodity. Most people, even your average bumpkin, will likely have seen a few impressive magical feats in their lifetime. But how does one become "magical", or use magic? The easiest way, of course, is to be born gifted. Some people's bloodlines seem to possess inherent magical qualities, which is especially evident in the case of the God Touched. For the God Touched and those born gifted, conjuring magic or divine energy comes second nature, it's as easy as breathing.
However, for those who cannot be born gifted or God Touched, do not fret, there are still other means of learning magic. The most common way, of course, is study. Many people devote decades of their life to mastering the arcane arts and even go to universities specifically to learn the intricacies of Arcane Theory. This is the method that often takes the most time and dedication but often leads to the most success. A graduate of a university will often have a fuller understanding of magic, as opposed to someone who, say, was simply born with the gift (remember: controlling magic, and conjuring magic are two very different things).
The final method for obtaining arcane abilities is perhaps the most dangerous and frowned upon method in common society, and the consequences can be disastrous. You see, in the universe, there exist creatures who are very old and very powerful. Rarely are they understood, and rarely do they interfere with the world of humans, but in some rare cases, man has made contact with these entities and have gone as far as to make pacts with them. In exchange for any number of things (a firstborn child, a soul, the life-blood of the residents of a nearby village, etc.), a human will be given a small sliver of the entities powers. These people are called Warlocks and rarely are they welcomed in society.
Academies of magic group spells into eight categories called schools of magic. Scholars, particularly wizards, apply these categories to all spells, believing that all magic functions in essentially the same way, whether it derives from rigorous study or is bestowed by a deity. Most casters will find interest in a particular school of magic and specialize in that one particular niche
–Chart drawn by a procrastinating wizard's apprentice, in layman's terms explaining the eight schools of magic
Abjuration spells are protective in nature, though some of them have aggressive uses. They create magical barriers, negate harmful effects, harm trespassers, or banish creatures to other planes of existence.
Conjuration spells involve the transportation of objects and creatures from one location to another. Some spells summon creatures or objects to the caster’s side, whereas others allow the caster to teleport to another location. Some conjurations create objects or effects out of nothing.
Divination spells reveal information, whether in the form of secrets long forgotten, glimpses of the future, the locations of hidden things, the truth behind illusions, or visions of distant people or places.
Enchantment spells affect the minds of others, influencing or controlling their behavior. Such spells can make enemies see the caster as a friend, force creatures to take a course of action, or even control another creature like a puppet.
Evocation spells manipulate magical energy to produce a desired effect. Some call up blasts of fire or lightning. Others channel positive energy to heal wounds.
Illusion spells deceive the senses or minds of others. They cause people to see things that are not there, to miss things that are there, to hear phantom noises, or to remember things that never happened. Some illusions create phantom images that any creature can see, but the most insidious illusions plant an image directly in the mind of a creature.
Necromancy spells manipulate the energies of life and death. Such spells can grant an extra reserve of life force, drain the life energy from another creature, create the undead, or even bring the dead back to life.
Transmutation spells change the properties of a creature, object, or environment. They might turn an enemy into a harmless creature, bolster the strength of an ally, make an object move at the caster’s command, or enhance a creature’s innate healing abilities to rapidly recover from injury.
|Religions, Sects, Cults, and Clicks|
Despite the disappearance of the Gods, worship for our divine counterparts has not ended. The following is a list of Gods (the ones humanity constructed in the Age of Creation) and what they represent.
- Keter
Keter, God of fortune and luck. They are known as the Crown, the patron God of kings. Their blessing is a blessing of riches and wealth.
"A silver rim, adorned with a single drop of pure light dancing to an unknowable rhythm. It thrums in the dark and a melody pours from it, slow and out of Time."
~Eve, Priestess of Keter
Keter is sublime, incomprehensible, unknowable. The infinite, the stream from which luck is channeled. Pure chance, beyond all and timeless. The opening, a singularity from which fortune, both good and bad, is created.
Keter is the first utterance. The font of energy through which destiny permeates into the universe. The Crown sits above the head and embodies that which is beyond our comprehension. One must envision Keter not as an object that can be perceived, but as both the light and the shadow that is cast upon it. Keter’s light is beyond knowability, a timeless expanse of pure coincidence. Only through our respect for our own limitations do we begin to see the shadow of its nature.
