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...the Story Teller
A new day, a new school, a fresh start and a new body. This is the beginning of a life you had never expected and would have never dreamed of. A whole new world is about to open its doors wide for you. What will you learn and who will you become? That is your decision.

As the dawn breaks over the horizon in the center of the city, the morning light breaks through your window to spill onto your two faces. One fast asleep and the other wide awake and confused. What should you do? This question runs through your mind over and over again, but you are running out of time. School is going to begin soon and your uniform is pressed and ready for use for your new body. You have no choice bot to don your new body in the uniform and hurry off to Soul High School where your new life would begin. The voices of fellow students could be heard and hundreds of eyes had turned to face you. Whispers, gasps and compliments were all spoken about you for the first time as you walk past.

This was going to be a very interesting school year. As the morning rays of dawn broke through the dirty window, Serenity found herself in a unique position. She was well-rested and physically fit now. With a stunned mind and confusion darting about her brain, she decided that there was no getting out of this situation anymore or putting it off. Now she had two bodies and her original body was fast asleep and resting. She would have to set her life in shifts. The day life and the night life. This would be her norm from now on. With a deep breath released from her rosy lips she donned her school uniform and proceeded to school for the first time.

Walking through those gates for the first time was a bit intimidating. She could hear the whispering and murmuring. She could hear people asking who she was and talking about her appearance. She didn't know if it was a good thing or bad but she had to admit, she was kind of enjoying the attention but it would take quite a bit to get used to, even more so when having a new body like this. Her skin was now flawless and pale, her eyes were the same as always, she was taller, slender and well built and endowed. She had a perfect female body. Was this really her life now? She wondered what her fellow classmates would think of her. She hoped she wouldn't be bullied again. Because she used her real name to sign in, she didn't have to adjust to a new name at least. Maybe, it would be alright?

She went to her first class and took a seat. The whispers and murmurs about her continued. She wondered if she looked weird, or had something stuck to her. She took out her notebooks and pens and pencils to get ready for class. She had no idea how much attention she was going to receive, nor the amount of boys that would quickly surround her to try and win her affections
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Mood: Confused/Worried
Location: Homeroom
Interactions: Open For Interaction

Ethel Stevens

Ethel walked into class as usual, took her seat, and waited for class to begin. Seconds ticked by and she waited... and waited... and waited. Ughh, what was that? Ethel thought to herself as she dropped her head onto her desk and could no longer suppress the thought. What... Who was I this morning? She recalled waking up taller, heavier, and stronger that morning as someone else. The sheer shock of her seeing who she was then... herself? Or whoever it was woke her up from what she thought was a dream, but the body was still there... just without her in it? She was too panicked to tell Mrs. S or her other siblings, but the body was to heavy for her to move into the closet. The situation forced her to improvise as simply cover the body with a few blankets, as the girl was too tall to fit under Ethel's usual blanket alone.

Ethel was pulled back to reality with the sound of the bell ringing. She took a deep breath to calm herself, then thought, No use worrying about this now, I'll get home, explain the situation to Mrs. S, and get it all figured out. These thoughts seemed to calm her. Ethel always recognized Mrs. Stevens as a problem solver that her and her siblings could always rely on, she was also very understanding, so Ethel wasn't very worried about talking to her about it.

As the teacher started his lecture and Ethel began taking notes, as small grin etched it's way across her face. Unsure if it was the body or just because it was something different, Ethel's mind raced with happier thoughts than normal along with thoughts of how she'd determine the body origins.
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Thalia stood at the front entrance, confused about where she's supposed to go. Insecurities overcame her. Her Korean wasn't as good as it could have been, only learning the language for about a year. She should have practiced more. Do I even know how to say my name? While that was a concern, Thalia knew full well that she could communicate the basics.

