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Multiple Settings Looking for rps


New Member
Good grammar
When you respond, it doesn’t have to be long. Just make sure it contributes to the plot. Not just saying ‘yes’ and ‘okay’ the whole time. One liners are understandable, especially during dialogue or if you’re running out of inspiration. If so, just tell me and we’ll work something out.
Don’t ghost on me please. If you’re going away for a while (more than a day), tell me. I have school and a lot of after school activities, so I might be gone for a while as well, so I can understand why you also might be gone for a while.
I love discussing plot/world building. It’s one of my favorite parts, so if you have something you want to add, tell me! Ideas are for everyone!
For relationships, I prefer m/m.


Spirits (modern-day fantasy)
You’re a relatively normal person, aside from the fact that you have a spirit. What’s a spirit? A demon-like creature you’re bonded with. You provide them a mostly physical form in this world and they provide you with powers. Unfortunately, most of humanity regards them as evil demons and they exorcise them. Speaking of exorcising, you have been chosen to attend one of the greatest school for exorcists. Why would you be attending such a school? You’re dad was one of the world’s most famous exorcists and wants you to follow in his footsteps. At the academy, you meet some friends including one of the best exorcists in your class. You have to survive the rest of the school year while keeping your spirit hidden.

If you want to play the other role:
You’re attending an exorcist school in hopes to learn more about the spirit you’re bonded with. They’re quite nice, although quite annoying. A new kid had joined the class, seemingly having quite an extensive knowledge of spirits, which worries you because they just might discover you have a spirit. If you were found out, your spirit would die, your father would disown you, and you’d be alone. You have to survive the rest of the school year keeping your grades up and your spirit hidden.

Mages (Medieval Fantasy)
In a fantasy-medieval kingdom, a king rules his land very well, or very terribly, depending on where you live. He commands a large army and has a large number of powerful mages on his side.
Player one: you are a rogue mage, not working for the king, which is illegal by itself, but you also cause havoc in his kingdom. The king’s city lives in bliss while the rest of his kingdom starves. You’ve taken it upon yourself to spark a revolution to dethrone the king. Unfortunately for you, the king’s prized mage, known as ‘The Silver Fox’ has been hunting you down. The only way to get him off your trail is to kill him or get him on your side.
Player two: You’re one of the most powerful mages in the kingdom and work for the king. He has tasked you with hunting down and killing a rogue mage known as ‘The Angel of Death’, who has been stealing and destroying the king’s property. While you don’t want to kill him, you have to unless you want to be killed yourself.

Mermaids I (Fantasy)
A sea serpant has taken over the mermaid kingdom and making there merfolk worship him as a god. Many of the civilians and royals have scattered and are in hiding.
Player one: you are one of the princes who have gone into hiding. If any of the guards or sea serpant finds you, then you’re as good as dead. A group of teen rebels took you in, thinking you had been separated from your family as well. Your goal is to convince the rest of them to attack the serpant and reclaim your kingdom, the problem is that you’re plans directly conflict with the leader of the group, who wants to run away
Player 2: you’re the leader of the group. You and a group of friends were in school when the serpant attacked. Now you’re trying to escape the kingdom and take refuge in one of the neighbouring kingdoms, the only problem is that one of the group wants to lead a suicide attack on the serpant.

Emotions (Modern Sci-fi)
A secret facilities lies in the most remote place on earth and houses some of the most and dangerous beings on the planet. Living emotions, they live in another dimension, only coming to earth to kill humans and eat their souls. Thankfully, the facility has captured them, forcing them to take human hosts, and imprisoned them. Experiments are run to gather as much evidence on them as possible.
Sometimes they escape, though. They take new hosts and hide among the public, trying to live normal lives so the facility never catches them again. Going back to their dimension is not possible, it’s been burnt down and their are regular patrols to catch any of them who hid.

Plot: Two spirits have escaped: Jealousy and (whatever you want to be). They’ve been living normal lives, hidden from the facility and it’s horrors, until one day another escapee emotion is captured by the facility, who’s developed new technology to find them.

Hidden (Medieval Fantasy)
Two of these people are the prince of the kingdom and the young wizard assigned to protect him. People assume they are from a village that was destroyed in a war, so they are put into an orphanage and sent to a school.
Two kingdoms, the Sun Kingdom and the Moon kingdom, have been at war for as long as anyone can remember, until finally the Sun Kingdom invades the Moon Kingdom’s capital, killing the king and taking over the rest of the land. Those who are not captured immediately, go into hiding, disguising themselves to look like a Solar and continuing to live life as one. Two of these people are the Lunar prince and the young wizard assigned to protect him. They are taken in by an orphanage (when they’re found, the soldiers just assume their village was burnt down during a rebel Lunar attack) and put in a school. They're trying to escape the kingdom, and head to the Pluteau, a smaller 'kingdom' who takes in refugees and those looking for somewhere to live safely.

And of course I'd absolutely love to hear your ideas. Maybe we can mix and match or create something new. I'm also open to fandom rps, but, like, within the univers
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I'm very interested in your idea of the mages. If we were to Rp that idea, I would prefer to be the rouge mage over the Kings mage.

One thing is, I do live in the UK, so it's quite likely that I'll be in a different timezone to you, so I might not respond quickly.

I'm also into m/m pairings, especially since I almost never play female characters.

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