Lords and Ladys (A Victorian Era RP)


Queen of Broken Hearts
This RP is meant to take you into the past, to give you a chance to play out those fantasies cause I know I've wanted to. Rules are same as the forum and I also require relationships to be approved by both creators of the characters (which can be done in text for example- a male character asks a girl character's father for permission to court her). The characters you have are limited to one family (mom dad and at the most two siblings) and servants of your house if you are noble. If you are not, I suggest being a servant of a household, either one already set up or one of your own creation.








Anything you want to add?:
Name: Sophia Melanie Lucia

Age: 15

Nobility?: Yes Noble. She is the daughter of Lord and Lady Lucia (Braxton and Marianna)

Appearance: Sophia has beautiful curly red hair that reaches down to her waist. Her fair skin freckles in the sunlight and her bright blue eyes seem to sparkle like the open sky. Sophia is about 5 feet and 3 inches tall and weighs approx 110 pounds due to the strict diet her mother keeps her on.

Personality: Sophia is a spoiled little lady. She is used to having her way all the time. She also loves to be the center of attention and host beautiful tea parties. Sophia tends to be a bit uptight and serious most of the time unless she is around a real friend who won't spread rumors about how odd and goof she is.

History: Sophia was a twin, her brother Stephen passed away after birth, and was never meant to live a life alone. Her brother did not even make it to the age of a day old. This hurt both her mother and her father seeing how they needed an heir for the family and left a dark spot in each of their hearts. Due to this, however, Sophia's father has taught her many 'men' things that ladies normally wouldn't learn otherwise. Sophia's mother has kept a close and overprotective watch on her daughter just to make sure she doesn't get hurt. Once she turned ten her mother became pregnant and had a handsome baby boy named Jeffery who is now 6 years old. He is a spoiled little thing and often up to no good where Sophia is concerned.

Pets?: Preston '2 years old' Wild wolf> Sophia found him when she was tagging along on her father's hunt after his mother was shot. She begged her father to keep him and cradled him in her skirts until her father caved in. Her and Preston have been together since she was 13.

Anything you want to add?:<NEW> Sophia's father is over most of the kingdom's military forces. Under the king and prince obviously but other than that he is the man that no one wants to piss off. He has served in the military since he was fifteen years of age, as his father had before him. Her family is somewhat known for her father's feats as a brave warrior and how he is old but still looks as if he is early thirties. When one visits their home there are always a number of soldiers which makes it hard for Sophia to have any 'secret' visitors and all the guards throughout the kingdom know of Lord Braxton Lucia's red haired daughter which makes it double hard for her to get away.

Sophia is being taught how to be a lady and her mother has her taking ridiculous courses and setting her up with noble men in hopes to get her married. She runs from this life as much as possible and rides her horse into the woods to hunt and be free;.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_07/Sophia.jpg.d6537b3d110175f24614633357458ebd.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="2822" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_07/Sophia.jpg.d6537b3d110175f24614633357458ebd.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p><p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_07/Prince.jpg.cdbf597edc6764a02a554f9ab4f8bcc3.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="2823" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_07/Prince.jpg.cdbf597edc6764a02a554f9ab4f8bcc3.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

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I love her accepted! Is that a picture of a girl dressing up as that irish girl with the bow from Brave?
I like her, very pretty ^^ and now as you reminded me, I have to get busy making my own characters xD  
Name: Victoria Jewel

Age: 15 (Having her 16 b-day soon)

Nobility?: Yes, her parents are Lord and Lady (George and Sarah) Jewel, owners of the biggest jewel mines and jewelry company respectively.

Appearance: She has straight black hair that falls just past her shoulders that is usually put up in some way or form and on occasion curled. Her skin glows like the sun and is as clear as a glass. Victoria's eyes are a green that can only be described as a deep emerald shade and seem to glisten like the jewel as well. On flat feet she stands at 5' but is usually wearing heels to make her a few inches taller. She watches her weight like any noble woman, at a nice healthy 115 pounds.

Personality: She's a well-bred lady through and through, even in the face of friends. She usually carrys a fan with her just in case she slips up in hiding her emotions. It is said no one knows the real her as she hides it deep down inside.

History: Her parents were never really around, Victoria being raised by a nursemaid until she was old enough to acquire a governess and a tutor. Being the younger girl in the family, she was spoiled but never really paid attention to. She does as she is told and stays out of her parents and brother's way.

Pets?: none

Anything you want to add?: Her parents are looking for a prospective fiancé if anyone is interested c; 
Name: Alexander Jewel

Age: 18

Nobility?: His parents are Lord and Lady Jewel *See Victoria*

He has dark blonde hair and chocolate brown eyes to give him a sweet charming look that the girls love. He is muscular because of his time spent riding his horse and hunting with his father an he stands at 6'2.

