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Fandom Looking for Skyrim Roleplay (Any Gender x Any Gender)


Your Non-Binary Pal!
Hello! Sky here, looking for a Skyrim-themed roleplay. Before I tell you my plot, allow me to tell you about my writing style, as well as the original character (s) I'll be using.

My responses are usually anywhere between a paragraph to four paragraphs, and may be longer or shorter depending on what's happening in the scene. I try to respond at least a few times a day, but I can't promise that I'll be online every day. I do have a part-time job and still have to work, even during the crisis that shall not be named.

I can play as up to three characters at a time. I'm willing to play as any gender and any orientation, since I myself am Non-Binary. I would like to include some kind of romance in between the action and the lore. I'm willing to negotiate with you out of character if there's something you'd like to include or remove from the roleplay.

Now, here are the two OCs that you can choose for me to play as. Only one per roleplay, as this will be my main character. There is a female and a male, as Skyrim does not allow Non-Binary characters.

First OC
Name: Elizabeth M'Amore
Age: 25
Gender: Female
Species: Wood Elf
Eye Color: Red
Skin Tone: Pure White
Hair Color: White
Hair Style: Long with Braids
Body Shape: Fairly Thin
Sign: The Mage
Weapon of Choice: Two-Handed Iron Sword

Elizabeth is a professionally trained hunter, taught by the warriors of the Companions in Whiterun. She serves as a housecarl to the Dragonborn, while also serving the Jarl of Whiterun in her spare time.

She has a tough, dominating exterior, but is actually quite soft and sweet. Very motherly and patient. She's smart and offers great advice in tough situations.

She is not in any romantic relationship and has no children. However, unbeknownst to Dragonborn, she is a Vampire.

OC #2
Name: Drake Corduroy
Age: 25
Gender: Male
Species: Khajiit
Eye Color: Emerald Green
Fur Color: Dark Grey
Hair Color: Auburn
Hair Style: Braids
Body Shape: Thin and Scrawny
Sign: The Theif
Weapon of Choice: Iron Dagger and Flames

Drake was originally a member of the Dark Brotherhood, having been born into the family of assassins. He left to join the Khajiit Caravans that travel Skyrim in hopes of making a fortune.

He left the caravans with enough coin in his pocket to settle down in Rorikstead. He has a noble horse, a brown and white one named "Allie". He also has a dog he brings with him on hunting trips.

He has no romantic relationship and doesn't do well with children. He also tends to pickpocket and is even wanted for stealing from the Greybeards several years ago.

The Plot:

You are Dragonborn. Villages all across Skyrim admire you for your hard work, slaying dragons and staying up for hours at a time to protect the most vunerable towns from the possibility of any attack, dragon or otherwise. The Jarls praise and reward you for your work. Men and women alike swoon over you constantly. You are loved by many, except for..your housecarl.

Aside from being your hard-working partner in battle, your housecarl never seems to praise you like everyone else does. They keep thwir distance and have their own way of handling situations. They're the only other person brave enough to fight a dragon alongside you.

How do you feel about this lack of admiration? Have you considered choosing a new housecarl? What will you do when they're in danger and there's no one else there to save them? What do you think about when you wonder of they'll ever leave you?

What is the relationship between you and your ally?
I know I just said in my little intro post that I don't do romance buuuuuut I have an idea for this, so I hope you don't mind things being platonic for a good while before they're romantic. This character is a little bit slow to trust people.

Here's a character I'd like to run by you; form first, then some backstory & other fun things. Millie isn't usually the Dragonborn when I write her; I tend to make her the sidekick to my actual Dragonborn OC, but that OC is f/f-only and I'm interested in RPing with Drake. Millie is the kind of character who severely dislikes the spotlight, perfect for teaming up with a pickpocket.

I also hope it's cool if I change some of the backstory away from the typical Dragonborn "you were caught crossing the border" deal; Millie has her own thing, operating as the Dragonborn's introduction to the Dark Brotherhood in the AU fanfic I have for Skyrim. Changing it to the Dragonborn's lack of backstory would remove a lot of her character.

Name: "Mad" Millie Lawless
Age: 22
Gender: Female
Species: Human, Nord
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Chestnut
Hair Style: Loose and wavy
Body Shape: Lithe
Sign: The Shadow
Weapon of Choice: Dual-wields daggers, usually poisoned. Dabbles in Illusion.

Backstory: Millie Lawless, or "Mad Millie" as she was known in Honorhall, was born to a single mother. Her mother's madness eventually caused the town guards to take matters into their own hands and remove Millie from her mother's care, though Millie insisted she was safer with the madwoman. At first, the name "Mad Millie" was just a bit of ignorant teasing, given to her by a kid who thought that because her mother was mad, she would be too. Then she started hearing voices. That's when the teasing turned cruel.

She ran out into the wilderness at 19 and found herself stuck between a rock and a hard place when the Dark Brotherhood swooped in and recruited her.* Though her job was dark, she trained to be good at it, hoping that one day, she'd get a contract for every person who made her life miserable back at the orphanage. In the meantime, she found a home in the Brotherhood. A family. She finally had something good in her life, and people who didn't mind too much if she talked to herself now and then.

