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Fantasy {Lore} ᴍᴀʀᴋ ᴏꜰ ᴛʜᴇ ꜱᴀɴᴄᴛᴜᴍ - ᴀ ʜɪɢʜ ꜰᴀɴᴛᴀꜱʏ ʀᴏʟᴇᴘʟᴀʏ! {ADV/LIT} (CLOSED!!)



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Angel of War...

Mark of The Sanctum: The Lore


The Calling.

In the realm of Ethereal Haven, a mystical land veiled by enchantments, people of various races coexist harmoniously. Each individual bears a unique mark on the back of their hand, bestowed upon them by the ancient spirits known as the Elders.

These marks, imbued with arcane energies, serve as keys to unlock the ancient Sanctum of Unity hidden deep within the heart of the enchanted forest. Legends whisper that within this sanctum lies the power to restore balance to the world and thwart impending doom.

Guided by prophecies, individuals from different races and backgrounds are drawn together, their destinies intertwined by the markings on their hands. They embark on a perilous journey through treacherous terrains, facing formidable foes and overcoming daunting trials, all while forging unbreakable bonds of friendship and trust.

As they reach the Sanctum of Unity, the true purpose of their marks is revealed. When all the marked hands are brought together in unison, a radiant light illuminates the chamber, empowering the chosen ones with unparalleled magic.

United by their shared purpose and fueled by the energy of their marks, they harness the ancient magic to confront the looming darkness threatening to engulf Ethereal Haven. With courage and determination, they stand as beacons of hope, safeguarding their world from the forces of chaos and despair...

The Rules.

So along with the regular RPN rules, here are our rules.

∘ | This is a Adv/Lit RP. Meaning you will be required to post 3-5 paragraphs and please do respect, read and respond to all the other RPers. 3rd person, past tense.
∘ | All characters will be Marked and gather together. The races and magic are the only types to choose from.
∘ | You may have up to 2 charries but this is not first come first serve, your charries will be looked over by your GMs first for approval.
∘ | Fancy assed code more fancy than mine needs to have a Plain Text Version too cuz my phone hates your coding lol

∘ | Yes, this is a violent and fighty RP but pls keep a lid on it, no gore. And all other TW and fade to black scenarios please try to keep at a minimum and discuss with us first if you ever feel like you may be encroaching on iffy territory k?.
∘ | The OoC will be on RPN and in a Private Message Chat. And your input, feedback and suggestions are always welcome!! And always let everyone know if you can't post anymore pls!
∘ | There will be lore page so please do look it over when making your charries. It won't be a textbook either so no worries k?
∘ | We are all doing the best we can and we are all devoting a lot of time and energy in this so let's all try to have some fun and keep the creativity flowing altogether!
∘ | Oh and pls no drama in the OoC. Let's all try to be civil k?

K I think that's about it.

The Continent of Archaia.



  1. The City of Aetheria
  2. Goblin Chiefdom of the Laer'Dan Tribe

The Mistveil Mountains:
Towering peaks shrouded in perpetual mist dominate the northern reaches of Archaia. Deep within these misty valleys lie ancient ruins and hidden caverns, where whispers of forgotten civilizations echo through the fog. The mountains are inhabited by resilient tribes of mountain-dwelling races, who guard ancient relics and possess knowledge of arcane rituals passed down through generations.

The Verdantwood Forest:
Stretching across the central region of Archaia, the Verdantwood Forest is a lush expanse teeming with life. Giant trees, their canopies forming a verdant canopy overhead, are home to diverse flora and fauna, including mystical creatures and elusive spirits. Ancient druidic circles dot the forest floor, their guardians safeguarding the balance of nature and holding the secrets of the land.

The Sunstrider Plains:
Extending to the southern shores of Archaia, the Sunstrider Plains are vast grasslands bathed in golden sunlight. Nomadic tribes of plains-dwelling races roam these expansive plains, their way of life intertwined with the cycles of the sun and the moon. Beneath the endless expanse of sky, ancient burial mounds and forgotten ruins speak of bygone civilizations, hinting at the rich history of the land.

The Azure Coastline:
Along the western edge of Archaia, the Azure Coastline stretches as far as the eye can see, with pristine beaches lapped by the azure waters of the Great Sea. Coastal towns and bustling ports dot the shoreline, serving as hubs of trade and commerce between Archaia and distant lands across the sea. Hidden coves and underwater caves conceal treasures and mysteries waiting to be uncovered by daring adventurers.

