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Fandom Looking for rp partners! - Wadanohara/The Grey Garden


. Zelda .
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
I've been getting into some fandom related stuff lately and I've been looking for some roleplay partners.
Here's some info about me and some stuff that I'm looking for!​
  • Name - Zelda/Starburst/Delilah
  • Roleplay Style - Semi-Lit (though I do accept other styles as well!)
  • Timezone - Est
  • Note that I do prefer partners who are 13-15+ :]
- Wadanohara​
  • Wadanohara
  • Dolphi
  • Wadanohara x Samekichi
  • Memoca x Dolphi
  • Sal x Idate
  • Idate x Oc (I will go more in depth on this later.)
- The Grey Garden​
  • Etihw
  • Yosafire
  • Ivlis
  • Sherbet
  • Silhouette
  • Etihw x Kcalb
  • Yosafire x Froze
  • Sherbet x Wodahs (rare pair! Mostly some past war stuff back whem Sherbet was still alive :] )
  • Reficul x Sin
Let me know if you are interested either through this thread or through pm!
Please note that I am still new to this site and may be a bit slow or confused with some stuff. :]​
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