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Looking for some partners!! (Always open! & Updated!)


Cute Boy Princess
Hello there!

I'm very new around these parts, but I would love love love!!! to find some nice people to roleplay with. I'm willing to try mostly anything, but will list things that I am most into below! If you don't see what you're interested in, feel free to comment anyway! Maybe we can work something out, I just like writing...

Anywhoo, here are some preferences:

-Romance. I know thats broad so let me expand. I love forbidden romance stories, where they can't get together for one reason or another, may it be physical or mental. I also love stories where lost connections are made again. (I'm also always up for a good love-hate type thing.)

-Spooky things. I like spooky things... like supernatural type things, or people with shady pasts or presents and secrets, things of that nature.

-Anything where I can be a princess/prince.. I get it might sound lame, but we could spice it up quite a bit.

UPDATE (12/21)

I'm going to include some fandoms that I would like to play within as well as some pairings!

Pairings -

Sirius x Remus

Roxas x Axel

Sora x Riku

Fandoms -

Harry Potter




I would just like to note that I prefer to be very detailed and write as much as I can and I expect you to do the same. I will ask you to write more if needed.

Cheers. <3
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I'm new, too - but completely new to text-based roleplaying. I can't link yet, but you could look at my most recent post, where I talk about my experience, what I bring to the table, etc.

Sounds like you're used to text roleplay, just not this site. Maybe we could work?

I've named my account after my favourite character to play as, which might have been a bad idea, but nonetheless, it amused me to think she could be a good fit. Of course, I immediately thought of a way all three of your criteria could be included - Jennai has emotional issues (would have a very hard time falling in love, even though it'd really be good for her), has a shady past, and I'd have no problem with you being a Prince

That said, you'd have to help me figure out how the text-based roleplay thing works out in practice.
PrincessToby said:
Hello there!
I'm very new around these parts, but I would love love love!!! to find some nice people to roleplay with. I'm willing to try mostly anything, but will list things that I am most into below! If you don't see what you're interested in, feel free to comment anyway! Maybe we can work something out, I just like writing...

Anywhoo, here are some preferences:

-Romance. I know thats broad so let me expand. I love forbidden romance stories, where they can't get together for one reason or another, may it be physical or mental. I also love stories where lost connections are made again. (I'm also always up for a good love-hate type thing.)

-Spooky things. I like spooky things... like supernatural type things, or people with shady pasts or presents and secrets, things of that nature.

-Anything where I can be a princess/prince.. I get it might sound lame, but we could spice it up quite a bit.

I'm also always up for a good adventure, and I've really never done a fandom based story other than some loose Harry Potter ones, but I would be up and willing to try but would rather use OCs even if we are using a fandom setting.

Cheers. <3
Do you mind supernatural romance?
@Jennai I've read your stuff, and I think we could definitely work something out! I'm unable to start a private message for a few more hours, so we can just discuss here? Or I can start us a plot as soon as we come up with one!
PrincessToby said:
@Jennai I've read your stuff, and I think we could definitely work something out! I'm unable to start a private message for a few more hours, so we can just discuss here? Or I can start us a plot as soon as we come up with one!
I'm game.

I'm not sure what will be useful, so I'll toss some stuff out there. I'm experienced with roleplay in person, and character creation - any changes necessary will be no issue.

My general approach is to take the starting template + soul of a character, if you will, and put them in different situations to see what happens. It's cool to see how a single character can become such profoundly different things, based on their experiences. Jennai is one such. She's had many "lives" so far, and none of them have included what I might call a "successful" romance.

It's fun to reveal stuff in game (if that's the right phrasing?), so I'll try not to reveal more about her than necessary. I'll just say she's got a bit of an attitude problem and some spunk for now.

I enjoy meeting characters in game, so their whole history is something that naturally happened, rather than pre-decided, though I'm happy to work with whatever approach you prefer.

I think that's decent for tossing my two cents on the process. I'll kick the ball back to you.
@Jennai I too like the idea of meeting in the story, since it gives things more sincerity than just making them have known each other or forcing things. That being said, to go along with your idea of romance, I can't say my males are that easy to get along with when in f/m settings. I don't mind playing a male, if you prefer a hetero relationship, but just know that! I'm not saying that romance won't come, but I've been known to play some pretty cocky males.
In the interest of staying true to the characters we create, what if we, as players, kept the possibility of romance as open as possible, but let it either happen, or not happen, according to how the characters develop together? It doesn't need to ultimately end in romance.

As a player, I'm open to different types of relationships, but I just can't see Jennai as anything but straight, for some reason. And cocky might not be a problem - really depends on how it plays out. As long as he can take a joke at his expense from time to time.

Would the next step from here be figuring out the setting/plot/etc stuff?
Also, I had an amusing thought for the game's name.

The Cloak and the Dagger - the cloak, for the prince's royal attire, and the dagger, for Jennai. Because if I had to pick a single symbol for her, it would be a dagger.
PrincessToby said:
@mewbot5408 I usually do m/m if thats alright with you, but I'll play either gender!
Same. I normally rp guy x guy.

Okay so I have a angel/reaper hybrid named Sorren who's the son of the grim reaper and due to his mixed blood he has to drink the blood of the living to survive.

He's a bit quiet and awkward along with being fairly sensitive, he oftentimes trys to bottle up his actual feelings putting on a cold and moody exterior and trys avoiding others.

Maybe they could meet due to some strange coincidence, like yours finds Sorren injured or something?

Do you think you can work with this?
Jennai said:
I just have no idea how it all works, in application. I don't mind either way.
Same. I just joined today so I'm trying to understand how to use the site on my phone at the moment....

Also speaking of which is there any particular genre you like to rp?

Maybe we could rp somewhere while we wait? Wbu?
I am totally down with this plan.

I have no idea how to make it happen :P

Maybe chatting in the SiteChat thing would work, for a real time - and therefore, faster - discussion?
@Jennai Ahah! No no, you're not competing!! I can handle a bunch of stories at once!!

As for our story, all of that sounds lovely. And don't worry, he won't be a stick in the mud. :) Yes, now we figure out plot! Which we can do here or in about an hour or so I can send you a pm!

@mewbot5408 That story sounds like a lovely starting place. I like that your character is colder, I can have a lot of fun with that. We can discuss more or I can make something up and post a plot?
PrincessToby said:
@Jennai Ahah! No no, you're not competing!! I can handle a bunch of stories at once!!
As for our story, all of that sounds lovely. And don't worry, he won't be a stick in the mud. :) Yes, now we figure out plot! Which we can do here or in about an hour or so I can send you a pm!

@mewbot5408 That story sounds like a lovely starting place. I like that your character is colder, I can have a lot of fun with that. We can discuss more or I can make something up and post a plot?
I'm fine with whatever, not very picky when it comes to main plot. I usually add details as I go so things can get a bit interesting so you can decide then main plot if you want.

Btw I'm using my phone right now so I don't know how to pm you...

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