The City of Aetheria:
Nestled at the heart of Archaia, the City of Aetheria rises majestically, its spires reaching towards the heavens. A hub of learning, magic, and culture, Aetheria is home to scholars, mages, artisans, and adventurers from all corners of the world. Within its ancient walls lie libraries filled with forbidden knowledge, arcane academies where magic is studied and mastered, and grand halls where leaders convene to shape the destiny of the continent.

The Factions.


The Arcane Council:
Based in the city of Aetheria, the Arcane Council is composed of the most powerful mages and scholars dedicated to the study and preservation of magic. They wield considerable influence over magical affairs across Archaia and seek to maintain the balance of magical forces while safeguarding ancient knowledge.

The Guardians of Nature:
Druidic circles scattered throughout the Verdantwood Forest form the Guardians of Nature, protectors of the natural world. They are sworn to maintain harmony between the realms of nature and civilization, opposing any who threaten the balance of ecosystems or exploit natural resources for their own gain.

The Sunstrider Tribes:
Nomadic tribes roaming the Sunstrider Plains, the Sunstrider Tribes are skilled hunters and warriors who venerate the sun and revere ancestral traditions. Led by tribal chieftains, they maintain a strong connection to the land and its spirits, resisting outside influence while fiercely defending their way of life.

The Mistveil Clans:
In the Mistveil Mountains, various clans of mountain-dwelling races form the Mistveil Clans, each with its own customs and traditions. They are skilled craftsmen, miners, and guardians of ancient knowledge hidden within the mountainous terrain. Despite their isolation, they possess valuable resources and formidable defenses, making them influential players in regional politics.

The Azure Brotherhood:
A secretive organization operating along the Azure Coastline, the Azure Brotherhood is comprised of smugglers, pirates, and mercenaries who control maritime trade routes and illicit activities. They operate from hidden strongholds and secluded islands, exploiting the wealth of the seas while evading the authorities and rival factions.

The Order of the Silver Crusade:
A knightly order sworn to uphold justice and defend the innocent, the Order of the Silver Crusade has chapters in cities and towns across Archaia. Clad in gleaming armor adorned with silver insignias, they stand as beacons of righteousness, confronting threats ranging from marauding monsters to corrupt officials with unwavering resolve.

The Shadow Syndicate:
Operating in the shadows of Aetheria and beyond, the Shadow Syndicate is a clandestine network of spies, assassins, and thieves. Masters of deception and manipulation, they wield information as currency, influencing political agendas and orchestrating clandestine operations to further their own interests.

The Peoples.

Dwarf (low Mana):
4-5ft tall, stout and sturdy. Lifespan 250yrs. These peoples are attuned to the elemental earth. Their eyes glisten like gems and the older ones have precious metals highlighting males beards or females hair. They are found in grand cities that line the outide and insides of mountains. Some are found in hills and rarest are the 3ft tall Whitebeards that live strictly in the woods and ride the White Deer. Despite their attunement to the earth, they are furthest from grasping the Leylines and thus have the least Mana resources. They however do craftt the absolute best items out there bar none and keep their crafting techniques secret. There is even talk that the grand eldest clan of Dwarves have constructed walking suits of armour powered by the Elemental Earth and the Leylines. Upon death, a dwarf will slowly shrink and decompose into their base earth form; either minerals, gems or metals. These remains of their ancestors are the beautiful decor and enchanted flourishes that line the Elder Mastercrafted tools, weapons, armour and other such implements of dwarves.

Elf (Med-High Mana):
6+ft tall, slender and elegant. Lifespan 400yrs. These peoples are attuned with the forests and the Leylines. Their eyes are large and very sharp, their hair is the colour of all the seasons as they change. They are found in grand treetop forest kingdoms all across Archaia or up high the northern foothills of Mistveil. They are the longest lived and as such the Grand Elders are the keepers of history for Archaia. They also have the most potent alchemy of all the ethnicities; highly prized are their potions. The rarest elves are the diminutive 3ft tall ones in the most northern reaches of the Mistveil mountains. These have great relations with the dwarves and are excellent crafters. When they feel their time is near, about 20 yrs prior to the end of their life, they look for a secluded place to 'root' and become a tree. Then there are rare ones that become unique trees called 'Lantern Bearers' which are trees that have glowing fruit and leaves since they 'rooted' into the Leylines themselves. These are the ones that the elves jealously protect since this is where they get ingredients for their potent potions.

