Looking for some 1x1 RP's


New Member

Oke so where will start, well let’s start with telling something about me. I’m Mariposa a 24year old girl from the Netherlands, my time zone is GMT+1.

I started roleplaying about a year ago, at first I wasn’t very good at it because I had much to learn. But I practiced a lot and I think I became much better.

Although English isn’t my mother tongue I don’t mind roleplaying in it at all! I do my best to avoid mistakes in grammar and spelling. But please don’t kill me if I do make a slipup.

The role-play’s I like to do most are Fantasy/Supernatural Role Plays & Realistic Role Plays, I’m more a girl for 1x1 RP’s then for roleplaying in a group, because I get lost easily there.

The role-play’s I did before weren’t really literate RP’s but I always made at least 3full lines, the most I did was 12lines, but I would like to get better at it each day!

I will try to be online as much as possible, but I will at least post one a day. And if I won’t be able to be online for a day or longer I will let you know.

I do like playing the girl the most, but if you insist I could be the guy as well, and I also would mind doing a FXF role-play.

What I expect from my RP partner is pretty much the same as what I said about myself. I would like to RP with someone who is 18+ just because of the maturity level.

I do have to say that I am pretty bad at making up an plot, but once the start is there I don’t have any trouble with adding stuff to it or to add interesting plot twists.

I wouldn’t mind roleplaying over privet massages at all, and I might even consider e-mail role-play.

Well I think this was all for now, but if you have any questions, don’t hesitate to ask!

Bless, Mariposa

Hi Mariposa, you sound fairly cool, im new on this site but I used to rp very regularly, havent for a while but looking to get back into it.

I'd say im fairly confident with it, and pretty good coming up with a plot, or just doing lighthearted rp's where the plots fairly uninportant and just for fun.

My names Tom, im 23 and from the Uk.

Im mainlt interested in Supernatural roleplays, I tend to play a female character but Im happy with either gender.

I tend to be a lot better with one on one rp's in terms of the actual physical people playing, but im fairly good at handing 2 or 3 characters at once.

If think you'd like to rp with me, then let me know and we can think of a world! :)
Hi tom!

You sound like a good RP partner to me and I would love to start a fantasy/supernatural RP with you.

I can't send you an PM back because I haven't got enough posts yet :P
My idea is a romance, I was thinking Human X Dragon, which would mean soon or later, there would be hybrids. Now to start, the human would be in a field somewhere doing whatever, when she hears a roar from a injured dragon, when she goes to investigate, she finds out it is in fact the dragon king, and with minutes to spare, she must save him before a evil dragon takes over and destroy the human race.
Hi! I'm Maju, I've been roleplaying for quite a while now. If you're interested, contact me! I am used to real life roleplays, as my character is a rookie detective. :)

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