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Multiple Settings Looking to start a 1x1 RP


The Ultimate Enigma

I used to RP here a very long time ago, and recently I've been craving to get back into it.

A bit about me:
I usually assume the role of Female, and I'm most comfortable with the role of a female character. I tend to RP in settings of MxF, but if enticing enough, I will try something else. I don't need long, long, loooong posts/responses, but long enough in which it will give me a nice read and enough to work with. But I completely understand if the situation we're in doesn't have much to offer. I like to think of myself as fairly literate, and I prefer my writing and roleplaying to be as such.

Almost all 1x1 RP's I get into are solely underlined in a romantic story. I'm comfortable with Realistic, Modern, Fantasy, Sci-Fi, and Supernatural plots. I don't do well with fandoms, but depending on the fandom, I could give it a shot.
The last winter sun rose above the horizon and began warming the earth's chilling atmosphere, melting off the last of the snowfall for this cycle's winter. Birds began to tweedle joyfully once more, and the wildlife flourishing into Springtime. Up in the mountains North of Remehaven, you could hear birds of prey swooping down from their dead tree-nests, snagging any small mammal that delves up the mountain cavern-ways and steep, rocky roads.

The mist and thick vapor that surrounded The Scourge's small, reclusive territory lifted and dispersed into blue skies. A small rat, scurrying about the cave entrance padded towards the solid shadow that was cast by the cave's overhang. Suddenly, a black limb shot out from the dark and pulled in the rat. The rat's squealing reached its apex of a high note, then cut off abruptly, followed by a rattling hiss and a guttural hum.

After a quick morning snack, she slithered to the very back of the cave and fixed her eyes at the piercing light at the opening of her cave. The light, so bright during these waking seasons, almost feels as though it burns the reptile's retinas. She closes her eyes and begins to meditate once more. A lowly dragon does not have much to do during the day, but to wait for her next meal.

'And that, I shall do,' She thinks to herself.

The inside of her cave reeks of death and charcoal. Someone might find piles and piles of bones lying about, spilling out of the cave's mouth. One might complain of a tripping hazard, but then again, The Scourge does not account for mortals' well being. Reptiles can be so wise, yet so selfish.

A few hours pass by, and it will soon reach noon. Theaphonora's fiery belly begins to ripple with hunger. She awaits a satisfying meal from her not-so-acquainted fleshling friends and yearns for a feast.

'What will it be? A couple of cows? An old mare? Perhaps a donkey!' She thought to herself, making her stomach writhe in desperation. Even though The great beast looks forward to her payment, she is still undoubtedly reminded of the old days when she felt comfortable at soaring the skies once more.

"Nonsense!" She mutters to herself, her voice ra

I'm a bit rusty, but I'm sure my wirting will get much better as I go along!

If anyone is interested, please feel free to shoot me a DM and we could brainstorm!
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Hello, normally I would just PM, but my computer's been glitchy today. So I'll message here. Super interested in a rp with you! I can send you a sample of writing too if you PM and are interested, let me know and sorry for the inconvenience.

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