Glancing down at her appearance, Thalia wondered if she could have done better. Should she have done a fishtail braid instead of a crown braid? Should she have put on less makeup or more? Was her skirt too short? Well, she can't help with that, it was a school uniform after all. Brushing back a leftover strand, Thalia slowly made her way into the school. A bunch of whispers was exchanged and stares. Though they were not on her, thankfully. Following their gaze, she realizes that they were staring at a girl with long blonde hair. Appreciating the lack of attention on her, Thalia pulls out a sheet that she had gotten from the school.

While she was registering, they asked a lot of questions about what she wanted to be when she leaves school. She hasn't really thought about it before, the high schools in American allowing to try things out before deciding. This school makes you decide. After a long, long, long time of thinking, Thalia realizes her passion for dancing. With that in mind, the school put her in the Vocal and Dance department. She could only hope that she'll have actual friends here.

Looking around, Thalia realized that the courtyard was empty. Embarrassed, she ran to the closest room. There, people were grouped up with one another, having their own circle of friends. Considering leaving the room for another, Thalia caught the sight of a lonely girl in the corner of her eye. Not over thinking the situation, she walked up to the blonde with her paper in hand.

"Um... Excuse me? Could you help me find my class?"
This much attention was really nerve-wracking. Serenity had never received so many gazes and seen so many people blush just by looking at her. As she walked on her way she tucked the stray strands of golden silky hair behind one of her ears and hoped hat they weren't going to pick on her and abuse her like her last school. She didn't think she could handle that. So, with a deep and calming breath she confidently made her way inside her school only to be approached by a girl who seemed to have a bit of trouble speaking Korean but thankfully she had always been a diligent student and practiced her English so that it was as comfortable to her as native language. Instead of speaking in Korean she spoke in English to help communicate with her better and more easily.

She smiled sweetly and as kindly as she could without even a moment's hesitation and replied quickly. "Sure." she said and looked at the piece of paper in her hand, seeing they were in the same department she smiled again and looked back at her, "We're in the same department! How cool. I'm actually new here myself. I hope we can get along." she said and looked up to find out where they had to go. Once she was sure of where to go she looked back to the other girl and gestured for her to fallow her. "This way. Let's go." she then started walking but not too fast that the girl would feel left behind or ignored.

Serenity could instantly recognize the girl was a foreigner because of how she held herself and how she spoke. The hesitation in her voice and how choppy her words were led her to believe that she wasn't from Korea at all. However, this would not detour her from making the girl her friend. Then a very dark and scary thought came to her mind and made her shiver a little as she walked. What if she had met me in my original body? She thought dangerously to herself, She would see me as an ugly little thing and avoid me! She wouldn't have asked me for help! I will have to figure out something with that ugly body of mine. Right now I just want to be happy.

Eventually they came to their classroom where they would have to find their seats and get ready to study and learn. She turned to the other girl with a smile, "Would you like to sit together? It might be beneficial for us both." she asked and hoped that the request didn't sound too strange or insolent to ask of a girl as pretty as her. Serenity still wasn't used to being at all pretty like this and didn't realize just how popular she would be in the coming days, months and years.

BuzeLovez BuzeLovez
The girl that she walked up to was a little strange. While Thalia was glad that she could speak english, the way she spoke was a little proper for her tastes. But as she thought about it, learning English was hard and in the beginning you'll be more former before you'll be casual. So Thalia brushed that off, accepting it.

Though that was not what made the girl strange. Thalia doent know what, it was little an invisible mask was place upon the girl, resisting anyone from entry. It's wasn't common for her to get these feelings, however, she could brush it off by calling it nerves.

Following the girl to the classroom, Thalia was glad that she at least had a chance to make a friend. Though, last time she said that came crashing down on her. Thalia observed the hallways, mapping the school in her head so that she doesn't have to depend on another person for help. Entering the class thatll be hers for the rest of her school career (she hopes), she noticed some strange diversity among the class. Thalia was opposed of it, it was a little different from what she learned about Korea's schools.

