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Realistic or Modern looking for shoujo-style roleplays!


Junior Member
hey there! my name is pegasus. i have some free time, so i'm looking for a few partners.

i'm mostly searching for anime-style slice of life/romance roleplays set during high school or college in japan. think like any shoujo anime.

if you're interested, read on!

about me
  • i'm 20.
  • i use third person and past tense.
  • i usually write four or five paragraphs, but will sometimes do a little more or a little less, depending on the circumstances.
  • i can usually reply a few times a week, but it of course depends on what is going on in my life.
  • i love angst and/or dark themes, and i also love fluff. i think a good roleplay should have a mix of both.
  • i am open to playing characters of any gender.
  • i'm only really looking for m/f and f/f (nothing against m/m, just not feeling it at the moment). i have a craving for f/f right now, but don't be afraid to ask me to do m/f, if you want!
  • i enjoy playing several side characters, it makes the world feel fuller to me.
  • i like relationships where the road to happiness is not easy. opposites or people who start out hating each other are great. i generally think it's most fun that way.
  • i love slow burn, it's pretty much a requirement for me. i don't mind characters being attracted to each other initially (that's pretty normal) but i like for them to take a while to get together.
  • this probably goes without saying, but i prefer to use anime/manga face claims. using real people is weird to me, and plus, i don't think it would really fit the types of roleplays i want to do.
  • i only roleplay in the private messages on rpn.
  • i'm ok with ghosting. i would appreciate it if you said something, but it's not needed.

what i'm looking for in a partner
  • someone 18+.
  • someone who types at least two paragraphs a reply. no one-liners.
  • someone who uses third person, past tense, and correct grammar. clarity is very important! i get the occasional mistake, but i need to understand what you're trying to say.
  • someone who will contribute to the plot. i lose interest very quickly when a partner isn't coming up with their own ideas, and i will most likely drop the roleplay if that continues...
  • someone who's open to writing multiple characters. it's not a deal-breaker if you don't want to, but i personally think it makes things more fun for our characters to have several different people to interact with.
pairings / ideas

we can mix and match, if you'd like.

good girl / bad boy
student council president / delinquent
nerd / delinquent
tutor / failing student
poor / rich
popular / unpopular
artist / muse
model / fashion designer
childhood friends
love triangle (i'm open to playing two characters and you can pick between them)
harem/reverse harem (again, i could play a group of girls/guys)

that's about it. if you're interested, send me a pm! and please tell me a bit about yourself!
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