Nocturne (**Detested Ethnicity / High Mana):
5-6ft tall, well built yet elegant. Lifespan 500yrs. They have dark grey-blue to black skin and black, purple or silver hair. These are elves whose bloodlines have been cursed with demonic lineage. As such, they are known to be the fastest peoples, have a demonic trait and can see in the dark and have a good grasp of the Leylines. Their Infernal sourceblood also allows them to be of the longest lived peoples. They however are weak to sunlight and holy magic. They are found in caverns along the coasts and the darkest of forests in the western Verdantwoods. They live in societies similar to that of elves, albeit much harsher. There is rumour that some have actually cross bred with Orcs over the years and have a secret society that has taught Orcs to fuse with infernal powers.

Human (Medium-low Mana):
5-6ft tall, medium set and hardy. Lifespan 75yrs. These peoples are the most numerous and are constantly copying the ingenutity of the other peoples. They are the bog standard average of all the peoples not excelling in one category nor failing badly in any other. They are found with varying characteristics and found all across the continent in the most temperate areas.

Damned (**Scorned Ethnicity / Low Mana):
These are humans that are of cursed bloodlines. Lifespan 500yrs. Of note are the undead Vampires and the shapechanging Werewolves. Both are healthier, faster, stronger and more agile than regular humans. Both crave human blood or flesh. However both have near deathly allergies; garlic for the vampires and silver for the werewolves. Their bloodlines have been so diluted that they do not suffer their major detriments like sunlight or phases of the moon and neither have saliva or blood that is infectious. But the vampires Necromantic sourceblood and the werewolves Cursed sourceblood allow them to be of the longest lived peoples. They are not as close to the Leylines as regular humans. Vampires still may shift into a bat form at will however may not use their mana during sunlight lest they be burned; such burns leave horrific scars. Werewolves may shift into only 2 of 3 forms and may not use their mana during moonlight lest they go crazy until dawn; such mania sends them into berserker mode and if they are harmed by silver, the damage is permanent. Vampires may only reproduce with other Vampires and Werewolves only with other werewolves. Both Damned types have an infant mortality rate of 50%.

Bestial (Low Mana):
4ft-7ft tall, the most variety of all. Life span 75-100yrs. These are the peoples with characteristics of animals. Their bloodlines are those of Grand Totem Animals such as: Bear, Eagle, Tiger, Moose, Elk, etc. As such they are found all across the continent however most live in the Plains and surrounding forests. They are attuned to the fauna of the land and each are distinctly able to communicate with the animals of their bloodlines. They do not grasp the Leylines as others do so their Mana reserves are low, however, they have strong senses, instincts, strength and agility. They can also sense Nocturnes and Demonic magics. There are rumours of those known as 'Alphas'. These Beastial are, larger, more powerful and have great influence over other bestials of their similar Totem Animal type. It is said that it is possible for a regular bestial to ascend into an Alpha, however that is just rumours.

Goblin (**Scorned Ethnicty / High Mana):
3-4ft tall, small and nimble. Lifespan is 50yrs. These are the peoples with the shortest lifespans but highest birthrate success. Their skins range from green to blue to lavender. They live in tribes that war and raid each other along the plains and surrounding forests.. They will not raid the larger peoples unless they are desperate. Normally it is they that are attacked by the larger and more aggressive orcs and bestials and and such, many tribes live in synchronicty with Henji tribes for protection. In exchange, the Goblins take care of the Henji health. Only the elite Goblins are alloweed to ever ride a Henji and only in times of desperation or battle. Despite their small size, their grasp on the Leylines is great and as such they have great stores of Mana but not all Goblins are attuned to the Leylines so not all have great stores of Mana. Goblins mature quickly and stay youthful until about age 40. Then in the last 10 yrs of their life it is a sharp and vast decline till death.

Henji (Low Mana):
A bit larger, more powerful and agile than regular Animal of their type. Lifespan 125yrs. These are the peoples whose ancestors were once Totem Animals in ancient times. They were born with a 3rd spirit and could shapeshift into a mortal 2-legged person. Over time the bloodlines have diluted so that the Henji lost the ability to shift but are able to speak out loud. They are still Spiritually sensitive but have lost their grasp on the Leylines and as such they have little stores of Mana. They do have excellent senses and can sense the practitioners of the Forbidden magic and the Damned humans as well. They do have their own societies across the lands but many live in harmony with the Goblins of the Sunsmiter lands. When a Hengi 'feels' death is upon them. They will find a quiet and isolated spot, dig a shallow grave and lie in it. They will meditate and find reverie with the spirits until they die. Then there are rare times when there is still a 'residue' left behind and the land becomes charged with spiritual energy. These places become sacred spots over time for others to find focus and revitalization. These are also known as 'Mana Wells' for they will replenish mana stores at a very, very rapid rate.

