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Lore-Based League of Legends (1x1)


New Member

I'm not going to bore you with a long introduction, so here it is in brief:

I've been roleplaying for about eight years, I consider myself a decent writer that is able to move a story and develop characters and plot. I am a twenty-something grad student and I usually post one to two times a day -- possibly more depending upon my schedule and work. I live in the United States in Central Standard Time. I'm pretty easy-going and enjoy talking and planning in OOC - so please don't be stand-offish.

Also, I had this site suggested to me - and I am rather unfamiliar with it and trying to stay in accordance with these rules is somewhat difficult for what I enjoy, so bear with me while I omit certain aspects of my rules.


+ Mature Only -- If you're not of age, please don't reply; I enjoy a wide range of scenarios including intense violence and language. I want to be picking the grit out of my teeth.

+ No God-Modding or whatever the hell it's called -- if you want to have my character act in a post, just ask me - I probably don't mind.

+ Please be fairly active - I know we're all busy, but try to post at least once every other day.

+ Be polite/friendly -- I don't care if your character is a total arse IC, but be pleasant OOC.

+ High Casual - Advanced/Detailed -- 2 to 3 paragraph minimum, I know people have off-days, but I need material to work with that is presented in decent grammar.

+ Don't just vanish -- If you need to stop, no problem, just let me know as a courtesy.


I will play either gender, but strongly prefer to play men. I generally find it easier to RP as my own gender, but give me a good plot and I'll might just give it a try. As far as "other" content goes, I will do anything but FxF - it's just not my cup of tea.


League of Legends -- yes, I play, no I will not share my summoner name.

I've been interested in trying this for some time, but never got around to it until recently. I'm interested in working with the lore more than anything, but if you really want to do something concerning the Insitute of War and summoners - we can probably work it out.

As for a specific plot, talk to me - I'd like to come up with something we're mutually interested in. Let's get complicated. <3


I prefer Darius, but am willing to try several others. Tell me who you're interested in playing and we'll go from there. (I prefer to stick to canon characters for this.)

Still interested? Hit me up in a PM.

Edit: You do not have to know the lore like the back of your hand - we can discuss OOC - but please be interested in it and the universe. If you've seen the cinematic trailers and are only interested because you want to play a fox-girl... Please look elsewhere.
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I have been searching for a League of Legends RP for the better part of a day when I came upon this... Thank you! I've been dying to try RPing as a League character. I prefer to play females, but I can play males. I honestly have no preference as to who I play, I always research and get a feel for my character before playing so I don't have any preferred characters.

Recently I've played Diana and Fiora, if either of those appeal to you, then great! I'm generally active, and can write several paragraphs per post. I will respond at least once a day unless something comes up in real life. I'm rather polite - at least I think I am! And I'm rather mature as well. I hope I fulfill all your requirements!

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