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Fandom Looking for Star Wars pairing partner!


New Member
Hello hello!!

Hope everyone is doing well! I only just got back on this site from a very long hiatus but I stumbled across your thread and was hoping to discuss possibilities with you!

A bit about myself:
  • I'm 22 and just finished college, you can call me Spotty! (she/her pronouns)
  • Big Star Wars fan, horror fan, Marvel fan, etc.
  • Eastern time zone
  • Really into darker themes, angst fuels me. Romance is not a must but definitely a plus!
  • I'm used to playing female characters in m/f pairings.
  • 3rd person writing
  • Reply lengths vary, I work with what I'm given! But I'm used to writing fanfics so decent sized replies should never be an issue :)
  • I don't have vast lists of OCs but I heavily enjoy creating new one!
I'm looking for various other roleplay plots but I wanted to make a special post for Star Wars! I've really been craving some Prequel and Sequel era pairings!
  • Anakin/Darth Vader & Padme (ani/vaderdala)
  • Kylo Ren/Ben Solo & Rey (reylo)
I feel like it's a shot in the dark for something so specific! As far as plots go I have ideas but I'm willing to discuss anything.

Please let me know if you'd like to talk more, have any questions, etc. A lot of times I'm not sure what all I should put in these posts. Feel free to add my discord @invaderspotty0#5376 to make discussion easier!
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