Orc (**Detested Ethnicity / High Mana):
6-7ft tall, immense and powerful. Lifespan is 150yrs. These are the largest peoples and the most aggressive for territory. Their skins are all shades of green, brown and even black. They live in societies that range from tribal to savage to urban. Like humans they are widespread, however they jealously guard their boundaries and are ever encroaching upon other lands. There was a tribe that was infamous for trying to wipe out all Goblins across the continent. After a united effort of multiple nations, the rest of the peoples fought back the orcs and nearly pushed them to extinction. Now their populations are rising again, the rest of the peoples are on high alert. The orcs have a great grasp on the Leylines and there is even rumours of an Infernal Orc; larger, more powerful ones that are fused with demonic powers.

The Worshipped.

The Otherside:

Many names are given to the space outside the realm that interweaves this world and the next. Each culture has a version of the afterlife and what heavenly lands go to the honoured and what hellish wreckage go the hated. Stories of this world's creation always starts with the Deities born from this place beyond the mortals. Each tale more wild and varied than the one next to it. No two creation myths are the exact same. But there is one aspect of each story that every culture has in common. Two words actually. In most cultures, placed together, they are considered a sacred word. For this is the word that is the exact same across every single culture.
There is a place that one must travel or cross to get to the afterlife. This is where most mortals will meet their Deity or Reverie. This is the one place that is the same for all cutures globally. When you trace the word back to its origins, you will see the root of the words: Other Side.

The Reveries:

Angels, demons, ghosts, spirits, entities without name. These beings stand rank and file below the Deities. Such an entity is not known as a Deity but rather known as a Reverie. Some are considered demigods, totem creatures, or patron spirits of ancient heroes, monsters, or beasts that have ascended beyond mortal body, mind and spirit and now reside on the Otherside. These beings are revered and even religions have started in their names. They are the most contentious of the Othersided for they are constantly being changed and renamed by mortals. In fact, they may be outright killed if belief in a Reverie were to ever end. It is a sway that some mortals believe they hold over the Reveries. To the victor goes the spoils afterall... but do be forewarned and know that hubris is a dire offense in which punishment is executed and exacted by the Deities themselves.
No matter how they are changed over time, one thing is for certain; they may be broached in Places of Power.
Where the Reverie is given respects and prayers a strand of the LeyLines runs through it. Some places that evoke an ancient Totem animal will always have characristics of that Totems persona and that animal type in the local area will have some kind of way about them that makes them stand out more so than any other animal. Some places that harbour a 'demon' will see the flora and fauna reflect that demon's persona and skewed view. Some other places such as where a congregation of spirits gathered will always have some kind of monument that stands out amongst the rest of the area.
Again, names and 'proper' rituals do change over time and usually the way to 'properly' pay respects to such a demigod, totem creature or patron spirit depends on who has conquered that territory. As such RPers are highly encouraged to work with their GMs to figure out suitable demigods, totem creature or patron spirits for their charries!

The Deities:

What is the creation of this world? Who made us, how, why and where are they? What even do they want from us? Where is The Otherside where they live?
Each culture has its own identity reflected in their reverence and religions to own a god in the cultures values, beliefs and judgements. Some cultures even make these edicts their way of life. Across the wolrd, and across Archaia each of these entities is claimed by mortal names. Ages and eras come and go and so do their names. It has been 3 generations of Nocturne ascensions and falls from grace since the deities have been held with the same name and identities across cultures.


Elder God: Aethros, the Celestial Weaver
In the ancient annals of the enchanted realm, Aethros is revered as the Elder God of Creation and Destiny, known as the Celestial Weaver. It is said that from the threads of cosmic energy, Aethros wove the fabric of the universe, shaping the very essence of reality with divine skill and precision. His celestial loom, said to span the expanse of the heavens, is a testament to his mastery over the forces of creation.

Aethros is depicted as a towering figure draped in robes of shimmering starlight, his hands deftly manipulating the strands of fate that dance upon his loom. With eyes that gleam with the light of a thousand stars, he gazes upon the tapestry of existence with a wisdom that transcends mortal comprehension.

As the Celestial Weaver, Aethros is believed to hold sway over the destinies of all beings, guiding them along the intricate paths of fate with a gentle yet unyielding hand. It is said that those who seek his favor may beseech him for guidance in times of need, and that those who earn his ire may find themselves ensnared in the tangled webs of their own making.

Aetheros has always been considered the Elder God. They have just been reborn as a male representation ever since the fall of the Darminkar Nations demise. With the fall of that Nocturne empire, Aetheros was reclaimed and thrust upon the pedestal of rightful Elder God.


