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Multiple Settings Looking For Slow Burn Romance/Adventure Partner!


~Goodmorning,day,noon or night!~
Hello! My name is Robin but please call me Koma. I’m 24 and have a passion for role-playing.
I started when i was about 10 years old role-playing as wolves on Foopets(if you know this website you get a bonus point haha!)
ever since then I’ve been roleplaying on forums with large groups or 1x1 i love 1x1 and group RPs so i have no favorite really!

REQUIRMENTS: I am an active person and would like to be able to RP at least a few lines once a day. :)


Can i RP with you if I'm under 18?:

No sorry, i am 24 and don't wish to RP with minors.

What Genders do you play?:

I play any gender or species, (She/her pronouns for me) (LGBTQ+ friendly)
I can do MxM, FxF, MxF it doesn't matter to me which gender I play!

What programs do you use?:

I mostly use

-Google Docs
- Any sort of private DM or forum site is fine as well.

Im willing to give most programs a shot and see how they go though!

Do i have to have an established or drawn character?:


i will likely be making new characters right along with you to fill in the story OR may have an OC already who fits.
Please i love the planning phase lets make troubled characters together!!
I dont mind drawn portraits or character sheets, nor do i mind realistic photos or anime. Its all just fine.

What length or style?:

I prefer semi-literate well written and thought-out posts. Most range from 2-3 Paragraphs or more.
1st, or 3rd person is fine with me. I like building up scenes and setting up the background and other various things.

What themes are your favorite?:

I love anything with adventure,action and drama. I LOVE plot twist and unexpected responses.
Don't be afraid to take risks or do something bold, 9/10 i will go along with it i love consequences for my characters! (Medieval, futuristic, old times, survival, etc)


i will likely draw our characters in their wacky and crazy adventures if we RP long enough.
I love making short comics or illustrations of special scenes so you can expect some cute drawings.

Themes i would love to RP: I love a slow burn and character progression,
I love the awkward the weird and the mushy!

These are just a few but i am not limited to only them!
If you have any cool ideas as well i would love to hear them!

Runaway Bride Romance

Escaped Princess running from arranged marriage bumps into a notorious wanted thief and con artist. They both want to run away up north and turns out to need each other's help a bit more than they originally expected.

Dystopian Apocalyptic Romance

A duo crosses paths while attempting to survive the weird new dangerous world together. Do they have time for romance?

Escaped Scientific Experiments

A pair escapes the labs they were being kept prisoner at(species doesn't matter and can be discussed) and run away into a world they’ve never seen before. Can they elude their captors and find their happy ending?

Seasoned crime lord falls for a pretty face

A high-profile drug lord in a busy city finds himself captivated by his latest drug mule(or just random person etc etc) they don't fall for people …not in this line of work. Will they go clean for romance?

Bad wolf good wolf, I fell in love with a prey what!?

The balance of the forest is thrown off when a “larger” predator decides to take up residence in the woods, the big “bad” wolf who use to rule the forest is finding his power over the animals of the forest is slipping. He's no longer the toughest and that wont sit right with them. Upon developing his plans to take down the BAD WOLF he saves a prey (rabbit, bird, mouse etc) from their near death experience with the BAD WOLF (the characters are humanoid forms of regular forest animals basically who can maybe transform??) Can he love prey?

Enemies to Lovers

Two opposite clans who oppose each other for (can be discussed) aim to wipe each other out, two rivals find their way into a rough situation resulting in a budding romance.
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