Personality: He is a gentlemen but a jockster. He learns from his dad for the business and therefore has a brilliant mind. He does love flirting but he doesn't play girls. His parents' have a disdain for his impulsive nature but he makes up for it by being a charming host.

History: He lived with his parents training him to take over the family businesses and he complied. That didn't stop him from pulling pranks though and he is well-liked within his household. He always got more attention than his sister and he didn't mind, knowing she was content in playing her part to keep her family proud, the same reason he worked hard on learning the ropes of business.

Pets?: none

Anything you want to add?: Eury is his fiancé!
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Name:Eury W. Cicada


Nobility?:Yes.She is the daughter of the high Lord Henry and Lady Liyia Cicada.

Appearance:Eury has thick,curly chocolate brown hair that falls gracefully to her thighs.Her eyes the colors of golden honey that seem to glow brightly as the moon.Her skin soft as the petal of a flower and Nicely tanned from being outside some much.Eury's weighs about 105 lbs.and is 5'3 and almost always wears flats to keep herself from getting any taller.Besides her mother complaints Eury likes to wear boys trousers and a blouse around the house and doesn't really like dresses,but she will wear them when company is over.

Personality:Eury is hardheaded,rebellious and just a handful.She doesn't like the life of a noble.She rather be outside getting down and dirty than inside sipping bitter tea and sewing quilts like her mother wants.She is really friendly to those who she likes and can be bitter to those she don't.

History:Eury is a single child and feels a bit lonely because of it.She grew up in house with every luxury she could ever wish for,yet she couldn't help but feel as if this life wasn't meant for her.Whenever She told her mother this she would just scoff and keep on going along with teaching her the principles of being a young lady.With all her heart Eury rejected the teachings and tried to run away several times,but was always dragged back.Taking extreme measures they hired Mrs.BloodWorth a tutor who has 110% rate of making trouble some child become respectable,but that failed yet again.After four long months Mrs.BloodWorth quite calling Eury a demon child.So now her parnets hope to marry her off to another high standing family.

Pets?:A small raven she has named Benji.

Anything you want to add?:Lol I was hoping there could be a somewhat arranged marriage between.Eury and Alexander.

Accepted I love her and yes, I could go with an arranged marriage between them ^^
Yupp, and now I want to wait until we get more guy chars before starting
AWE WE NEED MORE BOYS~!~ Surely people out there love to play spoiled handsome princes and such 
Name: Colton William Brathson

Age: 16

Nobility?: Yes Son of Lord and Lady Brathson (Richard the second and Olivia)

Appearance: Colton is a tall lad for his age. Standing just over six feet tall and still growing. He weighs an amazing 160 pounds of nothing but toned up muscle from an abusive father that pushes him to his limits. His goal is to get Colton in to the military with Lord Lucia and see him turn into the youngest general there has ever been.

Personality: Colton is a cocky little lord. He always talks about himself and the things he has done and wants to accomplish. He thinks he can have any young lady, which with his looks he certainly can, and never slouches her holds his head down to anyone except the royal family.

History: The Brathson family is the lead supplier of meat for the land. They employ more people out of the whole kingdom to take care of the cows,ducks,pigs, and other more elegant forms of protein for the royalty. Lord Brathson worked as right hand to the king and only retired when he was accidentally shot during a lovely hunt. The bullet caused him to loose the ability to move his right hand. That gave him more time to be home, to his families dismay, and oversee the farm for himself. They own of a hundred acres of land.

Pets?: Molly and Mitchel (sheepdogs)

Anything you want to add?: Colton is undergoing internship with Lord Lucia, by his father's request, so he is often found running around with Sophia and the soldiers around.

His family is very noble and they will not let their son marry down. (I am up for plotting with this character, just no arranged marriages so everyone has a chance. )

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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_07/MOllyMItchel.jpg.705554e07e3b946334ddbfa5455dbde0.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="2948" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_07/MOllyMItchel.jpg.705554e07e3b946334ddbfa5455dbde0.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p><p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_07/Colton.jpg.fcfe7982b05ae6656d962a629df9be18.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="2947" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_07/Colton.jpg.fcfe7982b05ae6656d962a629df9be18.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name: Lilian Da Capo

Age: 17

Nobility?: Yes, daughter of Nicholas and Lily Da Capo.

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_07/image.jpg.d23486150647d9949d17a9ef26b3d719.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="2984" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_07/image.jpg.d23486150647d9949d17a9ef26b3d719.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> Even though her illness is losing its strength, Lilian is sometimes mistaken of being younger than she really is due to her pale skin and small stature [4, 8' ]. Her eyes are hazel brown and her hair is usually pinned upright to avoid getting in her face.

