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Looking for something to do


Time to murder the English language.
I am kinda bored now that most of my other rp's have died off in the update. I'm just looking to see if someone has some rp or wants to make one with me. For bio purposes I'm a guy, can't write as a girl to save my life, and I usually stick to mature stuff so I don't have to watch what I say as often. I do most genres, but action adventure tends to be my favorite. I have some stories of my own if you don't have one you want me to do. I'm not to picky but I have a hard time with people who post two line responses.

Other than that let me know if you want to rp.


I am interested to do some RP with you! PM me if you feel the same so we can discuss themes/plots/ideas/randomness ^^

Blooregard Q. Kazoo ohmygod. /Cue memory lane.

On With Proper Reply

Action adventure in what era? Historical? Futuristic? Modern?
I dont know you but I now love you for knowing who is in my picture. Also I have done every singe era. I just started on this site but I have be rping for a while. If you want I can make a brand new story you just have to tell me what you like or if you have any ideas.
Um~ I am pretty okay with anything really ^^ Master X Slave, Human X Demon, Werewolf X Vampire, Noble X Knight, Neko X Human, I got a long list of pairings! So... Don't hesitate to tell me what you like! ^^
I think we should start a mini RP group for a trio, in, say, a low fantasy Medieval Era (because Yay For Pop Culture), built up of a swordsman, archer, and the Glass Cannon rogue or Squishy Wizard. But I'm just being geeky right nao, oops.
I kinda have something like that already if you wanted to do a group thread, It's called live long enough. If you like it you can jump in there if not whats the plot for the one you though of.
Wait wait wait. Before we dabble that one (since I already have Maelstrom going on, and it has identical themes), either of you played Torchlight? Vanquisher, alchemist, someone with a weasel for a pet, monsters, dungeons, quests to search for a cure for a horrible mind-eating spell?
So sorry, but I have never played that ^^;; Oh, and you are only up for 1x1's for he moment Enolx? We can go 1x1 if you want, just PM me so we can discuss it ^^
Sadly I haven't played torchlight I had thought about it, my friend said it was like Diablo which I also want to play. @CrystalTears I can do whatever. I came where with the plan to do a 1v1 but I am flexible when I have free time.
Hm~ Do you have any pairings you would like to do though? You sort of need to help me out a little, I just don't want to decide and then just make you go with it. A 1x1 is a colab, so we need to work together ^^
That's cool so give me some stuff to work with.

favorite character type:

favorite genre:

things you like:

other stories you like:

Random info you want to add:
1: Character type... Well I tend to play shy, modest, quiet ones. Unless I suddenly go, loud, annoying, but still a bit shy. I tend to play both genders, so either is fine with me. Plus, mine are usually the submissive ones, since I am bad at playing the bad guys/girls ^^;;

2: Favorite genre is Fantasy, Action and Adventure! I do romance too, and I like it, but only if there is something else invovled. A smooth RP is going to die after a while.

3: Things I like... In a RP? I am just guessing that xD I like 4+ lines in all answers, just to give me something to work with please. If you have a writer block, or an idea or something you want to do, then ask me and we can work it out or just go for it, but don't overdo it ^^

4: I like a lot of stories! Lord of the Rings, Hobbit, Harry Potter, Hunger Games I can go on forever! But I don't do fandoms, it's easier for me to do an OC ^^

5: Um... Let's have fun! That, and if you have anything you might want to ask, then go ahead! ^^
cool and my response to that is this. Awesome. The things I like section was for things you like in life. I have learned that if people like things they tend to enjoy writing about it more, or at least in my case. It also makes it easier to come up with story ideas.

favorite character type: outgoing, sarcastic, joking guys. Like I said before can't do girls, they just end up as men in the end.

favorite genre: already said

things you like:music, art, rock climbing, martial arts, video games.

other stories you like: night angle trilogy, angels and demons, and a lot of others
Things I like corrected version: Music, any kind really, except Metallica-ish music, art, reading, writing, video games and a bunch of other things, but I'll keep the list short~

Others stories I like: Anything is fine for me! ^^
alright then do you want to try a modern fantasy story. My friend had an idea for a story when the world was hit by a meteor and it caused the world to become over grown with wildlife and some people to get magic like powers. The plot of the story is surviving and trying to make it to the meteor site to try to find out what caused all this to happen.
alright cool. I will make it and sent a link to you but I have to leave for now so it will be a bit.
I did! Sorry, I am just very busy today! I can start RPing with you tomorrow if that is okay? I once again apologize >_<!
Should have given you a heads up first, I apologize! I'll get working on it tomorrow after school. Promise ^^;;

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