Looking to pick up roleplaying again :D


King Rahmanus
Well, I joined this site a few months ago in look for a new roleplay partner for 1 on 1 roleplay. I used to have one however due to complications in our friendship we kinda fell out. I've a very overactive imagination and it really sucks having nobody to share it with. I'll introduce myself for starters.

My name's Shakil.

19yrs old



and roleplay was a very old and passionate hobby of mine however I have not done so in over 4 months now and the withdrawals are quite annoying!

Just wanted to introduce myself here, see what kinda community this is before I go looking for somebody who'd be interested in a very, very complex and fantasy driven roleplay. I would preferably like somebody who had some bit of experience but then again it really isn't a necessity I'm just looking to have some fun.
Welcome back! *throws confetti in air* I'm Kestrel, but you can call me Kes for short if you want. If you have any questions, feel free to ask me. What other genres do you like besides fantasy?
Kestrel said:
Welcome back! *throws confetti in air* I'm Kestrel, but you can call me Kes for short if you want. If you have any questions, feel free to ask me. What other genres do you like besides fantasy?
Hey Kes! Nice to meet you :D To be honest I love every kind of genre you could think of, (With the exception of highly sexual categories of course that isn't my thing whatsoever). When I used to Roleplay what myself and my RP partner did was we established a world, similar to Earth and combined characters from various anime, games, movies such as Final Fantasy, Star Wars, aspects and certain characters from various comics etc. and made a world, that did its very best not to contradict their origin and their overall personality. It actually worked a lot better than it sounds like it would of course, characters were dropped due to them just not fitting the world we had made. Like we took a lot of DC's villains as well as villains like General Grievous and Darth Sidious into our timeline, keeping them true to their original character however altering them to see-fit.

We also had a lot of original characters and stories could range from medieval fantasy, sci-fi, adventure, ancient and magical styled fantasies, romance, Elven fantasy, Sad stories, light hearted events you name it. I was in charge of making sure nothing contradicted another thing and made sure characters who myself or her hadn't created weren't completely twisted into something they never would be.

What about yourself? :) and the only question I would have would be where would be the best place to post to find somebody who'd be interested in a story kinda like that?
Shakilrahman96 said:
Hey Kes! Nice to meet you :D To be honest I love every kind of genre you could think of, (With the exception of highly sexual categories of course that isn't my thing whatsoever). When I used to Roleplay what myself and my RP partner did was we established a world, similar to Earth and combined characters from various anime, games, movies such as Final Fantasy, Star Wars, aspects and certain characters from various comics etc. and made a world, that did its very best not to contradict their origin and their overall personality. It actually worked a lot better than it sounds like it would of course, characters were dropped due to them just not fitting the world we had made. Like we took a lot of DC's villains as well as villains like General Grievous and Darth Sidious into our timeline, keeping them true to their original character however altering them to see-fit.
We also had a lot of original characters and stories could range from medieval fantasy, sci-fi, adventure, ancient and magical styled fantasies, romance, Elven fantasy, Sad stories, light hearted events you name it. I was in charge of making sure nothing contradicted another thing and made sure characters who myself or her hadn't created weren't completely twisted into something they never would be.

What about yourself? :) and the only question I would have would be where would be the best place to post to find somebody who'd be interested in a story kinda like that?
Luckily, erotic content isn't allowed, as I'm sure you remember.

It sounds like a nation-building RP, so you can post an interest check here:

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Kestrel said:
Luckily, erotic content isn't allowed, as I'm sure you remember.
It sounds like a nation-building RP, so you can post an interest check here:

Nation Building Interest Checks

Here are some more places to find a RP to join:

Fandom Interest Checks

Futuristic Interest Checks

Fantasy Interest Checks

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Colosseum Interest Checks

Dice Interest Checks

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Thanks for providing those links :D I made a thread, I do hope it is alright do feel free to critique it if you have time :)

Partners - Looking for Long term Roleplay Partner
Overall, it seems good. Being honest about what your looking for is good. I know that several people are able to play characters of the opposite gender.
Kestrel said:
Overall, it seems good. Being honest about what your looking for is good. I know that several people are able to play characters of the opposite gender.
Great to hear it thanks :D if you know them could you maybe tell me if they'd be interested or to drop me a PM? or link them to the thread? much appreciated :D
Shakilrahman96 said:
Great to hear it thanks :D if you know them could you maybe tell me if they'd be interested or to drop me a PM? or link them to the thread? much appreciated :D
I don't remember their usernames, but it's pretty common that people can play as the opposite gender. What may help is specifying that you want female characters.

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