A shame all this Dragonborn business got in the way of her good life. Now Mad Millie is thrust back into everyone's view, all because of a contract she had to fulfil in Helgen went lopsided in the middle of a dragon attack. All she had to do was pose as a prisoner, escape her binds, and kill the town's barkeep... thankfully, the dragon took care of it, so she can't say she failed per se... but now she has to play the Hero when she's anything but. It's kind of annoying.

* Though they're both Brotherhood members, Drake most likely left before Millie joined (3 years ago), so they'll still start fresh.

Plot Response: Though Millie pretends to bask in the praise and admiration a true hero deserves, this is all a farce. The regular people of the world can't know who she is or why she's really doing this. Millie prefers the company of her housecarl to everyone else; he's the only one who doesn't suck up to her like she's a goddess in and of herself.

However, she doesn't trust him. He was assigned to her service without her foreknowledge, and she likes to work alone. That said, there are certain perks to bringing an ally that she never had a chance to know about before. She'll wait and see if she's into this whole "teamwork" thing.

Of course, she puts on a little smile for him and acts the hero, just like she does for everyone else... but there are moments where she can't keep up the facade. Moments when she tries to find a quiet place to be alone and moments when she can't tell if the person talking is her housecarl or in her head.

Explanation: Millie is mentally ill; it runs in her family and in her case, it manifested early. Her mental illness didn't make her join the Dark Brotherhood. Her poverty and other circumstances, which left her desperate for money but lacking any real life skills, made her a prime target for recruitment. Her desire to get revenge on a certain abusive orphanage owner made her accept.
I know I just said in my little intro post that I don't do romance buuuuuut I have an idea for this, so I hope you don't mind things being platonic for a good while before they're romantic. This character is a little bit slow to trust people.

Here's a character I'd like to run by you; form first, then some backstory & other fun things. Millie isn't usually the Dragonborn when I write her; I tend to make her the sidekick to my actual Dragonborn OC, but that OC is f/f-only and I'm interested in RPing with Drake. Millie is the kind of character who severely dislikes the spotlight, perfect for teaming up with a pickpocket.

I also hope it's cool if I change some of the backstory away from the typical Dragonborn "you were caught crossing the border" deal; Millie has her own thing, operating as the Dragonborn's introduction to the Dark Brotherhood in the AU fanfic I have for Skyrim. Changing it to the Dragonborn's lack of backstory would remove a lot of her character.

Name: "Mad" Millie Lawless
Age: 22
Gender: Female
Species: Human, Nord
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Chestnut
Hair Style: Loose and wavy
Body Shape: Lithe
Sign: The Shadow
Weapon of Choice: Dual-wields daggers, usually poisoned. Dabbles in Illusion.

Backstory: Millie Lawless, or "Mad Millie" as she was known in Honorhall, was born to a single mother. Her mother's madness eventually caused the town guards to take matters into their own hands and remove Millie from her mother's care, though Millie insisted she was safer with the madwoman. At first, the name "Mad Millie" was just a bit of ignorant teasing, given to her by a kid who thought that because her mother was mad, she would be too. Then she started hearing voices. That's when the teasing turned cruel.

She ran out into the wilderness at 19 and found herself stuck between a rock and a hard place when the Dark Brotherhood swooped in and recruited her.* Though her job was dark, she trained to be good at it, hoping that one day, she'd get a contract for every person who made her life miserable back at the orphanage. In the meantime, she found a home in the Brotherhood. A family. She finally had something good in her life, and people who didn't mind too much if she talked to herself now and then.

A shame all this Dragonborn business got in the way of her good life. Now Mad Millie is thrust back into everyone's view, all because of a contract she had to fulfil in Helgen went lopsided in the middle of a dragon attack. All she had to do was pose as a prisoner, escape her binds, and kill the town's barkeep... thankfully, the dragon took care of it, so she can't say she failed per se... but now she has to play the Hero when she's anything but. It's kind of annoying.

* Though they're both Brotherhood members, Drake most likely left before Millie joined (3 years ago), so they'll still start fresh.

Plot Response: Though Millie pretends to bask in the praise and admiration a true hero deserves, this is all a farce. The regular people of the world can't know who she is or why she's really doing this. Millie prefers the company of her housecarl to everyone else; he's the only one who doesn't suck up to her like she's a goddess in and of herself.

However, she doesn't trust him. He was assigned to her service without her foreknowledge, and she likes to work alone. That said, there are certain perks to bringing an ally that she never had a chance to know about before. She'll wait and see if she's into this whole "teamwork" thing.

Of course, she puts on a little smile for him and acts the hero, just like she does for everyone else... but there are moments where she can't keep up the facade. Moments when she tries to find a quiet place to be alone and moments when she can't tell if the person talking is her housecarl or in her head.

Explanation: Millie is mentally ill; it runs in her family and in her case, it manifested early. Her mental illness didn't make her join the Dark Brotherhood. Her poverty and other circumstances, which left her desperate for money but lacking any real life skills, made her a prime target for recruitment. Her desire to get revenge on a certain abusive orphanage owner made her accept.
Oh..my..goodness, I love where this is going! Please PM me so we can discuss this further! Thank you so much!

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