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Multiple Settings Looking for RP Partners! (OC x OC)


rabbit hearted boy 🐇
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
Hi, my name is Hope! I’m 24 years old and I’ve been rping for 12 years. I’m looking for a rp partner who is at least 20+

What I’m looking for:
- Must be semi-lit
- Must be able to write 3 sentences to multiple paragraphs
- Be willing to talk OOC with me! I want to make friends and gush about our characters!
- Must have a discord.

A few things to note:
- My timezone is CST or Central Standard time
- I try to reply as quick as I can
- Communicate if you need to take a hiatus due to mental health or life. I will do so too.
- I am also fandom friendly as long as I know the content
- If you are known to ghost without warning, I will remove myself, end the rp, and find a new partner. No hard feelings
- If theres a general disinterest in any of my ideas especially when Im coming up with most the ideas, i will remove myself and end the rp
- If i lose interest and end it on my own no hard feelings. I will try to communicate it first, apologies if it seemed random before.


- I have the right to reject any idea that im uncomfortable with
- No hateful or immoral rp themes such as racism, noncon, and zoophillia to name a few
- I dont mind adult themes as long as we talk about it first and OF course the characters are of age. Like I said no immortal stuff :/
- I prefer romance in my rps as long as theres build up same goes for adult scenes there needs to be build up
- ASK/PLAN before doing anything that is heavy
- If I end a RP I have no ill feelings for you. If you want to try again / start over we can!

Favorite Tropes/Genres:

Medieval times / Royalty
Slice of life

If you have an idea for a plot don’t be afraid go share it with me! I’m chill with mostly anything!

  1. (SCIFI) A boy named Charlie who just wants to dance is forced to inherit his mother’s tech empire. In highschool he navigates through his codependent relationship with his childhood best friend (your oc) who has a crush on him. He ends up getting separated from this friend by college. A few years after college they reunite and his childhood best friend still hasn’t got rid of their feelings and they have to get used to a changed Charlie.
  2. (FANTASY) A girl (or your oc) who is a hopeless romantic dreams about an ethereal prince in a dream kingdom. She (or your oc) falls in love with this prince and breaks the dream barrier to be with him.
  3. (MURDER MYSTERY) A detective (or your oc) figures out that the person you’re interested in has been the one committing all the murders. Now they have to throw off the trail of the investigation to avoid getting their love interest arrested.
hi! i love these ideas as well as your intro, if you’re still up to it i’d love to hand over my discord and possibly we could chat there?

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