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Multiple Settings Looking for Semi-Literate 1x1 Rp Partners


Professionally Unprofessional
About Me
Hello! I'm Glasswick, or Wick, if you prefer nicknames.

I'm a semi-literate to literate roleplayer. I typically try to keep my posts about a paragraph or longer, though there are times when they do fall shorter. I make sure to never write one liners, though. I will try to post daily, but it is likely I will only be able to reply in the late afternoon or at night due to my schedule. I only use my own characters and I don't typically do roleplays based off of shows/books/movies/etc., since my schedule makes it difficult for me to sit and watch television or read with my full attention.

I am royalty when it comes to spelling errors. I apologize in advance if there are errors that I miss when revising before I send, though I will try my best to keep them to a minimum. If there are any that I notice after sending, I'll simply send an asterisk and rewrite the sentence which the error is found in or, if its a small error, simply type the word properly. If there are errors I don't notice and they interfere with the post, don't feel afraid to point it out to me. I won't be offended, since I'm aware that my fingers often move too fast for my brain to follow properly.

I typically type my OOC in parenthesis once an rp has started, but I'm also open to creating a separate chat for OOC talk. I also have a tendency to use a lot of emoticons when talking in OOC.

I can keep a log of our posts on a Google document, in case there are ever any issues with chats getting deleted or having to switch sites in the future. Though, currently, I am only able to roleplay on here and IMVU.

If you have any questions you'd like to ask me, feel free to! I'll do my best to answer and be respectful.
Partner Requirements
When you pm me, let me know what I can refer to you as. If you don't, I'll refer to as your screenname until told otherwise.

Please write in a semi-literate to literate format. It's very difficult to work with one liners for me. I prefer to rp with third person, typically past tense. As for frequency requirements, I don't have any. Just please be patient with me if I'm unable to reply for a couple of days or if it takes me a bit of time to write out my posts.
Roleplay Ideas/Plots
Roleplays I most often do include:
  • Slice of Life​
  • Romance​
  • Medieval Fantasy​
  • Modern Fantasy​
  • Modern Realistic​
I'm open to trying out other kinds of roleplays as well! It just might take me a bit to become accustomed to it.

If a romance route is taken, I'm used to playing male characters, but I'm open to playing female characters as well. I enjoy male x male roleplays a lot (since I'm gay myself), but I'm also fine with a male x female or female x female roleplays as well! Just please let know beforehand the gender and sexuality of your character if we plan to take a romantic route with the roleplay, so my character can fit accordingly.

As for plots, I typically have loose plots of my own. I prefer having a loose basis and allowing the story to go where it goes based off of the characters introduced to the story. For example, there could be the plot of a traveler stumbling across a tavern on their way to a kingdom. The traveler decides to stop by and the story would follow based off of the interactions of the characters. If specific types of characters are wanted (such as a vampire, demon, etc.), just let me know and I can see what types of characters I have or if I can make one fitting the description!

Loose plots I tend to partake in include:
  • Highschool plots
  • A stop by a tavern in medieval times
  • A meeting in a coffee shop
  • Surviving through an apocalypse
I'm open to hearing lots of different kinds and trying out other plot ideas! If you have a specific idea, let me know and we can talk about trying it out together!
Final Notes
If you made it this far, thank you for reading through! If you're interested in starting up an rp or have any questions, feel free to shoot me a private message or respond to the thread and I'll reply as soon as I can!
A little bump to this thread:

I can't figure out how to properly write out a post on its own for this idea, so I thought I'd just add it to this!

I've been thinking about this high school or secondary school type of roleplay. The school is called Golden Oak Academy, or Golden Oak High School, and its known for teaching students who are supernaturally gifted. Along with regular schooling, they have two more classes in the day that help students learn to use their powers and accommodate their future lifestyles with them. An example of this could be a student with a power involving electricity and different precautions they may have to take with said supernatural talent.

If anyone's interested, please shoot me a private message or reply to this thread! I'd love to try it out, and we could work any other details out in pms before we start it. And if anyone has any ideas to add to this, please let me know. I would love to hear them!
A little bump to this thread:

I can't figure out how to properly write out a post on its own for this idea, so I thought I'd just add it to this!

I've been thinking about this high school or secondary school type of roleplay. The school is called Golden Oak Academy, or Golden Oak High School, and its known for teaching students who are supernaturally gifted. Along with regular schooling, they have two more classes in the day that help students learn to use their powers and accommodate their future lifestyles with them. An example of this could be a student with a power involving electricity and different precautions they may have to take with said supernatural talent.

If anyone's interested, please shoot me a private message or reply to this thread! I'd love to try it out, and we could work any other details out in pms before we start it. And if anyone has any ideas to add to this, please let me know. I would love to hear them!
I’m intrested in role playing with you. And this sounds like an interesting topic I would like to try if you are still looking.

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