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Multiple Settings Looking for RP partners!! (OCs, BSD)


Kae Ghostpetrichor_
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
My name is Kae, I'm a 23 year old artist and I used to RP when I was younger, but I fell out of it and years later I want to start building experience from scratch. If you don't mind a RP partner where you have to help them along a bit, I'd appreciate it! I am not totally useless though, I love making OCs and headcanoning.
I try to mirror my RP partner in style & length, however I may fall a bit short due to my current inexperience!
I had another thread but I thought it would be helpful to make a new one that lists more of what I'd be down for, to hopefully save myself some nervousness in the planning process ;'D

I am looking for OC x OC.

While I’m mainly looking for OC, I do have a fandom exception. I'm currently only into Bungo Stray Dogs (BSD), and am willing to do OC x CC, CC x CC as almost any character for it! I love bsd plsplspls

It does not have to be romantic! I'm happy to explore platonic relationships as well.

- angels x demons/guardian angel x human/demon
- supernatural x supernatural, supernatural x human (vampires, ghosts, mermaids, witch, monster, youkai, etc.)
- detective x thief/murderer
- assassin x target
- criminal organization
- hanahaki disease
- bodyguard x client
- apocalypse
- workplace
- college
- idol/band
- royalty
- artist x muse

- friends to lovers
- childhood friends to lovers
- rivals to lovers
- enemies to lovers
- lovers to enemies
- opposites attract
- forced proximity
- right person wrong place & time/doomed lovers
- arranged marriage

Specific Trope Weaknesses:
- sickfic, nursing to health
- declaration of protection/"let's run away together"
- slow dances
- hurt/comfort
- slowburn

Don't be afraid to suggest any other tropes!! I am open to considering it

NOTE: July is a busy month for me! It may take me a bit to respond, but feel free to poke me for replies
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hi! I’m interested in some of the tropes and AUs you listed however I’m not familiar with BSD, but I’d love to write anything else if you’re also interested! (I do preferably only write as fem! though) c:
hi! I’m interested in some of the tropes and AUs you listed however I’m not familiar with BSD, but I’d love to write anything else if you’re also interested! (I do preferably only write as fem! though) c:
We can do OCs! ;D feel free to dm me your preferences for what we do!

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