As the highest point of the universe, all continuums cascade downwards from Keter. The Crown stands in contrast to Malkuth, who rests at the very bottom of the universe. The span that lies between them measures the complete distance from most spiritual, to the most physical aspects of our existence. Journeying downwards from this point, all other Gods become increasingly close to our present experience.
Found In: Divination, Risk, Loss and Gain, Faith, Spiritual Epiphany
- Einsicht
Einsicht, God of wisdom and pursuit. They are known as the Vessel.
"Einsicht is faith and premeditation turned to stone. Potentiality's demise and purpose. The first step out of the mystery of the universe to awareness. First steps, like first love, require commitment to things you cannot know. The requisite faith to leap into the chasm without even the certainty of death, or the hope of flight. Einsicht is not the step, Einsicht is the ephemeral decision dissolving into action. Einsicht is the first light of reality. Open your eyes young one."
~first rites performed for a newborn
The second God, Einsicht is a vessel to hold that which is most precious. The first gate out of potentiality and a step into the realm of the known. He is the first moment a newborn child opens their eyes. That child’s first steps. Their first word. He is the beginning of a lifelong journey, whose path disappears over the horizon. Where Ithisis is the moment of contact, the pen that hangs above the page is Einsicht . From nothingness, wisdom is formed. To have insight into that which is not known is a gift that is not bestowed lightly.
Descending from the summit of the Universe, we see its duality begin for form.
Found In: Birth, Intuition, The Subconscious, Travel
- Veraque
Veraque, God of storms and the guiding winds, both deceptive and bluntly honest. They are opposition, the right hand on the scale of balance. Simply lightning, rain, and blistering winds. The God that scars the earth with forked words.
"Uncaring, compulsory, like a deep river or a terrible fate strengthened by negligence. Like undine tears, that don't fall but cascade. Formed formless. The measure of simple and devastating things, like a cold gaze and passionless sins. Ephemeral and - I beg your pardon, my son, my answers are tangled in the labyrinth of your question. How does one succinctly describe the font from which the wind springs? Such is the mystery of Veraque."
~a conversation between Father and Son, overheard, under the shade of a tree
The fourth God, Veraque. They are the hand that carves. The ever-changing force brought on by passionless sins. Each adaptation repaid in kind, at random and without cause. Their force sculpts Nalderoth, playfully guiding or disturbing humanity. This is the apathy of those around us, an uncaring force.
Forming an extreme opposite to its counterpart Gevurah, the two arms of the universe extend in opposite directions. Veraque pushes away so that Gevurah cannot pull in. This wrestling match cannot be won by either side, yet the struggle itself is meaningful because it is the struggle that defines our morality.
Found in: Apathy, Change, Chaos
- Gevurah
Gevurah, god of judgment and righteousness. They are the left hand on the scale of balance, the blade of finality that cuts the heart of man. The Blade is a compassionate force, a force of reason.
"The left hand of the universe. The harsh Judge and curator of action.
As the forceful left hand, Gevurah must temper the dreams of existence with harsh protocol. Ever steadying the wings of migrant hearts to ensure the journey."
~etched on the crypt of a local Constable
The fifth God, Gevurah. She is the hand that separates and binds. The rule of law that brings order to the world. They assess what is just, letting us overcome our adversaries both from outside and within. Theirs to cleave apart a unified whole and leave two component pieces or to unify that which has been separated. It’s a trait that demands as much fear as it does respect because with it comes an inherent violence. They do this with compassion, an act that must be committed to create balance.
Their pull for Veraque, on the opposite side of the universe, is met with equal and opposite resistance. Without both of them in equal measure, we have no means of maintaining a healthy existence.
Found In: Law, Bravery, Valor, Conquest, Chivalry
- Tiferet
Tiferet, God of beauty and love. Tiferet is not the sum of parts but the clear reflection of a faceted gem. Form must have dimension and it is Tiferet who coats it in definition.
"It is true, to look upon the countenance of Tiferet is to know many faces. Such is also, to know the thread within the rope.
Tiferet wears a crown comprised of the fingers from the many hands of the universe, whose many efforts goad existence from the dark. They scribble their will onto the face of Tiferet, forming the features and expression of creation. Tiferet knows love and justice from the great legs of the universe, Gevurah and Veraque. Tiferet is intuitively present and steeped in wisdom, by Ithisis and Einsicht. Knows glory and its cost, by the balance of Netzah and Hod. All that is unseen, be the face of Tiferet.