Personality: Lilian is a quiet person when addressed to new company but is outgoing with her brother. She is kind and sweet but can be easily annoyed when people ask her questions or get her age wrong.

History: She doesn't stray from going outdoors except when going to the family gardens due to a sickness that ails her since she was an infant. No one really knows how Lilian got sick but her parents know that her lungs are being affected by it. Lilian feels restricted to staying indoors all the time but she understands why she has to; it was either staying indoors or to be coughing up a lung. On the bright side her illness doesn't plague her that much unlike when she was a child where she was monitored for various months by the doctor and her parents. Regardless of staying indoors, Lilian tries to keep herself busy by reading various books and improving her painting skills. Lilian has an older brother that is kind and protective towards her.

Pets?: Due to her allergies, Lilian is unable to keep a pet. Also her parents don't want her allergies to make her illness worse.

Anything you want to add?: Lilian know to do various activities from all the books she read in the family library.

Name: Steven Da Capo

Age: 19

Nobility: Yes

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_07/image.jpg.abf1472395ae7823a92dfac8272271b3.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="2985" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_07/image.jpg.abf1472395ae7823a92dfac8272271b3.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: Can be seen as somewhat of a showoff and arrogant. Steven is usually dismissive towards other ladies as they are usually uptight and vain for his presence the only exception is Lilian. To her Steven, is the caring protective brother that always puts a smile on her face with his presence or his inventions.

History: When Lilian was born, Steven was two years old and doesn't remember whether it changed from being the only child. But as he grew older, Steven noticed that his sister was always sick, so sick that she had to stay in bed for the most of his childhood years. During this time, Steven would stay with her to make her smile and keep her company. He would also bring Lilian books and trinkets to keep her occupied when he had to go to class. Steven was relieved to see Lilian get better but gets concern when ever she coughs once in a while. Steven has become an engineer as he has a talent with gears and mechanics, whenever he finishes a creation the first person he shows it to is Lilian to see the reaction on her face.

Pets?: Steven owns a stallion that goes by the name; Bruce

Anything you want to add?: Whenever Lilian gets her good days, Steven takes her into town to get any books she wants and to see the sights.

I am so sorry about not replying but for some reason I don't get alerts for this anyway you are all accepted! And yes they can be lower classes!
Name:Joseph H. Keyser


Nobility?:Yes. The oldest son of lady Hannah and lord Edward Keyser.

Appearance:Joseph is 6'5 with a very muscular frame and weighing 167 lbs.He is quite handsome with his curly red hair and blue eyes the color of arctic so they are tinted with a pale sea foam green.He wears a black formals suits with a silver tie whenever he is in company,but whenever he is by himself .He wears a simple green or blue tunic with brown trousers the color of the earth.............View attachment 17332

Personality:Joseph is a romantic and loves to flirt with the charm/grace of a true gentleman and prefers to win his battles with wit and intelligence not muscle.He finds people who are overly cocky annoying,and can't really help but feel a little self absorbed.Drama is his middle name.He also hates hunting.

History:Joseph wasn't always the grown man he was today.Actually when he was younger he was quiet shy and didn't like to talk to people,because he had a terrible stutter.So,he would stay in his room reading and learning.He didn't want to do anything,but read and be alone.That is until a new tutor comes and she teached him the wonders of etiquette.Of using words to win your battles.After many longs nights he finally got rid of his stutter and became a first class Lord.


Anything you want to add?: He has a irish accent because him and his parents are irish.(They must be lucky)

Name:Leo Y. Hetzel


Nobility?:Yes,but is doesn't really count.His mother was a serving wench and his father a high lord who fancied her.

Appearance:Leo is 5'6 and weighs about 119 lbs and is still growing.He is very thin and lacks muscle.He has thick black hair and brown chocolate eyes.With tan skin.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_07/black.jpg.933f80fb4a3e02b543a000b171a31faf.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="3028" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_07/black.jpg.933f80fb4a3e02b543a000b171a31faf.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality:He is shy,obedient,yet fun and playful.He is very generous and will always put others first,but he can have a bit of an temper.

History:Leo grew up in a very small dirty house with his grandmother for three years after his mother died from sickness.His grandmother would go on telling him about his father and how he would come and claim him,but leo knew that would never happen.That he was just a half breed bastard of a nobleman.At the end of those three years he finally left and got a job as a live in servant.

Pets?:N/A he can barely feed himself why would he have a pet.

Anything you want to add?:He is up for grabs who wants a nice young servant.Very healthy 
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_07/red.jpg.1d351b457a842b29ae40b0c7f8f11e7d.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="3029" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_07/red.jpg.1d351b457a842b29ae40b0c7f8f11e7d.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> This is Joseph


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