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Looking For Partners! (Pairings and Ideas Inside)


New Member
Hello, the name's DarkSong. I am currently looking for fun and active roleplay partners! I don't really have preferences about length, it's quality over quantity. Also, I am able to play both genders!


Thief x Victim

Assassin x Target

Arranged Marriage

Witch x Hunter

Princess x Prince

Fantasy being x Human

Demon x Human

Tutor x Student

Pirate x Captive

Best friend x Best friend

Sworn enemies

Gang member x Gang leader

Test Subject x Test Subject

Prince(ss) x Spy of other country

Prince(ss) x Prisoner

Boss x Employee

Royalty x Servant

Bully x Victim

Shifter x Shifter

Here are some ideas I've had in mind:

Hunter x Hunted- This is an idea where Character A is a mutant, with DNA of an animal inside them. Anyway, Character A has been stuck in a lab for a long time. One day, Character A's life drastically changes. The people that the scientists have been working on have been deemed failures. They turn on them and kill them, in order to wipe them out. However, some mutants escape. Character A escapes as well, with the help of a scientist friend, Character B. Character B has been by Character A's side for a long time, though refuses to escape with Character A even though Character B doesn't like what the others are doing.

In a twist of events, Character B becomes a hunter. So what happens when they meet again...?

Werewolf x Human(or Werewolf x Werewolf)- A specific type of werewolf, based on a book series. They become real wolves, no different from any other except for higher than average intelligence, and lose their human memories and personalities when they do so. The change is triggered by the temperature and seasons; they’re human in summer, and wolves in winter. Every year, they are wolves for longer and longer until they simply don’t transform back at all. (The series is called Shiver. I love this series a whole lot! I am on book 3, however, so no spoiling.)

Kidnapper x Victim- With a twist. What if your kidnapper was your friend? Your BEST friend?

Character A is getting married today. However, Character B seems to have a huge problem with that. And so he kidnaps her, taking her to a secluded place that, being rich, he owns. Just what are his intentions? Turns out, Character B is madly in love with Character A and thinks that, deep inside, she holds the same feelings for him. Could he be right? (I'm fine with either role.)
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Ah, how about we do the Vampire x Angel plot? Or even the Kidnapped x Victim?
@Kinxus Koi Sounds intriguing! We could just do one RP in PM and the other on thread. Or are we doing them both at the same places?
Alright, well I think we can do two different PM's for this! :) Unless you'd like to do it both on the same PM, whatever you'd prefer.
True, true. Like I said, it doesn't matter to me. Ready to get started.
@Kinxus Koi How about you start one off and I start the other? :) I could start off the Angel x Vampire, since it'd be easier for you to start off the other. You're playing female for both, I assume? Let's start our PM's now, chatting here is going to clog up the thread.
Oh right. Forgot about that! Hm... Let's do character sheets. Though it doesn't have to be too detailed, surprises are awesome! You can go as simple as just a name, age, and appearance. Real life is fine, as is anime.
I am interested in the Vampire one c: though I have some ideas for the plot in mind as well. Can you send me over a pm and we can begin brainstorming? :D

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