As the Gods are, so too is Tiferet. A chorus of many, a song of multitude, a dream with many dreamers.
So many wills to be sung unto Nalderoth."
~from the Book of Summations
The sixth God, Tiferet. Tiferet is without extremes or absolutes. Their temperate force allows the power of the rest of the Gods to exist in beautiful harmony. As each other aspect rages around him, he neither yields nor resists. He is the equilibrium that exists as the result of those forces. He is guiding hand that braces against the many aspects of the universe to gracefully bring them toward one another.
Forming the midpoint between Keter and Malkuth, he defines the balance. At the glowing center of the universe and the midpoint between all its relationships, he distributes energy from each God back to across its paths. It’s a careful balancing act, incorporating such extreme opposites, but this is the nature of the universe as a whole. Tiferet mirrors the structure of the universe, existing as a microcosm of the whole.
Found in: Art, Health, Community, Romance
- Netzah
Netzah, God of strength and light. Netzah is brilliant and withstanding. They are trial and the exaltation of endurance.
"Beneath this stone, I am Glory. Tension and suffering pushing me down and burying my face in the muck.
But even then, I am sweet fire ablaze the torch, burning in the abstractions between agony and patience."
~a mantra of Netzah
The seventh God, Netzah. They are the force that resists. Stalwart in the face of adversity, this great leader carries us forth through our darkest times and lights our way out of shadow. They are the strength to endure, regardless of suffering. When we feel that we are beyond our limits and new strength continues to emerge, we find the embrace of Netzah. With any increase in force, they too grow stronger. Each challenge met with equal vigor.
Netzah is the closest we get to the bottom of the universe before merging back into the middle. His station is one of constant stress and strain. Supporting the weight of the universe by pressing back upwards against it.
Found In: Victory, The Sun, Fire, Battle, War
- Hod
Hod, God of secrets, lies, and mystery. Supreme Deceiver. Hod's presence calls for whispers, prostration and unfettered secrecy.
"Hod's glory veils even the Sun. It is said, in some parts, the Sun's rays only shine in the space left behind by Hod's radiance. The Sun existing only in deference and awe. Splendor submits to Hod and beauty fails before Hod. The sky withers and retracts and all that can remain without Hod languishes in mediocrity. Yes, Hod is greatness, but the price of knowing such brilliance is the sundering of one's own 'self'. Why should we bother to know our own visage or to look even at the Sun while we choose to remain so ignorant of what Hod is? It is all darkness by comparison..."
~ramblings of a blind stowaway when the Captain asked his identity.
The eighth God, Hod. The force that conceals. Hod is the mystery that guides us when we relinquish our curiosity to the flow of fate. Through their shadow, we see unanswerable questions and the secrets of our own past. Running our hands through the whispers of the earth, we feel the great universal lie pull us farther into the veil of mystery. It’s only by veiling ourselves from the forces around us that we truly see the nature of those forces.
Hod does not press back against the weight of the universe. Instead, they simply hide from it, flowing like water down into the lowest portion of the divine connection.
Found In: Mystery, Deception, Secrets, Shadow
- Yesod
Yesod, God of stars, magic and the moon. Yesod is foundation. The bedrock beneath existence. The fertile soil, impregnated by the arcane sparks of moonlight.
"Light dances atop Nalderoth. Where it touches, cinder-soft turf is upturned and exposes this planet to the God. At midnight a precious conversation takes place between Malkuth and Yesod under the gaze of a hooded moon and we are the words. Our story continues to scrawl itself across the world, forever."
~an old destiny
The ninth God, Yesod. They are a foundation that supports the world and forms the gateway between the spiritual and the physical. They are the medium through which we can experience the universe. Upon their shoulders rests the sky and all that lies beyond it runs through his fingers. We stand at this doorway and peer through, seeking answers to our nature.
As a single column, the flow of energy through the universe only moves downwards. Yesod is the last stop before moving into the fully physical realm. He is surface of the looking glass through which we examine ourselves.
Found In: Magic, Starlight, Moonlight, Astrology
- Malkuth
Malkuth, God of earth and nature. The Earthly, the lowest of all the Gods and most grounded in comprehension.
