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Multiple Settings Looking for something to do


Monarch 🦋🔮✨
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
Sorry for the lack of coding, I’m not great at it and haven’t been since my days on Neopets in 2008.

About Me:
I’m currently 25 years old.

I’m also in the process of growing a baby.

I’ve been role playing since I was kid, around 11 years old.

That being said I take a pretty relaxed approach to role playing. So let’s get into the rules?


18+ please.

I typically prefer playing a female role, so I generally like mf and ff pairings.

I could be persuaded to play a male role, if I’m really excited about the plot.

I said I’m relaxed, I just require it to be legible with decent punctuation.

I would also appreciate if you can match me in length. Generally around 300-500 words a post.

I’m looking for someone fairly active who can post a couple times a week.

Ghost friendly.

I like to talk about the plot OOC, even as the role play continues.

I only role play over PMs, but if it continues long enough we can move it over to google docs.

I love dark themes, super cute romances, and practically every genre. So if you’ve got an idea you’d really like to try shoot me a PM! I’m really bad at checking the threads I make so PM is definitely the best way to contact me.


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