Lysara, the Guardian of the Wilds:
Lysara is revered as the guardian deity of the untamed wilderness, presiding over the forests, rivers, and mountains with a fierce yet nurturing spirit. She is often depicted as a luminous figure cloaked in verdant foliage, her presence imbuing the natural world with vitality and vigor. Those who revere Lysara seek her blessing for bountiful harvests, protection from natural disasters, and guidance in living in harmony with the land.


Selene, the Mistress of Dreams:
Selene is whispered of as the enigmatic goddess of dreams and illusions, weaving her ethereal tapestries in the realm of slumber. She is depicted as a figure cloaked in shadows, her visage veiled in mystery. Followers of Selene seek her guidance in matters of prophecy, divination, and the exploration of the subconscious mind, believing that through dreams, one may glimpse the secrets of the universe.


Thalos, the Forge-Master:
Thalos is hailed as the god of craftsmanship and industry, revered by artisans, blacksmiths, and engineers alike. With his mighty hammer in hand, Thalos is said to forge the very foundations of civilization, shaping metals, stone, and innovation with unparalleled skill. His followers offer prayers for inspiration in their craft, strength in their labors, and blessings upon their creations.

The Magics.


The LeyLines and Mana

All across the world, there are energies that flow in and out, around and beyond this world. The oldest of them all upon this word are the LeyLines. They are part of the primordial energies used to create the Realm of Aetherial Haven. Such energies are channelled, aka 'Grasped' by casters and become a malleable form of energy called; Mana. Not all can grasp the Leylines and even those who innately become casters must be trained by more experienced casters if they are to excell in their Craft. The types of Mana manipulated are categorized by Spheres: Elemental, Inner, Outer and Conduit. Casters may be able to cast from different facets in the Sphere but only those that have great stores of mana may cross over into the other Spheres.
Each type of Mana manipulated gives off a 'Shine'; a colour that manifests while channeling during casting a spell. The more powerful the spell, the more mana used up and the more shine a caster will emit. Casting requires more than just spitting out words. Grand motions and concentration must be exerted as well; casters are reaching into the primordial energies afterall. Each Sphere requires differing forms of speech, motions, concentrations. Elemental requires channeling from without, Inner from within, Outer from off-world and Conduit directly from the Leylines themselves.
Mana stores vary between peoples as does the recovery rate and single useage rate as well. The stronger the grasp of the person on the Leylines, the more mana and spell power they will have. There is a cost however to manipulating mana too much and too often or attempting to cast a spell out of your league. Mana drain is real and it can be debilitating. After a large amount of mana is spent at one time or multiple times in a row, there will be a mana crash and the caster will become weakened, frail and possible even unconscious. The worst case scenario is going into a coma and your lifeforce slowly draining away. Long form, meditation, spritual rituals/bargains, days of full rest and sleep are ways of recovering mana naturally. Then there are those that covet Elfin potions to restore mana as well.

The Elemental Sphere

Air (No colour, just Shimmers) | Earth (Green) | Fire (Orange) | Water (Blue) | Light (White) |Shadow (Black):
Casters may bend these elements. Only those who are great with magic may have more than one Element that they may bend. Most casters are single element benders. These are the most common type of casters in Archaia.

The Inner Sphere

Body (Gold) , Mind (No colour, just Spirals), Spirit (Silver) :
Those that bend the Body are able to alter their form or objects around them. Only the most powerful casters may bend the bodies of others. Those of the mind are able to cause illusions and deceive senses. Those of the Spirit may communicate or manipulate spirits around them. This is the trickiest of the Inner Sphere for it involves appeasing otherworldly entities.

The Outer Sphere

Runes (Violet), Summons (Brass), Wards (Red):
Those that use runes may temporarily imbue items or objects with certain powers. Summons may call upon physical or otherworldly entities to aid the caster. Like Spirit casters, this one is the trickies of the Outer Sphere for it involves bargains and curses. More than physical barriers, those casters that create wards may create protective circles vs. Outsider beings such as infernal Demons.

The Conduit Sphere (**Non-Playable)

Sorcery and Forbidden (Unknown):
Sorcery is the ability to combine magics across Spheres and pull directly from the Leylines. It is a powerful type of casting that requires years of practice, rigourous training, bargaining and exchange of pieces of the casters soul. The energies sapped from the Leylines must be returned in time lest the caster fall to the curse of forbidden black Mana magics. Some casters revel in such blackness for they work hand in hand with great entities of Evil and may even pervert the dead to rise again. These practitioners must be stopped. Channelling the Leylines using the Forbidden Craft destroys the energy of the Leylines and may never be replaced.

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