"There is a mighty Tree and at the root of it, there is a Kingdom. So much light emanates from beyond the leaves above it. We live in the shadows of those leaves and that is how we know Malkuth."
~description of Malkuth,
The tenth God, Malkuth. They are the physical world in which we live. The domain of mankind. They are a God of Gods, the culmination of the many aspects that form the Universe. Everything from our bodies, to the experiences we have in them, to the world in which we exist is Malkuth. The infinite space that expands across the universe is a manifestation of them.
Below the feel of a tree, the ground stretches outwards forming a base. This is the space that Malkuth exists. They are beyond just being the lowest point, they are the foundation itself. Being the thing that we experience every moment in our lives, Malkuth contrasts clearly with Keter, whose existence is marked by its total unknowability. As with all things in the universe, one mirrors the other, forming a complete continuum through which we can understand the boundaries of existence.
Found In: Earth, Nature, Growth
- Da'at
"The stars fill the world with so much light, it opens the eyes of creation and widens the mouth of existence. The many faces of Da'at turn and turn in that light, catching the overflow within the Crown of the Mind. Da'at holds the Gods as some words might carry many meanings.”
~description of Da'at
Worshippers of Da'at consider death and destruction sacred. Worshippers of Da'at are not well regarded in most of Nalderoth, and not many are devoted to the Emptiness.
This emptiness is often considered a conduit. It is said Da'at radiates no light for itself, holds no shape and touches nothing. Many believe it is perfect and invisible. A space through which nothing passes and nothing is effected. In its arms, all ten of the Gods dance, each of them shining a great light through its void.
This God – if that is indeed what it is – has no connection to the other Gods. In that way it is extremely unique. Its solitary nature sets it apart from the other Gods in such as significant way that Da’at is sometimes considered to not exist at all. To give a name to the emptiness at the center of the universe is vital and so too is to understand the significance of that emptiness.
Found In: Death, Dreams, Sleep, Silence
Ithisis, God of knowledge and creation. It is understanding, the thing that brushes the infinite. It is context. Intuitive and contemplative. Ithisis is the supreme creator, spinner of words and architect of life. Their wrath plagues Nalderoth, their goal unknowable. On a whim, Ithisis breathes life and takes it away. Followers of Ithisis believe that their deity is righteous judgment incarnate and that those who face Ithisis' wrath are deserved of their punishment. They preach that one must fear God, and those who do not bend to Ithisis' anger must be punished.
A Palace of Mirrors.
All things, in all forms, under all light, are given shape. Under this axiom, potentiality falls away. A Song must begin, Thunder must crash from above, the Sun must rise (All from potential). If existence blossoms in a Palace of Mirrors, the Light cast there is called Ithisis.
-description of Ithisis
Ithisis, the third God. A flow of light that pours into the world. Like a candle whose flame may light another without diminishing its own. They seek not only creation but purpose. A flare of pure intent that blossoms from the heart of existence and out into the world. Their energy brings with it a desire for knowledge. They are the force that churns all the potential from higher Gods into a form that can be received by our consciousness.
Ithisis creates a perfect balance with Einsicht. Together they represent a continuum of psychic understanding. While Ithisis represents the power of knowing, Einsicht reveals the power of not knowing. One acts as a vessel as the other fills that vessel, giving it purpose.
Found In: Learning, Shared Experience, Creation, Birth, Evolution
For hundreds of years, Ithisis has roamed Nalderoth, churning the world into an image that only they can envision. Few meet Ithisis' wrath and live to tell the tale, while those who do, speak of horrible sights not meant for human eyes. Why the Gods turned on each other during the Age of Creation, no one can be certain, and what Ithisis' goals are now are even more mysterious. Many organizations have dedicated themselves to studying the roaming God, but very little new information has been uncovered.
Because Ithisis embodies creation, many of their constructs now roam this world. Of them, the most commonly known are "Shadows". Shadows are a type of living darkness that posses weird dimensions not meant for the physical world. They often act as scouts, spies, and assassins for Ithisis, but hordes of them have been used to destroy cities in the past. The Arc-Lance was popularized to help combat Shadows.
|The Circle of Twelve|
"We followed a spoor of violence, a swath of destruction. Ruined fields fell behind us. Burned villages. Slaughtered people and butchered livestock. Poisoned wells. The Circle of Twelve left nothing but death and desolation."
