Lords of Summer (SIFRP)


The Most Electrifying Man in Sports Entertainment
Lords of Summer


When Aegon the Conqueror united the Seven Kingdoms under the rule of the Iron Throne, he gave dominion over the Stormlands to his half-brother, Orys Baratheon. He could scarcely have guessed that with this act he sowed the seed of the destruction of his own royal line. What the Targaryens built with fire and blood, Robert Baratheon tore asunder in his fury.

King Robert won his crown at the Ruby Ford, and cemented it at Pyke. There is a new order in Westeros, yet its noble families are ancient. Oaths, rivalries and ambitions, both old and new, have not been forgotten. None dare to openly upset the balance, but the Seven Kingdoms are a tinder box, now as much as ever; be it from a sudden spark or a smoldering ember, the entire land could once again erupt into flame.

Winter is coming, but not anytime soon. This is the Long Summer.


As a group, the players will create a new, original noble house of Westeros. Individual characters will be nobles, wards, maesters, soldiers, or servants of any stripe, all bound in some way to the Lord of the house. The plot will be player-driven, as the characters play the fields of politics, intrigue, and war to advance the interests of their house and family.

To be clear, I am not looking to run a prepared story. My aim is to create and populate a world in which the players can determine the course of events, drawing upon and adding to the rich fabric of GRRM's novels in a setting where "nobles" are generally anything but, life comes cheap, and the good guys don't always win. Players should be prepared to work with (or against) each other, as well as independently pursue their own personal agendas.


This play-by-post game will use A Song of Ice and Fire Roleplaying, Game of Thrones Edition by Green Ronin. Having a copy of the core book and an understanding of the rules will definitely help a lot, but it is not required. The rules have changed a little bit from the original version of the game, but if you have a copy of that book, it will be close enough to work from. If a player does not have access to the book, they can still play; I'm more interested in having players who are well versed in the world of A Song of Ice and Fire, be it from the TV show (good), or the novels (better). I can work one-on-one to create a character with anyone who lacks the book. A Wiki of Ice and Fire (http://awoiaf.westeros.org) is an excellent free reference for setting material.

Aside from that, the only other requirement is patience. I have run several SIFRP games, but I have never tried the PbP format, so be willing to bear with me :)

I am looking for 3 to 6 players to start with.
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This meets the community standards for a roleplay and is set to awaiting players. Let us know when you have enough players that have posted saying they are committed to the project.
Like I said before, count me interested, I have a couple of character concepts to choose from depending on where in Westeros we begin. Looking forward to the game.
I want it to be. Consider it a maybe for now... I'm in six as-is. I just need to negotiate my schedule a bit first.
Interested, i have a schemer from a game from another forum, and a couple of other ideas.

How would we work out the rules for creating a house, particularly the location?
Madmal said:
How would we work out the rules for creating a house, particularly the location?
Location will be by player vote if there's no consensus. We'll create the house using the standard process. Ideally we'll do that via chat to make it go faster.
I am all in and I will keep an eye out for more details. I am interested in trying my hand with an heir who will be have some skill in arms but will be very social. I think Colt would have ended up a fun character to play into the future so it might be fun to play a similar character who has "aged" a bit with some fun tweaks. Is there anything you are looking for exactly Flagg?
Nope. I find the house creation does a really good job of letting a story emerge organically.
Well, that's three. I'll notify the admins. While the forum is getting set up, we can wait a few days to see if anyone else wants in.
Hell, I'm in. Maybe I'll make a eunuch. One of the two kinds of people you can't trust.
I'd love a shot at this, something like the converse of Thane's character - some charisma, rather more swordsmanship. Perhaps a younger brother?
Ok, that's 5. I'll take one more, and then we'll be full. I may open it up to more players later on, but I don't want to sabotage my first attempt at running a PbP by having more players than I can manage.
I would be interested in playing a Septa, but it would depend partly on the characters playing. If everyone is playing adult male, not sure how much RP opportunity there would be. Since most of a Septa would be based off of family goals, you would need the right mix of characters in order to play this properly.
Flagg said:
Well, that's three. I'll notify the admins. While the forum is getting set up, we can wait a few days to see if anyone else wants in.
I will take that as your notification to move on to the next step. You should now be able to see a forum for Storytellers. Please head on over to that forum to start your request.
Looks like you're full up already. :) I'll lurk and see how this plays. I read the first two novels when they first came out, so it's been a while. This will give me time to re-read them.
Flagg said:
Ok, that's 5. I'll take one more, and then we'll be full. I may open it up to more players later on, but I don't want to sabotage my first attempt at running a PbP by having more players than I can manage.
Are you still making this a forum game?
Yes, just getting things sorted with the players via PM. Should be ready soon.
I almost jumped out of my skin when I read the title.

Lords of Summer; a Changeling; the Lost source book for freeholds and their traditions, the four Great Courts, and Entitlements.

However, a Song of Ice and Fire kicks ass :)

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