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Multiple Settings Looking to roleplay!

Circus boy

One Time Luck
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
Hey, how are you all doing? I have been roleplaying for a couple of years now, and usually write a few paragraphs per response. I prefer to write in first person but don't have to if its a deal breaker. I do pretty much any genre so message me if you want to do something I don't bite lol. I'm flexible with my character and can play however you want me to. I will say my favorite genres are crime/mafia, or slice of life mixed with another element like scifi, fantasy, or such. Don't feel like you have to read all of this but I wrote a little story introduction for my profile character. That being said I don't have to use him, like I said I play all kinds of characters.

The Wardo Circus was known far and wide as the most impressive, and extreme traveling circus in the world, and for good reason. Many stunts seemed death-defying, others just outright impossible and the crowds loved it. But while all the members of the show were talented one stood above the rest and was a crowd favorite. People started coming to this circus for the amazing stunts, but they came back for Lois, the newset addition to the show who had quickly become a rising star.

Lois was on the shorter side with the body of a twig, so much in fact that one the 'strong men' in the show had joked about being able to snap him in half when being introduced to the rest of the crew. He was a contortionist, able to move his body in ways that would leave most in the hospital. Able to squeeze his body through narrow openings that seemed impossible for anyone to do so. He had started as a side act but after some encouragement from the ringmaster, and some constructive criticism, about his act not being extreme enough, he started modifying his act. Lois had quickly become the next Houdini, with his act consisting of dangerous stunts, and his act quickly grew and with the ringmaster pushing him more and more, he quickly became the biggest, most extreme event in the circus.

There was one thing that all of the crew had in common, they lived for the applause, it was like a drug. The more extreme and entertaining the act, the more applause they got. The juggler juggled knives, axes, and things on fire, those on the trapeze used no nets (even though it was most certainly illegal for the circus to not use them), there were fire breathers, and acrobats who flipped off of high beams, and there was Lois. Lois act consisted of a trap, usually high up, usually surrounded by fire, or sharp edges, or something else that excited the crowd and left them on the edge of their seats. In some situations if he didn't contort his body in a specific way would leave him severely injured. Of course, their were still hidden safety, but still, the more the ringmaster pushed him, the more Lois realized, the applause wasn't worth dying for.

That left him in a bad position, the ringmaster was, well for starters he owned the circus and expected nothing but the best from his employees. Which wasn't exactly a bad thing, the problem with the ringmaster was that he expected to much. Lois acts were never enough, never dangerous enough, he pushed the others sure, but nothing like how he did with Lois. The ringmaster insisted he was just looking after his prized masterpiece as he referred to Lois. After all he was what was drawing the crowds in and therefor bringing the money in. And he didn't wanted to disappoint the crowd, as the ringmaster phrased it. The ringmaster was protective with Lois. NO that wasn't exactly the right word. He treated Lois more like an object then a person, like a show dog, yes that was EXACTLY what he treated Lois like. On a tight leash only let off it during show time.

At first Lois didn't notice, after all he got full meals, nice clothes and good sleeping accommodations while traveling, plus he was living the dream, what more could he want? Well he wanted to live, and to have full control of his body. After a close call last show he had decided enough was enough and he went to the ringmasters office.

"Come in Lois it seems like you want to speak with me, I'm busy but I can always spare a few minutes for you."The ringmaster said, almost in a mocking tone, in the way a parent would speak to a young child.

"It's, it's about my act, it's to much, I can't keep going the way I am, I'm gonna get hurt-" The ring master clicked his tongue, Lois sentence hit a nerve, the ringmaster wasn't paying full attention when Lois came in and was doing paperwork as Lois spoke, but that sentence put there ringmasters full attention on him. The ringmaster scowled for a moment before putting on a fake smile, being a showman it appeared real, one that looked like he showed a bit of concern even, though that was just an act.

"Lois we talked about this, the crowd loves your act, you don't want to take it away from them. If you're slipping up you just need to practice more." The ringmaster replied standing up, his tone came off in a singsong tone, like he was comforting a small child, it creeped Lois out, but that was just how he treated Lois. The odd thing was, he didn't treat anyone else the way he did with Lois, with others it was just business, but with Lois, he was possessive, when asked about it before the ringmaster simply had just said he was taking extra care in his special investment, but it still made Lois uncomfterable. And that uncomfortableness made him always just want to agree with the ringmaster and leave. But no this time, this time he needed the ringmaster to him.

"All I do is practice, I sleep, eat, and practice, anytime were not on the road I'm practicing. But it's never enough for you. I, I've been thinking about quitting-" The ringmaster slammed his hands down on the desk and a sticking smile was on his face, one that was hiding his panic, he couldn't have his prized trophy leave, not after all the money he had invested in him. Not after all the money he was MAKING.

"Don't be silly this is your home, it's where you belong. Remember we welcomed you into the crew when no one else did. You wouldn't want to leave after all we've done for you right?" Lois nodded as the ringmaster said putting an arm around Lois, and undertone saying that he owed them for welcoming him.

"Besides you have nowhere else to go, you told me that when you interviewed, besides you love the applause, now then you should get ready you have another show in an hour." The Ring Master said shooing Lois out satisfied that he had but an end to the conversation and any silly thoughts of him leaving.

(I would love to hear any thoughts you have about this little blurb, kind of just did it on a whim so let me know what you thought)

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