"Yeah! That be great!" She replied, walking over to an empty pair of desks. "By the way, you don't have to speak English for me. I learn better with experience." Placing her school stuff on her desk, she sat as other students piled in the room. Feeling a little uncomfortable with the states (which is most likely at the girl beside her) she turned to her partner.

"Oh hey, I didn't catch your name. My name is Thalia!"
She smiled and was sincerely happy that she was able to make a friend on her first day, or at least, an acquaintance. She sat beside the other girl and pulled out her simple dollar store notebook and pens and pencils. She seemed to have low quality stuff that didn't suite her pretty face and figure. One would assume that she was from a wealthy and well-off family with her looks but she was dirt poor so she had low quality items.

Hearing that that Thalia wanted her to speak normally she decided to compromise, "Alright. Although I could use some help with my English as well, if you would help me with it, I'd be ever so grateful." she offered and asked. She was really trying to master other languages but some phrases always eluded her and she already had a lot on her plate as it was.

"Thalia. That is such a pretty name." she then offered her hand to shake as a civilized person would do, "I'm Serenity. Serenity Alabast." she then heard the bell ring for their first class to begin. She opened her notebook and made sure her pencils were sharp and ready to be used. Whatever was written on the board, she wrote. She even took notes and recordings of the teacher's lecture so that she wouldn't have to study so hard later. She had other things she had to do after school and homework was going to have to take a back seat to earning some kind of income since she now lived alone.

What am I going to do now? I have to find a part time job so I can support myself. But how am I going to support having two bodies on a one person income? I mean I could get a night-time job but I still don'g know how to properly take care of two bodies. They both need sleep and food and clothes, but because I can only inhabit one body at a time and the one I'm not using is sleeping so that body gets energy to use, so I basically have a 24 wake cycle so I basically don't sleep anymore. While one body is sleeping for twelve hours, the other can be up and doing things. This body will be going to school and learning during the day but my original body will be working at night and use what free time I have to study so this body will be well rested. And while that body is resting for work this body can basically hang out after school. That would be fine right? I just hope that I can keep up the two lives at once. My food and clothing money is going to be going twice as fast because of the two bodies but at least I only need one place to stay and I don't have to worry about my other body getting up and walking away like another person or reading my diary like a sibling invading my privacy. She thought as she studied and payed attention as much as she could. She also wondered where this second body came from and why she had the same eyes, skin tone and hair color as her original body. There were so many questions running through her head but there were no answers.

BuzeLovez BuzeLovez , Tmd4772 Tmd4772 , Steve Freeling Steve Freeling , Mr.Observer Mr.Observer

Mood: Anxious/Excited
Location: Architecture Department Homeroom moving to Courtyard
Interactions: Open For Interaction

Ethel Stevens

Sitting in class, all Ethel could do is focus on her studies. If she didn't she'd either:
A.) Start Worrying About What Happened This Morning.
B.) Get Wrapped Up In The Daily Shenanigans Of The Architecture Department, which was rarely academically oriented.

Either way it would mean bad things for her grade, so she studied with herself for the remainder of class.

About 50 minutes later, when she was confident she had the material down for the next quiz, which, she must say, seemed to only be given to her as she's never seen the rowdy "boys" that make up the Architecture sit at a desk, she decided to take a break. Ethel only decided on joining the Architecture Department in order to possibly become stronger, she wasn't expecting the class to be 90% concept and 10% practice, and that was if they did anything that day anyway.

Even though she was supposed to be taking a break, she habitually took out her notepad and started fiddling with ideas for a new workout routine, as she could never stick to one and always felt they could improve, despite all of them wearing her out all the same. Four Sets of 30 Crunches then Russian Twists till I wear out. Finally, I guess I can end it with some sprints- Ethel's thoughts were cut short as the bell sounded indicating it was lunch time. Ethel packed her things and planned for her packed lunch and snack in the courtyard rather than the cafeteria, she wouldn't have anywhere to sit in there.

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