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Multiple Settings Looking for War RP partners (1-3) - Fantasy or Sci Fi original RP


A lil Woozy right now
Roleplay Availability
WANTED: RP Partners
Hello! there I'm currently looking for 1 to 3 RP partners to create an original fantasy/Sci-Fi world with.
Romantic and badass characters are very welcome and I already have a CS we can potentially use for additional characters.
Id prefer to create an original story but using a pre-created one is cool too.
I'm looking for RP partners who have an idea of what they're doing, decent grammar, creative ideas and an understanding of the English language.
18+ please,​
Name: (What's your character's name?)
Aliases: (Does your character have any other names, titles, etc., that they are known by?)
Gender: (Your character's chosen gender)
Species: (Most any race is available, if its a bit out there, check with me first)
Age: (How old is your character?)
Appearance: (You can either post a picture, or provide a written description. A picture/description of your character's armor is necessary; a picture/description of what's under the armor is not.)
Role: (What part does your character play in the world? The Dedicated Peacemaker or the Malevolent Lord? Roles should consist of a verb and a noun like a Tarot Card of sorts and should slightly play into your character)
Personality: (Here's where things get a little more involved. What is your character like? Are they rough and tough, or kind and gentle?)
Motivation: (What drives your character in the world?)
Weapon: (Something to defend yourself with is absolutely necessary as this world is nowhere near kind)
Equipment: (what assorted bric-a-brac does your character carry?)
Bio: (When making your character's bio leave things a little shady so as to reveal more of it in the RP)
Theme: (a song to help define your character)

I already had an idea for a Fantasy RP set up, I will post the lore and rules below

The Crimson Peak, The Burning Peak, The Old Peak and The Bloody Peak all carry a very rare and valuable metal called Glycerite within them. This metal brims with magical energy and is extremely important in creating Enchanted weaponry.

The rp will follow a platoon of soldiers from the violent mountain nation of Argas, a nation currently in the throes of a three-way conflict involving two other nations. The first of these two is Detros, a densely populated merchant nation of swamps and plains. The second is known as the Mygo empire, a place of deep forests and ancient strongholds.

The Red Peaks sit directly in the middle of these three nations, at one time being the dwelling place of the High Dwarves, beings so adept in smithery that they developed skin resistant to the very flames they worked with in their craft.
Granted, stories of the High Dwarves are ancient and quite open to dramatization, so its unknown if at one point they really did have such resistance to heat. A certain,ty in the stories of them however is that their creations were unmatched in quality and strength. The continent is called Rebault and is the smaller of the two currently known. The other is a mostly desert land controlled by the Lizardmen of Arakur and their mortal enemies The Mepulto; a race of stone giants few in number but plentiful in strength and cruelty.

Argas: Think Viking Crusaders obsessed with walls; consists primarily of humans, orcs and tieflings with some dark elf strongholds. Argas has always been a nation of violence, since it's beginning it has been a land soaked with the blood of it's enemies and inhabitants. Its government stands strong as a complete Military Monarchy, with all those in line for the throne requiring military experience of some sort to even be considered. It's main export is it's people as mercenaries, professional soldiers, trainers, anything related to the military with it's second hoping to be Glycerite if the war goes well. It's not. Powerful infantry and shock troops along with many units of wyvern riders, dabbles in some experimental weapons that it really shouldn't. Allied with Chamo, Actia and the Shang Yi Conglomerate.
The Mygo Empire: An old empire full of hidden secrets and forgotten weapons, it's people consist primarily of Deep Elves, Wood Elves and humans. It's main export is political intrigue and lumber along with a spattering of foodstuffs as many fields in the South have been cleared in order to make the land more hospitable. Allied with Detros, Fellway and Nerido, the Empire is confident in it's strength, having powerful ranged soldiers aplenty particularly their longbowmen, excellent scout units and devastating cavalry.
Detros: Stronghold of the Lizardmen and the Blood Elves, Detros is a wealthy land that is considered the breadbasket of multiple nations. Full of swamps and full of Plains, Detros is a very horizontal land with it's vertical areas going downwards rather than up. Controlled by a Merchant Aristocracy, it's people are fine with this as somehow, some way, trickle-down economics worked here (Reagan would be proud). An all-around nation with very well-equipped and well-fed soldiers, high in morale as well, with a pretty good navy. Allied with the Mygo Empire, Ruudal, Nerido and Zar.
Nerido- A Monarchy propped up by an elite order of Spearmen called the Royal Pins by those with little love towards them and the Order of the Point by everyone else. A nation of all sorts of Elves, humans and a race of harpies called the Charya. The current ruler is a Blood elf named Yolldun, a bloodthirsty menace to the people who rules with an iron fist and cruel mind. The nation has an age-old rivalry with Argas around their main exports of professional soldiers, further exemplified by the many wars the two nations have fought in the past. Their military is based around a strong well-equipped infantry backed by mobile winged archers and powerful, loyal dwarven mercenaries.

Looking for partners with good grammar who can type multiple paragraphs per response and help develop the world and plot with villains and multiple character sheets and additions to the lore!
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