~ Soldier overheard speaking at a bar
The following information is a collection of rumors taken from gossipmongers, myths gathered from universities and churches, and first-hand accounts received from soldiers and scouts. Though most of the information is far from credible, the following will give you an idea as to what each member of the Circle of Twelve is like.
- Rudel – Dissipator
In battle, Rudel has been known to fool entire armies into activating devastating runes and traps – often times causing large groups of soldiers to fall through portals – as well as shielding his allies from attacks. Though, if Rudel is in the midst of feuding with another member of the circle, the abjurer has been known to "forget" to shield them from harmful attacks and spells. Though he is generally seen as one of the more reasonable members of the Circle, is not exempt of the pettiness that comes with immortality.
Many say that Rudel is the Circle's first and best line of defense. His main purpose is to protect his allies, but that doesn't mean he isn't deadly in his own right. Rudel is considered a very calm and stalwart individual with a mind as sharp as a tack. He has an extreme dislike for his associate Af, who is much too brash and chaotic for Rudel's liking, and the two frequently are at each other's throats. On the other hand, Rudel seems to frequently ally with Asa and Gadreel and is known to aid them more than any of the other members.
- Baraqiel – Stormbringer
Coasting on the rim of mountainous storm clouds, riding down on forked tongues of lightning, Baraqiel – or Stormbringer – appears in a flash on the battlefield, summoning his allies with thunderous cracks. Baraqiel is known to conjure terrible storms to batter and wear down approaching armies, destroying their moral before destroying their forces. The demigod has an evident affinity for lightning, summoning viscous and precise bolts to strike down his opponents. In some rare cases, Baraqiel has been seen summoning great winged beasts to his side as well as other terrifying monstrosities..
Baraqiel is a quick thinker. Even in life-threatening situations, he is known to remain eerily calm until a way out of his predicament becomes clear. The demigod is more cunning than most anyone, and he won't hesitate to remind you.
At one point in time, it is believed the Baraqiel was Penem's lover, though eventually, the two had a falling out and now their hatred for one another is unbridled. Because Satham resents Baraqiel for breaking her sister's heart, the two are also known to fight frequently.
Baraqiel has a strong distrust of Asbeel, but spends much of his time engaged in conversation/flirting with Armaros and is subsequently forced to be around Asbeel.
- Penem – Spidersilk
Penem rarely engages in battle. Though she will often be seen on the battlefield with other members of the Circle, never is she alone. Penem is a diviner of truths and uses he ability to see the many outcomes of a conflict before they even begin. Pairing her powers with Sariel's, the two diviners also locate points and people of interest for Ithisis. Aiding her sister, Penem will also locate targets for Satham to assassinate.
Though Penem may not seem as threatening as the other members of the Circle, she is still a powerful magic caster. If one finds themself engaged in a fight with Penem, chances are she's already foreseen the outcome of this battle, and chances are the odds are not in your favor.
Penem was once a lover of Barqiel's but after a falling out and has thusly grown contemptuous of the demigod, doing all that she can to undermine him.
Often times aiding her sister, it is assumed that Penem and Satham have a good relationship with one another. It is also said that Penem puts a fair bit of trust in Rudel, and holds a fair amount of respect for the man. Sariel is also seen regularly working with Penem, and the two make a deadly pair.
On the other hand, Penem distrusts Zaqiel and avoids him if possible.
- Af – Bloodletter
Over the din of battle, Af's cries are heard. Never has a word been uttered by Af, it seems the demigod can only muster anguished screams and howls. It's flesh withers and dissipates randomly, reappearing and reforming on a whim. It is said that Af's existence is one of pure pain and that in order for Af to continue to possess a physical form, he must continuously consume matter. From what has been observed, the fiend has a strong preference for blood and flesh.
In combat, Af becomes a perverted force of nature. He is chaos incarnate, draining energy and life from his surroundings randomly, engaging holy squadrons of soldiers in melee combat.
Af fights with a longsword that is often seen embedded in his chest. The monstrosity's swings are ferocious and relentless, performed at extreme speeds with unpredictable and erratic movements. The demigod seems to be able to switch up his stance and style from an arsenal of a thousand perfectly memorized techniques, though the shifts in form are rarely sensible and come at awkward periods of combat.
