Looking for roleplayers

Tri Engine

New Member
Hello! This is my first post on this site!

I am super excited.

So, I'm looking for long term, possibly multiple rp roleplayers. (Which I mean, when we finish one, or get bored we can start another.)

I am super loyal to my Rpers, and I don't drop them for no reason. I will talk to you about anything that concerns me, i.e. We're not getting anywhere, or things about our rping styles we don't seem to agree on.

I am very open, and if you don't like how I do something, I'd gladly work to make it better, and I would hope you would too.

I hope that with Rpers comes friends too!


(I'm not picky... Just a few things that make sense.)

1: Please try not to do one liners, I understand sometimes it happens, and I won't be upset if it happens sometimes, just, try to add content.

2: I am perfectly comfortable with mature content, violence, and psychological stuff.

3: I do swear. But, if you don't. I will not. I respect people and adapt to any situation I am given.

4: If you don't like something, tell me. I don't want you to do something just because you want me to be happy, or you don't think it's worth it. RPing is a team effort. I'll do the same to you.

5: Sadly, I cannot play any canon characters. I'm sorry. I just don't feel I could do them justice.

I think that's it for rules.


On to some interests!

I'm a huge Doctor Who fan, just... Wow. So, if you think you could play the Doctor, I've got a great character I've played before, and I've been told she's a great addition as a companion.


For fandoms:


Hunger games.

Harry Potter

(If this is a short list, it's because it is hard to think of books right now.)


Doctor Who

Xiaolin Showdown

Jackie Chan Adventures.


I am happy to do Vampirexhuman, immortals.

If you have an idea, and you want to talk about it. PLEASE don't be shy. I'd love to hear your ideas!

Another thing.

I am not afraid for my character to get hurt. In fact, I can be quite evil.

So if you RP don't be surprised if I do nearly kill her xD

Thank you.

Ps. If you have an email we can use, I prefer it, over doing it from PM, but if you are uncomfortable, I understand.

Welcome to Rpnation!

Don't be afraid to drop by my profile and the shoutbox.

Email me as soon as you can, you won't be deceived.
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What gender do you play/do you double? That's really what I'm getting at. xD
Now YOU sound like the kind of roleplayer I can work with! If you ever start one or want to join one, count me in! Just pm me if you'd like any details on my rp info. ;3

you can find me on skype: storm3510@yahoo.com My name will end up being storm (japanese character for storm, arashi.)

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