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Looking for some 1x1 OC


Lord of the dongs
HELLO!!! I'm looking for a partner to write with. I am looking for detailed but casual. we do not have to plan out the plot and we can just go with it. I do have school so I will try to reply everyday but if not I will try to tell you that I need some days and it'd be nice if you'd do the same. I am fairly new so do expect me to make mistakes. I do write mostly Female roles. Here are some Oc Ideas

Roomates x Roomates

Student x Student

Nerd x Jock

Bad x Good

Demon x Angel (this would be new to me)

Zombie Apocalypse Survivor x Survivor

Pen Pals

Can include romance, but this is just for my writing practice and nothing more. If interested please message or reply. I will reply tomorrow possibly.

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