Af has no close allegiances with other members of the Circle of Twelve. Most members have a strong dislike for him (though Rudel is known to bare an unreasonable amount of hatred for the creature), but Asbeel has been known to spend much of their time near Af, speaking in whispers to the howling beast.
- Malbra – Shadowweaver
Very few people have had the displeasure of actually seeing Malbra and living to tell the tale. Even those who have lived rarely believe that what they saw was the true Malbra. Many think the visage that appears on the battlefield, by the side of the other members of the Twelve, is simply a trick or illusion woven together by shadow. Some also seem to believe that what is generally thought to be Malbra is an illusion cast by the larger form that occasionally appears and trails behind it's smaller counterpart. The thought is certainly a terrifying one, though Malbra is known for being a prankster with an outlandish and nonsensical sense of humor and love for skullduggery. Making pointless duplicates of himself just to confuse the world seems highly possible.
In battle, Malbra loves employing underhanded tactics. The illusionist is known to cause mass hallucinations and even implant fake memories to cause soldiers to turn on one another. There have even been instances in which Malbra lead entire squadrons of soldiers marching off a cliff by masking a chasm with hallucinatory terrain.
Most members of the Circle posses a strong distrust of Malbra, for even they are not exempt from his pranks. Only Penem and Sariel seem to humor the trickster, which is likely because of their ability to see past illusions and divine his intentions.
- Armaros – Souleater
Using her prowess with manipulation, Armaros is known to charm important officials and their more easily seduced help into acting as spies and informant for the Circle. Rarely does the enchantress engage in combat or directly partake in battles. Often, Armaros will be aided by Satham, who will mask the sorcerous with illusion so she can manipulate and alter the minds of generals and their soldiers without being detected.
It is said that when certain individuals or groups unknowingly get in the way of the Ithisis, Armaros will sometime be sent to bring that individual to their knees, to crush their very soul. Usually, these cruel afflictions end in death, though never is it by the many hands of Armaros. When individuals are suddenly brought to ruination by a bad streak of unfortunate events, it is often said that Armaros may have been involved in some way. Though, it could be said this is just a way for people to blame someone besides themself and Keter for their failure.
Feuds other members of the Circle might have with Armaros rarely last long, as it seems the other demigods are quick to forgive her. Whether this is the result of her charms and sorcery, her overly charismatic personality or a combination of the two is up to speculation.
The enchanter has a particularly close kinship with Baraqiel and Satham. Reports also say that the sorcerous has taken particularly motherly disposition around Asbeel and keeps her close at all times. It is said that those who hurt Asbeel will soon feel Armaros' fury.
- Asbeel – Whisper
It is unclear if Asbeel's mangy crow visage is a God Touched mutation or a mask.
Though Asbeel is the meekest and childlike of the twelve, her presence is feared throughout the realm. With the power to raise armies of undead, Asbeel can turn fallen friends into foes with a single whispered word. And what's more, even when not raising the dead to fight for her, Asbeel can cause a foe to begin rapidly aging, destroy organic materials with blight, spread plague, or even rust and tarnish metals.
Asbeel is a strange and powerful force, and it is believed that many lepers and plagued individuals turn to her for worship. Entire leper colonies have transformed into cults devoted to Asbeel, and wear their disease with pride.
Asbeel is frequently overlooked by other members of the Circle, though there are a few who seem to frequently associate with the necromancer. Most noticeably is Armaros, who, it appears, has taken up a motherly role around the necromancer. Asbeel does not seem to mind the coddling.
Asa and Zaqiel have also developed a certain level of fondness for the necromancer, though Asbeel seems to avoid Zaqiel's presence.
- Satham – Gossamar
Unseen and gliding on massive butterfly wings, Satham cuts through the ranks of man to the heart of its armies, where she then skillfully assassinates commanders and generals, leaving legions of soldiers crippled and headless. When there are particularly dangerous figures to Ithisis' cause, it is frequently up Satham to infiltrate and quietly deal with the threat, using her illusions and hypnotism to sneak about unseen and then dissipating into a cloud of smoke to make a quick getaway. When not performing wet-work for the Circle of Twelve, Satham is usually aiding her sister and Sariel in some way, usually masking them from prying eyes.
