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Looking for partners.

Looking for 1x1 partners for some existing characters of mine.

before I get to the good stuff here are some rules and what I am looking for.


1. no godmodding/ mary sues or stus

2. no one liners! my responses are usually at least 5 sentences long.

3. I like romance (I do not make it a point though unless the rp is romance style) so when clothes come off it fades to black (in accordance with RPN rules.)

4. Do not go overboard with the number NPC's or playable characters.

5. In real life I am a college student, member of the fencing club, and a student ambassador. I get that life can get out of hand. I am very good about keeping my schedule up to date with times I will be unable to post. If you have any reason you cannot post for a while tell me! I understand and will not get angry.

okay now a little about what I look for when it comes to RP's

I write all of my responses in 3rd person so I expect the same. I was once new to rping as well (what?! no way) so if you are new and looking for someone to show you the ropes choose me! I am very good at explaining things. As for grammar, as a college student I expect decant grammar skills. I understand typos happen and sometimes I get lazy (especially if I just wrote a 10 page English essay.). Also please contribute to the plot as well. I hate it when a partner does not contribute to the plot, after a while I will run out of ideas. Also I would prefer to do a thread RP.

okay now to the good stuff.

I have various charecters including:

Vampires (both male and female)

Humans(m/f and range from ancient times to futuristic.)



fallen angels(female only)


I may be convinced to do a fandom but, it has to be something I know also I would like to refrain from post apocalyptic rp's I have done my fair share of those. So just post a message if you are interested!

oh and pairings I have had floating around

knight x princess (would be set in medieval times) would prefer to be princess(I have a character I have dying to rp)

vampire x human

student x student

servant x master/mistress

I will get into detail if you ask!

feel free to throw in some ideas as well!
Hi! :D I see you are looking for a role play partner. I have an idea floating around in my head that I've been looking for a partner for. The idea is apocalyptic, so if you aren't interested since the idea was the one you said you weren't interested in. If you would like, I could Pm you the setting and you could decide from there.
sorry I didn't respond sooner I forgot I had some things.... So anyways I am up for apocalyptic I always seem to go back on things I said because, eh I can never make up my mind. The one I was in died so now I am up for one!
Hello! A vampire x human story might be fun. But I'm still new, you'll have to PM me if you're interested.
I'm not sure if this thread is still active, but if you have any Kitsune, Fallen Angel, or Demon characters left, I have a few ideas. I'm willing to discuss them of course, and I look forward to hearing back from you!

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