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Looking for RP Partner (M Needed)


New Member
Let's break it down....and not waste anyone's time introducing myself.

First, the ground rules...

  • Please be Literate. I understand no one is perfect but at least get the basics down.
  • Have the guts to throw in your own ideas, I love a good twist.
  • I am female. My main characters are females. Pairings will be FxM. Don't ask me for anything else.
  • I am available to post most nights. I do work 40 hours a week and I live in the Eastern time zone (USA). So either expect a post daily or within a few days. I will communicate if it will be longer then it should. I hope you will do the same.
  • Probably forgetting a few things, just ask me.

I do have a lot of interests, however I am looking for a futuristic or post apoc roleplay at the moment.

Here are others that I enjoy...

Life Pairings

  • Archaeologist / Guide
  • Solider / Civilian
  • Princess / Prince
  • Princess / Commoner
  • Prince / Commoner
  • Writer / Any occupation (think Castle on this one)
  • Online Relationship (I have a plot behind this, though it is not my own idea. I did see it and wanted to roleplay it out but the other person, with said idea, bailed.)

(I am willing to do others not listed here, please let me know if something is not here that you wish to do. )


  • Harry Potter
  • Marvel
  • Walking Dead
  • Star Wars
  • Star Trek
  • Jurassic Park
  • LOTR & Hobbit (not sure on how I would play this, but it would be fun.)

(on these, I play original characters only, canon characters can be played as extras not main)

Fantasy Idea

It was dark, middle of the night as the solider ran up the stone steps. The armor clanked as the sound echoed down the empty hallways of the castle. The solider was running faster up the spiral staircase to the tallest tower. War cries could be heard from beyond their walls and the solider knew the war would soon begin. As the solider made it to the landing, he opened the wooden door and found a woman kneeling in the center. She was beautiful, fair skin, red hair. She was chanting and her eyes glowed icy blue. The solider had seen this once before, the sorceress was trying to protect them like she was meant to do her whole life. The solider knelt in front of her, staring into her glowing eyes. The woman didn’t flinch and kept chanting, the solider took one of her hands. Her eyes stopped glowing as she looked back at the solider.

“What have I done?” She asked him before her world turned black.

If you are still reading this and still interested. Well hit me up in a PM and lets talk something out. :)

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