Satham is known to be cruel and cunning, with a strong dislike for cowardly individuals. Malbra, for example, is someone that Satham prefers not to associate with. She does not like his lack of honor and underhanded tactics. On the other hand, Satham seems to respect her allies Rudel and Gadreel a fair bit.
- Zaqiel – Abysswalker
A roar of insane laughter erupts from Zaqiel as a thousand eldritch bolts are slung by his writhing mass of tentacles, tearing through the ranks of his foes. The evoker is known to enjoy murder and death more so than most other members of the Circle, his sociopathic tendencies frequently putting him at the frontlines of any conflict they're involved in. Those engaged in combat with the sorcerer can expect barbarous and wicked attacks that generally end with terrible explosive force. Zaqiel is a tool used for crowd management, able to break the tide of an army like a boulder amidst a strong current.
Zaqiel specializes in fashioning eldritch energy into a variety of dangerous shapes, using his sorcery in a variety of ways to brutally slay his enemies. His savagery is truly a spectacle, something an onlooker won't soon be forgetting.
Zaqiel is considered aggressive and short of temper. Because of this, there are few members of the Twelve who stand with Zaqiel, though it seems Gadreel and Baraqiel will put up with the evoker's fits of rage. Zaqiel also seems to have taken a particular interest in Asbeel and often pesters the necromancer for his own musings. It is clear that Asbeel does not appreciate this.
- Sariel – Augur
Sariel is not one to engage in direct combat. Though he is a tall and undoubtedly imposing figure, the demigod has no desire to fight. Instead, he is seen aiding his allies in their conquests, often times at the side of Penem, whom he has grown very attached to. The blind diviner is superior to Penem when it comes to gazing into futures, but is not as skilled in locating people, places, and objects. Together, however, the two can find virtually anything as long as they know what it is they’re looking for.
The diviner habitually speaks in riddles and poetry, with statements as cryptic as one should expect from a mad soothsayer. This, however, is rarely a problem for Penem, who seems to understand her ally perfectly. In many ways Penem is Sariel’s translator, as no one else in the Circle can make much sense of what the diviner says.
Sariel has not shown much contempt for other members of the Circle but has gotten in a few feuds with Baraqiel.
- Gadreel – Sentinel
In combat, Gadreel is known to use a variety of weapons, though his signature tool is a double-pronged spear (also known as a “bident”). Using his evocation magic, Gadreel will ignite his weapons with a variety of energies, or even prime his attacks with quick destructive spells.
Engaging Gadreel in melee combat is a fool’s errand. Those who do will find their movements limited, as Gadreel forces his enemies into uncomfortable positions by herding them with harmful spells. Gadreel’s foes will also find that the demigod can easily outmaneuver them, no matter his weapon.
When not engaged in close combat, Gadreel has also been known to show expertise in the use of longbows and other such weapons. It is said that Gadreel can down a soldier from over three hundred meters, while also being able to behead a man with a single arrow. Gadreel is a stoic individual, with little use for conversation. It is clear that the soldier prefers combat to most anything else. Regardless, Gadreel has found kinship with fellow evoker Zaqiel, as well as Satham and Rudel.
- Asa – Jackal
It is also rumored that in the ruins of an ancient city Asa’s old lab still stands, and anyone who can locate it might uncover a treasure trove of relics from the old world. If this lab does truly exist, it has yet to be discovered.
Riding on the wind as nothing more than a cloud of dust, Asa comes and goes as she likes, taunting her foes before turning their armor into paper and running them through. Asa’s mastery over transmutation allows her to shape and mold battles, just as she might shape and mold the molecular makeup of an object. Whether it’s transforming enemies into harmless butterflies, or rusting their armor, Asa is a sly and difficult adversary to deal with. Nothing can be trusted when fighting the alchemist. What might have seemed like a masterfully forged weapon in your hands but a moment ago, might suddenly become a wooden simulacrum, useless against an opponent who can make their skin tougher than steel.
When aiding other members of the Circle of Twelve, Asa can turn flesh into steel, or even speed up a target’s molecules to give them a boost (though this usually has some nasty side effects).
Asa seems moderately cheerful compared to other members of the Circle. She’s known to be friendly towards most of her allies, with a particular fondness for Rudel and Asbeel. However, Asa has also been known to harbor some resentment towards Penem and Sariel.
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