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Looking for Some Fun RPers!

Adorable Monster

The Last Lonely Ghost
I am looking for some RPers who don't mind romance and love the random moments in one on one RPs!

There are however a few rules that you should know before you say you are interested sadly,

  1. I don't do Yoai or Yuri....sorry
  2. I do first person not last
  3. If you aren't available some days, please tell me
  4. No god-moding.
  5. No overly sexual scenes please....{Makes me uncomforable....sorry. I am okay with kissing and hugging and such}
  6. Good grammar please
  7. Be literate.

Anime/Manga I RP:

Shows I RP:

  • Transformers {All of them I have watched}
  • Transformers Prime
  • Day After Tomorrow
  • 2012
  • Marvel
  • DC
  • X-Men
  • Percy Jackson
  • Narnia
  • Lord of the Rings
  • Star Wars {Seen them all. Including Star Wars, the Clone Wars.}
  • Star Trek
  • Stargate Atlantis
  • Stargate SG-1

Genres I RP:

  • Romance
  • Adventure
  • Fantasy
  • Futuristic
  • Fantasy

If you want to RP anything, then please PM me.

Angelique Himura


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Hey, I would be interested in doing a Marvel, X-men or Narnia RP. Did you have any plots in mind?
Shadow said:
Hey, I would be interested in doing a Marvel, X-men or Narnia RP. Did you have any plots in mind?
I had one for each.


It had been nineteen years since Susan, Peter, Lucy, and Edmund had been to Narnia. Susan had gotten married, as had Lucy, Peter, and lastly, Edmund. They had children and two of the children {Can be from any of the four.} Take a adventure into the wardrobe. They had believed it to be some fairy tail that their parents told them to get them to sleep at night.

There, an ensuing battle that been going on now for generations. The battle between some aliens {Foreign people, not aliens from space.} and Narnia had been going on.

I thought to be fair that we both finish up the rest of that plot....


The whole world is set on destroying mutants and supers, not matter where or what time they were from. All the supers and Mutants were tired of the battle and was beginning to lose hope when aliens from other planets, give them a choice, stay on any of the underpopulated planets and see if they can survive or stay on Earth and be destroyed.

Who will go where? And will the OCs find love or not?

That is what I thought.




[QUOTE="Kawazoe Gem]

  • SAO

Did you have a plot in mind or would you like for me to have the plot?

Yeah, that sounds great! Just to be crystal clear, were you thinking of mixing superheroes and mutants? And we're you planning on doing canons or OC?
Sorry i just joined about... 10 minutes ago lol... I presume you mean more then one partner,

I like everything, I am not good at doing fandoms though. Anything else and we can rp too xD
Aquafan said:
Sorry i just joined about... 10 minutes ago lol... I presume you mean more then one partner,
I like everything, I am not good at doing fandoms though. Anything else and we can rp too xD
If you mean that you don't mind doing something together, sure! I have one RP that no one has joined yet, so we can do it if you really can't do fandoms. :)



Shadow said:
Okay, thanks for clearing that up!
No problem!

Yes lol xD i tried fandoms once, but i always feel the need to copy something when i'm in one, thats why i am good at creating things from something new rather then fandom.
Aquafan said:
Yes lol xD i tried fandoms once, but i always feel the need to copy something when i'm in one, thats why i am good at creating things from something new rather then fandom.
Totally okay. Do you do Sci-Fi? Because that is what the genre is.

[QUOTE="Nightmares Angel]Did you have a plot in mind or would you like for me to have the plot?

For you to have the plot
I lost it and have to search for them again ;_; it is a female with a scifi outfit. and it is epic. I ment for a charie xD
[QUOTE="Kawazoe Gem]For you to have the plot

All righty then, that I can do!

Here is what I have in mind:

So, if you want to use canons, this is what I thought:

Stuck in a game, and it being your first time inside one isn't the funnest memory. You would think that smart people could think this out BEFORE doing something stupid.

Stuck and alone, terrified on how to win and finally leave the game where the creator rules and you can die in real life....wasn't quite the awesome weekend you had been planning.

So, how will they fair, the two people who besides Kirito and Asuna, are rushing to the top, to win and live a real life again.

Aquafan said:
I lost it and have to search for them again ;_; it is a female with a scifi outfit. and it is epic. I ment for a charie xD
Haha...no problem! :)
[QUOTE="Nightmares Angel]All righty then, that I can do!
Here is what I have in mind:

So, if you want to use canons, this is what I thought:

Stuck in a game, and it being your first time inside one isn't the funnest memory. You would think that smart people could think this out BEFORE doing something stupid.

Stuck and alone, terrified on how to win and finally leave the game where the creator rules and you can die in real life....wasn't quite the awesome weekend you had been planning.

So, how will they fair, the two people who besides Kirito and Asuna, are rushing to the top, to win and live a real life again.

This sounds awesome
[QUOTE="Nightmares Angel]Awesome! Do you have a plot or would you like me to have one?

Well we could work something out together. But if you have one that would be great :3
http://www.dhresource.com/albu_363129179_00-1.0x0/gothic-necklace-black-lace-black-and-red.jpg[/URL] }} {Each a different color} and he walks off, leaving them stunned.

After a moment they put them on and they go to school. All seems well for the whole day but then when they wake up they find someone in their rooms! Turns out they are their new 'masters'. The moment they put on the 'chokers' they became servants, subject to their master.

And just imagine having to change schools, move unexpectedly, and everyone they know just going along with it....even to the point where when they move to their, 'masters' mansion, their parents don't stop them from moving!

The masters turn out to be vampires! What the?!

How's that sound?

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