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Looking for Partners!


Magic Eight Ball
Hi there, everyone! You can call me Soul. Not new to the site and definitely not new to RP (10 or so years), but back from a crazy life hiatus and ready to play!

I don't have a lot of rules, but you MUST be literate and able to match my post length (2-4 paragraphs sometimes more). I don't expect novels, just something to respond to. I don't expect you to be around all the time and please don't expect me to either. Typically, I can respond at least once a day, usually more, but sometimes I'm not around at all. Please be flexible. If you haven't heard from me in a few days, feel free to poke me.

I can play either gender, but would love a few lines where I can play the female. I don't mind doubling up on characters in lines either. Romance isn't a must have, but greatly enjoyed.

I think that's it for ruleish things...on to the fandom things!

This is a list of random things, but I love them all!

Harry Potter

Huger Games

Pirates of the Caribbean

My Little Pony (I've had an interesting line or two here before)

Attack on Titan

Sword Art Online



Soul Eater

Wakfu (If anyone knows this one I'll be surprised and love you haha its on Netflix)

Heaven's Lost Property

If you have ideas with any of these, feel free to throw them my way! I look forward to playing with you!
By the looks of things your what i'm looking for , I have a plot for the Hunger Games RP and here it is

The Mockingjay Rebellion is over and the Capitol and the Career Districts of 1,2 and 4 have triumphant after 25 years it is time for the 100th games but the catch is that all Career Tributes are allowed to be one big team as a reward for their loyalty to the Capitol

I would be playing all the males and you would be playing all the females excluding 1

What do you think ?

( :) )
I should have mentioned that I have only read/seen as far as Catching Fire, but this still sounds like something I could work with!
Yes, please! I'll probably need until tomorrow to put mine together.

Did you have any ideas? There's sort of a lot of potential here, haha.


Telios said:
We can do MLP if you wanted. :3
Yay! Did you have ideas here? There's a lot we could do.
Name: Jay Ashley

Age: 18

District :1

Birthday : September 24

Weapon of Choice : Dagger, Throwing Knives, Spear , Axe

Dominant Hand : Right

Favorite Color: Red

Appearance : Jay is a boney figure without much muscle standing around 5 ft 9 he has pale skin and is handsome like most district 1 people are his most notable feature are his sharp brown eyes that light up the rest of his body he has dirty blonde hair

Normal Atrie : Jay wears a dark blue sweater and dress pants to the reaping when in the penthouse he wears jeans and a golfing shirt

Personality :Jay is confident and smug because of his career upbring although he is smug he is very polite like he’s the type of guy who will ask if you would like a spot of tea before running you though , although being a ruthless foe Jay is quiet and reserved around his friends

Advantages : Jay’s training as a career has made him exceptional in many different kinds of combat however his biggest assect is his quite revered nature to just sit back and take it all in he is very patient and could wait weeks just sitting in a tree just to jump and stab you in the back

Disadvantages: Jay is very squeamish for a Career a pretty boy if you will he doesn't hunt or fish or know anything about wilderness survival also he’s not very strong and has a tough time handling heavier weapons like a sword or club

Other : He plans on using his Victor Status to kick start his career in modeling

Name: Brutus Mosby Patton

Age : 18

District : 2

Birthday : November 10

Weapon : Gladius , Spear Brass knukles , Dagger

Dominant Hand : Right

Favorite Color : White

Apperance : Brutas is a monster of a boy standing at six ft 3 and 180 pounds of pure cruel muscle he has short brown hair and hazel eyes like most Careers his dental health is good and his overall physical health is astounding

Normal Attire : Brutas wears a button down shirt and cakkies at the reaping and shorts and a peacekeeper recruit take top when at the penthouse

Personality : Being Head Peacekeeper of District 2’s Son Brutas was raised with ideals of bravery and honor Brutas is the type of guy who would help an old man get to his car or get a cat out of the tree basically he’s a nice guy and is just nice however that doesn't mean he hates the games quite the opposite Brutas trained religiously for the games since he could walk he is determined to bring honor to his district and will do it with a smile on his face

Advantages : Like most Careers Brutus is well trained , he was the top in his class when it came to weapons training favoring the sword and spear most also his peacekeeper family also gives him a boost because his father taught him the same techniques used by Peacekeepers to subdude rioters also his pure size and strength alone makes him a tough opponent. Also he has a likeable and sociable personality. Also he hunts which makes food in the arena a non isuse

Disadvantages: Brutus with all his training and even his hunting skill leaves him at some disadvantages he may be strong but on the other hand he isn't the brightest crayon in the box and all that peacekeeper training doesn't mean he’s a good leader he’s a good soldier but without a commander he’s clueless

Other: After the games he plans on being a peacekeeper

Name: David Malpass

Age: 12

District :4

Birthday: October 4

Weapon of Choice: Gladius, Trident , Crossbow,Knives, sling

Dominant hand: Left

Favorite Color: A three way Tie between Navy Blue ,Teal and Pink

Appearance : David is about Average height for his age but is a great deal more muscular than people twice it he has short brown hair cut like a Roman a ruddy complexion and blueish gray eyes that look like the sea most women think he is handsome and has sort of a wiser than his years look to him many people mistake him to be 17 or 18 when they first meet him David takes pride in his smile his teeth and brain being his "Pride and joy" he has a strong beautiful smile

Normal Attire: David wears a suite and tie when he is reaped and a Teal shirt and cargo shorts when in the penthouse

Family: David Father Rhett is the owner of a boat dealer and discourages David's participation, David's s Mother Marian who is a doctor and Rhett's older brother Harold who is a actor and singer all his family is strong capitalist

Personality: David summed up in a few words would be thoughtful , competitive and intelligent, unlike most careers David is not blood thirsty only liking weapons for sport David is very well read reading old world literature and can write and lie very well David loves Women especially older women and will flirt when ever he gets a chance

Advantages: As mentioned before David is very intelligent and can usually outwit the normal clog his study in litterateur and previous Hunger Games allows him to recognize old pitfalls so he can try to avoid them he is strong and able to use a variety of weapons his favorite being the Gladius he is also very witty and has a lot of charm which counts for a lot in the games he can also fish for his food and can make slings to fight with if need be

Weakness : David is 12 and despite his vast knowledge he will still sometimes fall into the usual teenage pitfalls but on the other hand David is self aware David has a short fuse and is quick to anger and his chivalry leads him to have a hard time hurting girls David is also a District 4 boy meaning its a little difficult to adapt to in his words "not being able to smell the salt air" he also has asthma and is a bad runner

Others: When bored or in the shower David sings Broadway tunes in the shower because he was practically raised on them because of his brother's profession his favorite story is Peter Pan and he was organically a district 12 citizen his father was rich enough to move to district 4 his family moved their was because David was a sickly child and they thought that District 4 would be good for his health

Your profile doesn't have to be this detailed just weapons , personalty , appearances, name, age, the basics

What do you think

( :) )
Hey, I'd like to do either Sao or sekirei. Send me a pm or I'll send you one.

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