Hi there! My name is Kera! This is the first post I have made on this website and most likely the last. I’m looking for a Roleplay partner (preferably one comfortable with the role of being the Male) who is able to respond frequently and diligently. As an early warning I would like to say that my biggest pet peeve are people who only write single line responses. I absolutely cannot stand it. However, I also don’t particularly enjoy it when people write an entire paragraph to explain how their character took a single step forward. Being detailed can make the Roleplay experience extremely fun and easy to run straight into. However, it isn’t fun when you can’t progress further then a single minute in the Roleplay after spending days of rl time responding. Anyways, i’m getting carried away. I’m looking for someone who is able to respond with ATLEAST a single paragraph (5-6 sentences) within each response. I understand that there are moments where the best response is a short one. Furthermore, if you feel that you can’t even write a paragraph for a long response situation then this Roleplay isn’t meant for you. My interests consist of fantasy based Roleplays. I love magic and supernatural beasts. I love mythical creatures and find myself usually roleplaying as one. I am able to Roleplay just about anything as long as the characters are straight. I also have the tendancy to create more than one character to Roleplay as to keep the story interesting and productive. The only problem is that people seem to enjoy taking over my other characters and their actions. I don’t mind if the other characters are background characters such as civilians or speakers. However, it gets annoying when I can’t make my own character do what i want them to do. One last thing before I leave this mess of a summary for your eyes to gaze over. If you respond to this on the website, I may not see it.