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Multiple Settings Looking for that grade A roleplay partner to create shenanigans of epic proportions. Long-term, lit!

Ad Nauseam

Ironist extraordinaire

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[div class=background][div class=slider][div class="Tabs tab01"]about[/div][div class="Tabs tab02"]search[/div][div class="Tabs tab03"]interests[/div][div class="Tabs tab04"]concepts[/div][/div][div class=centerimage][/div][div class=contentwrap][div class="scrollbox page01"]Please read this thread and PM me. I would like to keep it clean. Comments left in here will be deleted. I get a lot of messages when I bump this, so please be patient!

[div class=title]on me[/div]
[div class=text]I am a 24 year old tattooer in training, with a deep love for the art of writing and storytelling and everything that comes with it. Real life starving artist, in the flesh, who does visual art on the side, while studying From the Scandinavian area. Multilingual. English is not my first language. Confident in my use of it, but there might be a few inevitable mistakes now and then and I am very motivated for improvement. Crazy bird lady with four tame budgies in a studio apartment and no regrets.

Avid consumer of different types of media. Books, films, series, audio dramas, games and a user of memes. Really dark sense of humour most of the time, lame sense of humour all the time. Little more than a decade worth of roleplaying experience. 13 years of forum/written roleplay, 7 years of tabletop and 3 years of LARP. I spend the majority of my spare time being a huge nerd. Not ashamed.

Novella style, third-person, past-tense, always! Usually, I can jam out 400-1200 words, sometimes more. Depending on the circumstances, of course. I shorten my replies during more dynamic scenes and starters or post-timeskip entries will always be long, to set the scene. Big fan of timeskips (no need to detail every day in the character's lives) and avid user of side-characters (they breathe life into the world). I can have multiple mains. At times I prefer having multiple, and juggling them around a bit to keep things fresh, but I don't mind sticking to one character either. That being said, I am an OC only kind o' gal and I will always write OCs and write with OCs.

I put a lot of work into the characters I make and detail their background, personality, goals, motivations and personal plots, as well as their virtues and vices. To me a good character is a flawed character. I love to see them succeed, but I also love to put them through failure after failure. Life's a rollercoaster, they're bound to have their ups and downs. Sometimes more one than the other. The characters I make can be of any gender, any sexual orientation and with a broad range of different personality traits, likes, dislikes, hobbies, stories, connections and the like. I am no stranger to killing off my characters either, if they get themselves into a bad situation and the plot calls for it.

While I am not at all opposed to the idea of romance, it's not something I actively pursue in my writing. I like to explore different kinds of relationships, and it heavily relies on the dynamic between the characters. To me, it's important that there is some depth and complexity to the relationships between the characters and that's whether they're friends, lovers, hate each other or something in-between. It's all about the interaction, the conflict and the stakes!

[/div][div class="scrollbox page02"][div class=text]Currently one spot available!

I am looking for a long-term roleplaying partner, who would be open to commit to a story and take it from beginning to end, potentially starting a new one after it's finished.[/div]

[div class=title]Expectations[/div]
[div class=text]- Equal contribution. Or at least as equal as it gets. Both with the planning, putting work into our own characters and setting up the roleplay as well as contributing to pushing the plot forward. This also extends to the use of side-characters.
- Good and direct communication. I highly value a roleplay partner, who understands to communicate. Asking questions and back-and-forth exchange of ideas while we write is important to me. Being able to express your boundaries, your wants, if you would like something introduced or if you're losing interest is important to me too. I'll do the same, and if you're the chatty sort, I'll love to get to know you out of character!
- Updates during busy times. Just so I know you're still there. We all hit a rocky road from time to time and checking in to say hi and give a heads up, if the reply will be delayed by long.
- Ability to separate reality from fiction. I assume it is something we're all able to, but I've had a few experiences in the past, that makes me feel like this point is necessary. The characters we write and the story they tell is entirely fictional, so don't take anything happening in the RP, good or bad, personally.
- Decent literacy. No one-liners and preferably two-three solid paragraphs per response. Quality over quantity, I am not super nitpicky with length, but it ought to be something I can reply to. No requirement for you to match anything but the tense. Strongly prefer past-tense, and third-person perspective is a requirement.
- You're at least 18+, preferably 21+, comfortable with darker themes, mature subjects and the uglier aspects of reality. Within the limit of RPNs rules, of course.

