Looking for something new

So I'm new to this site, but not to RPing. Granted, it has been a long time since I've done any form of roleplaying outside of a rules-based system, but I don't think that will be too much of a factor.

I'm mostly looking for an original story line, something to get my creative mind working and occupy my free time. I have several ideas in mind, and certain topics that I'm definitely leaning towards (Themes like loss of control and various forms of meta-humanity most notably).

I'm open for either a few 1x1's or a group RP depending on the interest people express.

I would go into more detail about potential story arcs, but I feel like things tend to go smoother if all parties involved contribute to the direction/theme of the RP.

Feel free to either post interest in this thread or to pm me.
Hey there; I just joined as well, but I'm certainly no stranger to role-play either. I myself have had quite the hiatus and I'm looking to get right back into the thick of things. If you want to pursue your options with me, feel free to answer back with a PM and we can toss ideas around.

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