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looking for Yaoi partners


The New Boy Wonder
So I've one on one role played before and I enjoy it but I haven't done it in a while and I've never done it open in a thread before but I figures,"Why not give it a try." I have a couple plots i've been thinking about in my head.


1. I'm Nobody's Hero (modern)

A gay teen superhero is able to save another gay teen from being bashed on his way home from the city library. That starts off the plot where the saved boy tries to find out about the teen hero. Unknown to the boy he goes to school with the hero. The hero(as a civilian/student) is again able to protect the boy he saved from a group of bullies. The hero recognizes him and when the two become friends he worries that the other boy will find out he's the hero.

2. Siren (fantasy/modern)

The prince of the merfolks is forced to flee his homeland under the sea to escape a war raging between his peoples. The merman ends up getting stuck in a cove at low tide, hurt. A teen boy finds a the hurt price on the beach and decides to take him home and nurse him back to health while trying to hide him from his parents.

3. Warrior Prince (fantasy/ancient greek area)

After his warlord father dies in battle his son take's control of his father's army. After pillaging a village for supplies and treasure. As the village burns the warrior prince finds the only survivor and makes him his personal slave boy. The slave boy sees the trouble in the warrior prince's heart and is able to open it up. The warrior frees his slave realizing he's fallen in love with him and he and the now ex-slave attempt to escape the army.
Hello there! Casually dropping by!

This all sounds very interesting, though I do not know which one I wish to do the most, as I can do all three! Is there one you prefer? If you wish to discuss this further, do not hesitate to send me a PM!

'Ello! :D

I would love to do a 1x1 with you c:

The modern one and Ancient Greek one sounds awesome! Pm me?
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Hi! All 3 ideas sounds like they'd be fun. I think I like the first one the most. But, I still new, so I think you'll have to PM me if you're interested.
All those pairings are already taken. Sorry guys. But I'm always itching to RP and I have a few more pairing ideas:

Jock x loner

New kid x jock

Mysterious new kid x shy loner

Emo kid x popular kid

Teacher x student (I want to be the student)

Father x adopted son maybe? (I'd prefer to be the Son)



Batman x Robin

Robin (Tim) x kid flash

Robin (Dick) x superboy

Robin (Tim) x beastboy

Robin (Tim) x original hero

Robin (original) x original hero

Robin (Original) x civilian

(I want to be robin in all those pairings...he's my bae)

Percy Jackson-

Percy X Nico

Percy x Original Camper

Nico x original camper

Original camper x original camper
hello I'm very interested in roleplaying ! I love your ideas but I also have some of my own. I'm very active so if your interested pm me ! :)
[QUOTE="Robin man]Are you interested in doing a original camper x original camper paring?

That pairing up there. Pm me

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