If you've come this far and are interested in doing some brainstorming, PM me ASAP with a little bit about you, how you write, what you expect from me and any ideas you may have. I'd love to hear from you!
[/div][div class="scrollbox page03"][div class=text]Interests listed (loosely) after priority. Open to suggestions that are not on the list![/div]
[div class=title]Themes[/div]
[div class=text]- Urban fantasy/modern fantasy. Something set in modern times with either heavy or very subtle supernatural tones.
- Post-Apocalyptic. Because a little irony never hurt anyone. Nuclear apocalypse, environmental apocalypse, zombie apocalypse, you name it.
- High Fantasy. I am a little picky with high fantasy, but would be open for doing it, if the pitch is good.
- Superhero genre. Mostly, I dig the more lowkey versions of these, but if the pitch is really good, I'll be up for it. [/div]

[div class=title]Fandom (OCs only)[/div]
[div class=text]- New World of Darkness/Chronicles of Darkness. Mage: The Awakening, Hunter: The Vigil, Vampire: The Requiem.
- Fallout. New Vegas and 1-4. Preference to New Vegas and the older Fallout games.
- Degenesis/Primal Punk. Best post-apoc tabletop, really underrated setting!
- Elder Scrolls. Morrowind, Oblivion and Skyrim.
- Forgotten Realms/D&D. Familiar with 4th and 5th edition.
- Ars Magica. Absolutely love this setting.
- Subnautica. Of course more writing-friendly and less game-mechanicy. It's the survival aspect I like.
- SCP Foundation. Would love to play around with that setting, both from the SCP perspective and the perspective of the personnel.
- Fifth City. Sunless Sea, Fallen London.

[div class=title]Won't do[/div]
[div class=text]- Anything with canon characters. Mentioning named characters when playing in a setting in which they're in, is fine.
- High school settings.
- Smut or graphic sexual content. Fade-to-black friendly.
- Anime themes or archetypes.
- Roleplays where romance is the central theme. Open to romance, but I prefer a slow burn, if the characters have chemistry.
- Full-realism slice of life. I need some fantastic nuances.
- KRP.

[/div][div class="scrollbox page04"][div class=title]Concepts[/div]
[div class=text]I will be dumping some of my ideas here. I'd be down to do any of these, brainstorm and add/change any of these, mix and match any of these or go for something entirely different -[/div]

[div class=title]Prompts[/div]
[div class=text]
The Vault of Transcendence
Setting: Post-apocalyptic, Fallout, Z-apoc, Degenesis, ...
Locate the bunker. Scout the surrounding area. Clear it of hostiles. On the surface, it sounded simple enough. But you had been hand-picked along with a bunch of strangers, by an anonymous employer who had clearly done their homework and appeared to know a lot more about you than you were comfortable with. It did not make it any less complicated that your employer gave you very few clues to follow. Despite that, you agreed. Signed the contract. You had your reasons and after all; good pay is rare. Exceptional pay even more so and this kind of pay would be enough to make most look the other way, even with a gig as questionable as this.

Though, none of you were prepared for how difficult this journey would be, nor were you prepared for what you would find once there.

Word bank: Conflict, danger, survival, high-stakes, exploration, travel, uncertainty, action.
Notes: I would love to do this plot with 4 mains, 2 characters each, and I would like to discuss concepts, so their purpose in the party doesn't overlap and each have different things they can do. There will be room for plenty of personal plot, side-questing and survival-shenanigans down the road. I have some flexible ideas for the characters, the startup/setup and the endgame.

[div class=text]
Occult Warfare
Setting: Modern fantasy, Mage: The Awakening, Vampire: The Requiem, CoD, ...
You have always bumped heads. Smaller disagreements, petty conflicts. Perhaps the occasional clash or minor assault here and there, though in the end you always shook hands and made your peace, as was expected. But this time... This time they wronged you more than anyone ever did. They interfered where they shouldn't. Took it too far. Messed with your territory, interrupted your work and stole your resources. Made you look weak. They humiliated you. For that they have to pay. Now the game is on.

Word bank: Conflict, politics, intrigue, capture the flag, scheming, social warfare, puppeteering, back and forth escalation and deescalation, cutthroat.
Notes: Ideally, I would like some changing perspective with this one. I would love for my partner and I to have one or two characters in each "faction" or "part" so to speak, and switch the perspective between scenes (or do all of them at once, but that could end up a clusterfuck). If nWoD isn't your thing, I have a bunch of ideas for an original setting and would love to do some brainstorming!

[div class=text]
The Lawful Seldom Lie
Setting: High Fantasy, Dungeons & Dragons, Elder Scrolls, Ars Magica ...
Dealing with dubious entities is something certain dubious individuals can gain from. Certain entities are known not to lie, yet absolutely bend their words however they can in their attempt to trick whoever calls upon them. You're among the unlucky ones, who got roped into such a deal, lured by the promise of whatever you desired. Then you paid the price, you didn't read the fine print and you all landed yourself in prison.

Word bank: Prisonbreak, character-driven, lawless, adventure, character dynamics, interaction, conflict.
Notes: This is pretty much just a setup for some more unscrupulous fantasy shenanigans. It could go many ways, but would mostly revolve around the characters and their goals rather than a bigger picture. Have a few ideas for characters, each with their own personal plots to chase, for this one. It will definitely require for us both to have characters with personal goals and motivations, and for both to be able to fuel the plot.

[div class=text]
A Piece of Choice
Setting: Modern Fantasy, Chronicles of Darkness, Vampire: The Requiem, nWoD, ...
Blinded by the charm of your creator and seduced by the promise of eternal life, you allowed yourself to be embraced into the ranks of the undead. It was nothing like you expected. Navigating the night did not prove to be easy or glamorous. Unwritten rules guide those who feed in the shadows and predators are territorial. Human morals still remain deep within, but life among the dead calls for hard choices and not everyone has the guts to make them.

Word bank: Gritty, modern noir, challenging morals, character-driven, tough choices, staying hidden, (crime??, mystery solving??).
Notes: Mandatory vampire plot. Or not as much of a plot as an overall theme I've been craving, but anyway... I could take this down whichever road we feel like and make it fully character-driven or throw in a plot. I'm also up for whichever roles we feel like, whether it's pairing a vampire with another vampire, a vampire and a human, a vampire and a ghoul (VtM/VtR definition), a vampire and a ghost or something entirely different. I do have some vague ideas for plots, but they're too vague for me to want to list them. Ask if interested or throw in your own suggestions! Would love to brainstorm-

[div class=text]
Translucent Subsistence
Setting: Modern Fantasy, ...
Dying young is tragic and those who meet an early demise, rarely die comfortably. More often than not, those are the ones who struggle to find peace. Among the living, only few can see or sense those who passed and even fewer are inclined to assist them. Against the odds, a ghost teams up with an unlikely companion, to solve the mystery of their death, only for both of them to be pulled into a web of clandestine conspiracies.
Word bank: Crime, mystery solving, investigation, conspiracy, noir, gritty, murder mystery, unlikely companions.
Notes: I don't have any potential settings in mind for this one and would love to do some world-building. Could take either and any role here, and do have a bunch of ideas for the conspiracy-plot. Open to include other plots, big or small. Brainstorms are more than welcomed!

[div class=text]
Like really
I swear something will be here soon
Just working on the formatting
Thank you for your patience
Blessed be
I hope you're having a nice day!
Drink some water.
You look great
Heart emoji[/div]

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OG code by RI.a hard edit by me
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